Chapter Four
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Four. Picture of Oli ^^^^^ Video of one of Oli and James' Q&As ^^^^^ In this one James gets asked if he has a girlfriend.
——- Oli's P.O.V ——-
Hannah and I have been together for about 4 months now and it has been really good. We haven't said 'I Love You' yet but I am 100% sure that I love her; it's hard for me to explain how I feel any other way. Honestly, I have known my feelings for the past 2 years. She is so sweet, kind, beautiful and I don't think that she has a bad bone in her body. I know that she has gone through some bad times, she hasn't told me about it just yet and I respect that, sure it hurts that she hasn't told me but I know that she will soon. She has trust issues - she has told me that - and I understand what that is like, I love her for a reason and I will never stop. I can wait for her to tell me things; I just want her to know that I will support her through anything.
I'm kind of worried about what my viewers will say when they find out. I want to tell them but I don't want Hannah getting hate, she is too precious to me for that to happen. I care about her so much and I have seen what hate has done to other YouTuber's relationships. I remember when Caspar was dating Gabby, she got so much hate that she broke up with him, they are still friends and she is such an amazing girl. I don't want the same thing to happen with my relationship.
I open my eyes and see that Hannah is still sleeping, she looks so peaceful. I kiss her gently and her eyes flutter open, she stretches slightly before smiling at me "Morning" she says rubbing my cheek with her thumb "Morning Beautiful" I say and she blushes, she always looks adorable when she blushes. I sit up leaning against the headboard and Hannah moves to sit in between my legs, she pulls the cover over her because she will get crazy cold as she is only wearing one of my t-shirts "Are you filming today?" she asks resting her head back on my chest "Yeah. I'm filming a Q&A with James" I say as I run a hand through her hair "I will just chill in your chair" she says and I nod.
Whenever I film a video Hannah just sits in my desk chair, because my camera is angled towards my bed you can't see my desk. She has to hold herself back from laughing loudly but if you listen really carefully to my videos for the past few months you can hear her giggling in the background. Plus her giggle is adorable, that makes me distracted whilst filming, I can't count the amount of times that I have edited out parts of me talking to Hannah.
After a few minutes of Hannah and I sitting in silence just cuddled up together, in the same position, James bursts into the room "Hey James" Hannah says and James hugs her "Morning Bro" I say and James smiles "When are we filming?" he asks sitting down on the bed. I pick my phone up and check the time, it's only 12 and I want to stay with Hannah in bed for a bit longer "In an hour bud. We can eat lunch and then film" I say rubbing up and down Hannah's arms because she just shivered "Okay" he says standing up and walking out of the room. I pull Hannah into me even more and she places her hands over mind on her stomach. I put my head on her shoulder "Gorgeous?" I ask whispering in her ear, she mumbles in response "I love you" I whisper waiting anxiously for her reply.
She turns around and smiles at me "I love you too" she says and I pull her into one of the most loving and passionate kisses I have ever given her "Can we go and get some lunch?" she asks pouting and I chuckle "Sure. You might want to put some shorts on though. I wouldn't advise you going downstairs in my shirt only" I say and she giggles "I agree. Although I think that your parents are used to it by now" she says as we both get out of bed.
Mum made sausage rolls for lunch and they were really nice. James and I are now sat on my bed in front of the camera and Hannah is sat in 'her' spot as she says, she is like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory with my chair. I don't mind though, it's really cute.
(Bold - Oli~Italics - James~Normal - Hannah)
"What is up guys" I say waving at the camera "We asked you on Twitter and Facebook to ask us some questions using #AskOliAndJames" I say and James nods.
"It was trending" he says waving his arms around and Hannah giggles slightly, I can see her out of the corner of my eye "I am asking the first question" he says looking at one on my laptop "What is the best thing about YouTube?" he asks looking at me.
I smile at James' face "I think it's you guys. You are awesome and I love making videos for you" I say and I find the next question "Do you have a girlfriend Oli?" the question asks and I look to Hannah who nods "I do and her name is Hannah" I say and James gasps jokingly. I pick up the camera and turn it to Hannah.
"Hello to the people that watch OliWhiteTv" she says waving and I chuckle "It's nice to meet you guys" she says smiling and I put the camera back down.
"Well that's out now. Hannah has been my girlfriend for the past few months. I hope you guys treat her with respect and no hate please" I say and James starts looking for the next question.
"What are your habits?" he asks and I wait for him to answer for me "Oli never gets up early. He sleeps for ages and it is so annoying" he says and I look to Hannah who is giggling away.
"Thanks Bro" I say pushing him lightly "James has this habit of running into my room really early in the morning and if I am not awake he will hit me with a pillow" I say.
"He isn't that bad Ol. Leave him alone" Hannah says and we both look to her "Your brother likes me so he only wakes you up. But then you wake me up" she says and I shrug winking at her before turning back to the camera.
We answer a few more questions before I turn the camera off and edit the video. The whole filming process took about 3 hours but I don't really mind. "What should I call the video?" I ask Hannah who is sitting next to me in bed - yes, we're back in bed, we are lazy moos and hate to get up unless we have something important to do. No one is that bothered about it - "Personal Question" she says and I nod. She leans over and puts her head on my shoulder "Use that thumbnail" she says pointing to a screenshot of me and James making surprised faces "Okay" I say kissing the top of her head.
It's now 10pm and the video has been uploaded for around 5 hours now as I took about 2 and a half hours to edit it all. The feedback for mine and Hannah's relationship has been pretty positive so far and I'm glad about that. So many viewers are saying how pretty she is and that she seems perfect for me which I couldn't agree with more.
It seems like I was worried about nothing.
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————That was Chapter Four, hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter..........
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