Chapter Twenty-Four
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Four. Picture of Belle ^^^^^
----- Hannah's P.O.V -----
Let me say one thing. Coachella is amazing. There are so many different people here and yet despite being from different places and all having different backgrounds they all talk to each other. There isn't one person here not talking to someone else which I think is great because people that want a break and get to know other people don't have a reason to be worried about being around people they don't know. Plus there is always a chance that someone could bump into someone from their past possibly someone that they lost touch with which I think would be great because for me there is so many people that I used to be close with but lost contact with after my mother passed away.
There's another reason I like Coachella already. That reason is that I get to spend time with my cousin, two of my amazing friends and my boyfriend. With Oli and I living so far away from Beth, Joe and Caspar it becomes pretty hard to see them because even if we try to see them once a week either Oli and I or Joe and Beth have to drive 6 hours up and down the country or the other way around. I think that we're going to attempt to see each other at least once a month because we are so close with each other and I don't want to lose that. Spending time like this on vacation with them just helps us make even more memories.
At the moment all of us are still sat in the same spot as before, there are more people around us now but I wouldn't say that it is too crowded and I don't think that it will get crowded. Oli pulls me around to sit in-between his legs so my back is against his chest "I can't believe it's only our first day" Beth says leaning against Joe's stomach as he's lying on his side facing all of us "I love it here so much" Caspar says stretching out but his attention turns to someone else "What Casp?" Joe asks slipping his arm around Beth's waist "That girl" he says pointing to a girl, around my age with long blonde hair "Is breath taking" he says and she turns around.
I gasp and bring my hand to my mouth in shock "Gorgeous? What's wrong?" Oli asks and I smile "I know her" I say and Caspar looks to me "You what?" he asks. Instead of answering him I get up and run over to the girl. She sees me and pulls me into a hug "Oh my god. Hannah Campbell" she says and I nod "Belle Dawson. Who I haven't seen since I was 14" I say and she giggles. Belle used to be part of our group back in school but her parents split up just before the start of Year 10; her mum stayed in Reay but her dad got transferred to a job in London and Belle decided to go with her dad so none of us have seen her since then.
I grab her hand and drag her over to where everyone is sitting. Beth finally recognises Belle and gets up to hug her "Lads this is Belle. She was friends with me, Kayne, Gareth, Amelia and Flynn back in school" I say and Joe and Oli get up to hug her whilst Caspar just sits there dazed. We all sit down in our previous positions and Belle sits next to Caspar "Are you okay to join us Belle?" Beth asks and Belle nods "Yes, I'm here with my brother and his girlfriend so they won't miss me for a few hours" she says and I gasp again "Brett's here" I say and she nods "Excuse me for a moment" I say shooting up and running over to Belle's brother Brett.
Brett is 2 years older than Belle. Out of our group I was the one that was closest to Brett, I don't remember exactly why but we always got along incredibly well. Brett was the guy that took care of any guy that hurt any of the girls in the group along with Flynn, Gareth and Kayne. I remember once a couple of months before I started dating Kayne I was out shopping with Brett and a guy who was around the same age as Brett started hitting on me, Brett was clearly stronger than this guy so Brett put his arm around me and pretended to be my boyfriend to get this guy to back off. Luckily it worked but it was hilarious because this guy looked so scared when Brett appeared at my side.
Brett is sat on a rug with his arm around a girl with red hair in a braid. I go over and tap his shoulder; he turns around and smiles at me. His girlfriend looks at me with daggers when he gets up and hugs me "You've grown up" he says and I giggle "So have you" I say and he chuckles "Man, you are even more beautiful than I remember" he says and I blush a little "Piece of advice Hun" Brett's girlfriend says standing up "Hands off my guy" she says pulling Brett over to him "Woah, Jessa lighten up" Brett says pulling out of her grasp "Well excuse me for getting protective when a random girl comes over and you start calling her beautiful" she says and Brett rolls his eyes "Y'know that picture I have as my computer screensaver" he says and she nods "That's me and her" he says pointing to me.
I smile knowing the picture he's talking about. It was after my mum died, Kayne was away on holiday and I couldn't contact any of the other guys so Brett decided to take me to the carnival that was in town for the summer as he was visiting his mum too and wanted someone to hang out with. We ended up bumping into some of Brett's mates; one of them took a picture of Brett and I. I'm on Brett's shoulders and we're both smiling, I was surprisingly light according to Brett.
I feel two arms wrap around my waist "Hey Gorgeous" Oli whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek "Hi. I'm Oli, Hannah's boyfriend" Oli says holding his hand out to Brett "Hey, I'm Brett. I'm assuming Belle is over there with you as she has disappeared" he says and I nod "Yeah. She's with Beth, Beth's boyfriend and our mate Caspar" I say and Brett smiles "I remember Beth. How is she?" he asks and I smile "Why don't you come and find out for yourself" I suggests and he looks to Oli "That cool with you man?" he asks and Oli nods "You seem pretty cool to me. If your girl wants to come along too that's alright" Oli says and we both smile at Brett before walking back over to everyone.
I can't believe I have just seen two of my childhood best friends. Man, so crazy.
That was Chapter Twenty-Four, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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