Chapter Seventeen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Seventeen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-
It's been about a month since we got Lockie and in that month he has shot up. Literally, he is no longer a small littl'n. He is very hyperactive but thankfully he's no trained thanks to Anthony; I never knew this but Anthony can train dogs very quickly. I thought we were going to have to take him to a proper obedience class and everything but Anthony just took care of practically everything whilst Oli and I were out during the day. Lockie is literally the most adorable little guy ever; the other day Oli was filming a video and Lockie has managed to figure out how to climb the stairs so Lockie ran into the filming room and jumped up on Oli's lap it was so cute.
Today is James' birthday, he doesn't know that Oli and I are coming to see him but we are. We drove down last night and stayed in a hotel because if we didn't then we would've needed to leave home around 6 in the morning and Oli and I would be shattered throughout the day. We still need to get James' present, we have bought him a card and an iTunes gift card of £25 for his iPad but I think Oli wants to get him a new phone; I don't object to the fact because James has helped Oli so much throughout the years of being on YouTube and honestly James deserves it.
I'm woken up by Oli on the phone. I open my eyes and see Oli talking on the hotel phone "Yeah. That's great. Thanks" Oli says before hanging the phone up. He puts the phone down and turns to me "Sorry Gorgeous. Did I wake you up?" he asks lying down next to me and I nod "Yeah but I'm not bothered. What were you doing?" I ask cuddling into his chest when he puts his arm under my head and the other over my stomach "I was ordering room service for both of us. We need to eat breakfast. We're having lunch at James' party" he says and I smile "What did you order me?" I ask and he chuckles "I ordered you pancakes and coffee. That okay?" he asks and I nod "That's great" I say and he kisses my nose.
A few minutes later there's a knock at the door and I open it. There's a server there and he smiles at me "If you could just sign here" he says handing me the cheque. I sign and hand the cheque back to him "Here you go" I say and he smiles again "Thanks. Enjoy your meal" he says wheeling the cart into the room and then leaving. Oli gets out of bed and grabs his food before sitting down on the couch; I do the same and sit down next to him. Oli flips the TV on as we eat "Y'know that server guy was checking you out" Oli says and I shake my head "No he wasn't" I say and he nods "Yes he was. You're only wearing my shirt and as sexy as you look my dear that's something only I can see" he says kissing my cheek before resuming his breakfast which happens to be a full English.
I finish my breakfast first and decide to go for a shower. I have a shower and then change into a cream tunic shift dress with black Aztec print, black suede wedge booties, a black kimono and multiple black braces with gold pendants. I also French braid my hair at the side of my head before turning it into a fishtail braid at the main part of the hair. Oli walks out of the bathroom after styling his hair and smiles at me "I can see why your pet name is Gorgeous" he says and I giggle "Thanks Oli. Now we need to get your brother a present" I say and he nods "Yes, yes we do. We're staying here again tonight right?" he asks and I nod this time "Yeah. We are. Unless you want to drive for 6 hours tonight" I say and he shakes his head.
Oli and I have just gotten to Westfield Shopping Centre and we're heading for the Apple Store. Oli wraps an arm around my shoulder as we walk and he pulls out his vlogging camera; he vlogged a little this morning in the hotel and I vlogged for him in the car so now it's an update for the vlog "So now we're going to the Apple Store to get a little something for my dearest brother" Oli says to the camera before turning it to film where we're going and what we're doing.
Oli ends up buying James the newest iPhone and another iTunes gift card. Needless to say James will be able to get a load of music or some movies on his phone and/or iPad depending on what he wants to do with the gift cards. We're now on our way to Laura and Pete's house and I can't wait to see them again, I haven't seen them since the housewarming party and talking to them on the phone isn't the same. They are like my second parents; I have Laura in my phone as 'Momma' I showed her that and she showed me her phone which she has 'Daughter' as her contact name for me.
We pull up at the house and Oli gets out of the car to open my side for me. I grab James' presents which I managed to wrap in the car because I have such skills. Oli slips his arm around my waist as we walk up to the door, I ring the doorbell and Alice opens the door "Hey Hannah" she says pulling me into a hug "What's up Ally?" I ask and she smiles "Everyone is outside. James wanted to have a BBQ for his birthday. Some of his mates are out there too" she says and I nod.
Oli and I walk through to the back garden and James jumps up when he sees us. He hugs Oli and then he hugs me "Happy birthday little man" Oli says as I hand him his gifts "Thanks Ol" he says hugging Oli again "Thanks Hanni" he says hugging me "No problem J" I say and he smiles. As James opens his presents a guy I don't know walks over to myself and Oli; he looks me up and down before smirking, Oli notices this and rubs my waist as a sign of reassurance "Hey Dean. How are you?" Oli asks the guy who seems to be Dean.
This Dean shakes Oli's hand and Kieran, Jack and Dylan walk over. They all hug me and bro-hug Oli before standing next to us "So who's this beauty?" Dean asks smirking again causing me to shiver in disgust "What's it to you?" I ask crossing my arms "I'd like to know who my cousin is associated with" Dean says and I look to Oli "So this is the cousin people don't talk about. I can see why" I say and all the boys chuckle - apart from Dean of course - "What's your name sexy?" Dean asks attempting to look sexy himself but I just scoff at his face "I'm Hannah. Oli's girlfriend of around a year and a half now I think" I say and Oli nods in agreement "Man time flies fast" he says. I do agree because with the building of the house which took almost a year and we were dating around 5 months prior to that.
Dean sighs "How did you get this girl to date you for more than a year?" Dean asks and Oli shrugs "If I knew then I would tell you" Oli says and I smile at him "I have only just met you Dean but I don't like you so I would advise you leave me alone" I say and Dean chuckles "Got yourself a feisty girl Oli" he says and Oli nods "Thanks for that Dean. You can go now" he says and Dean finally walks off "Who even was he?" I ask and Oli sighs "My dad's foster brother's son" he says and I nod "Right. He creeped me out" I say and all the boys chuckle again.
I'm thankful that I am with Oli. He has done so much for me including protecting me from creeps like Dean. I know Dean is Oli's cousin but he should know his boundaries especially when it's your cousin's girlfriend you're hitting on.
That was Chapter Seventeen, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter......
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