Chapter Thirteen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Thirteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-
So, because Gareth and Kayne randomly showed up and told me that I need to go with them to the Campbell Publishings building here in Los Angeles I need to get changed. I am kind of unsure about going with them because the last time I went to the building out here I was with both of my parents; I have never gone on my own. I guess this doesn't really count as going on my own though because Gareth and Kayne are coming with me well more like I am going with them. I just wanted to chill out today, that's not happening now.
I leave everyone downstairs and walk up to one of the bathrooms. I have a shower and dry my hair before curling it. I then get changed into a black skater dress, a mint blazer, mint coloured pumps and a silver heart outline necklace. I grab my phone and put it into my pocket. I walk back downstairs and both Gareth and Kayne stand up along with Oli who hugs me "You look very professional Gorgeous" he says and I smile "That's my job" I say kissing him sweetly before walking over to Gareth and Kayne "I will see you guys later" I say and everyone nods "The driver outside?" I ask and Kayne nods "Yes. We need to go" he says and we all walk down to where the black limo is. This is one of the things that I don't miss about being a Campbell, I always hated driving around in limos because it basically tells everyone who I am and I never liked that.
Whilst we're in the limo I pull out my phone and text Oli 'I'm sorry for leaving like that. Apparently I don't have a choice. I love you ~ Hanni xxx' I press send and look out of the window. The windows are blacked out so that no one can see in from the outside, it is kind of annoying but at the same time it is for protection. My phone suddenly buzzes causing me to jump and Gareth and Kayne chuckle "Leave me alone" I say and they both continue to chuckle. I check my phone to see that Oli has replied 'It's fine Gorgeous. Besides you look incredibly sexy in that outfit. I will see you when you get back. We can film a video or something. I love you and be safe ~ Oli xxxx'.
Around 5 minutes later we pull up at the building and the guys get out before helping me out of the car. We walk into the reception and the receptionist tries to look sexy when she sees Kayne and Gareth making me giggle "How may I help you?" she asks as we all stand in front of her "Hi. We're here to see Mr Andrews" Gareth says and the girl types something into her computer "Mr King and Mr Lewis" she says and they both nod "So who are you then?" she asks rather rudely and I look to Kayne who is smirking "This is Miss Campbell" Kayne says and the girl's mouth drops "I am so sorry" she says and I shake my head "It's fine. Don't worry about it" I say and she relaxes "Mr Andrews' office is on the 30th floor. Just head on up" she says and we all smile at her before making out way to the elevator.
We're now sitting in the office of Jason Andrews who is the head of the Los Angeles C.P building, he is probably around 25 so older than all of us and yet we all have higher ranks than him. I'm sat in between Kayne and Gareth whilst Jason is sitting at his desk "Why did you want to see my C.E.Os Mr Andrews?" I ask leaning back into my seat and crossing my legs "Because Miss Campbell every time Campbell Publishings gains a new C.E.O and Assistant C.E.O they must meet with each building throughout the country" he says. That isn't true, I would know, throughout my childhood whenever there was a new Assistant C.E.O we didn't go around the world to all the different buildings. There was no reason for it; all we ever did was announce it in a press conference.
I exchange a glance with both Gareth and Kayne who have poker faces on "I regret to inform you of this Mr Andrews but that is not true" I say and Jason folds his hands under his chin and leans on them "Would you care to elaborate Miss Campbell?" he asks and I nod "Of course. Throughout my experience of Campbell Publishings whenever there was a new Assistant C.E.O it was announced in a press conferences. There was no business of travelling whatsoever" I say and Jason crosses his arms "May I ask how you know that? You were absent from your family for 2 years" he says and I look to the guys who are tense "If I may interject" Gareth says and Jason looks to him "Miss Campbell was always present throughout the changing of ranks. During the time that she was absent from her family there was no change in rank" Gareth says and we all stand up "If that is all Mr Andrews then myself, Mr King and Mr Lewis shall be leaving" I say and we all walk out.
By the time we get to the limo we're all cracking up with laughter. We climb into the limo and all burst out laughing "How did we keep straight faces?" Kayne asks and I shrug "I have no idea. He was talking a load of bull" I say and Gareth tells the driver to go back to the house "Seriously though. Since when do the C.E.Os need to go to every single C.P building in the world" Gareth says and Kayne starts laughing again "You were so professional Hanni. I applaud you" Gareth says and I mock bow "That receptionist was ready to have sex with both of you" I say and they both make faces of disgust "Oh please. She would not compare to Millie" Gareth says smirking "Dude, I don't want to know what you and my best friend do in the bedroom" I say and Kayne pouts "I thought I was your best friend" he says and I nod "You, Gaz, Flynn and Millie are my best mates. Along with Joe and Caspar" I say.
——- Oli's P.O.V ——-
Hannah is well and truly passed out in our room. She got back to the house with Gareth and Kayne; she said hello to everyone and to me, she walked straight up to our room and fell asleep. She did change though so I just pulled the covers over her. I walk downstairs and sit next to everyone else "I wonder why Hannah is so tired" Beth says and all the guys start laughing "What? I was just wondering" she says and Joe continues to laugh "Love, that was an innuendo" he says and Beth pouts crossing her arms.
After around half an hour I decide to go to bed, it's like 10pm and I can't be bothered to stay up any longer. I stand up "Night guys. We doing anything tomorrow?" I ask and Joe W nods "Yeah. We're going to Disneyland" he says and I nod "Sounds cool. Night man" I say bro-hugging him before walking up to my bedroom. I brush my teeth and strip down to my boxers before getting into bed next to Hannah. As soon as I get in and wrap my arms around her waist she turns around and cuddles into my chest.
I smile and kiss her forehead lightly "Goodnight Gorgeous. I love you" I say closing my eyes and falling asleep.
That was Chapter Thirteen, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter.......
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