Chapter Fifteen
A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Fifteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^
——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-
We have just got back from shopping. We ended up getting James a leather jacket that looks like Oli's, some converse, 3 new Xbox games along with a case for his phone. Let's just say in the future James will be royally spoilt by myself and Oli. We got all the food and drink items we needed plus the stuff for Anthony. I remember when we told Zoe, Alfie, Joe and Caspar that we had a butler, obviously Beth knows him but she hasn't seen him in ages. Zoe and Alfie were surprised and Joe and Caspar thought that it was great.
Laura, Pete and James will be here in one hour so right now I am having a shower and then I will be getting changed. I am looking forward to seeing everyone; living in Scotland is pretty hard because all of the friends that I have made over the past 2 years are back in London and Brighton which is 6 hours away from me and my house meaning I can't see them as much as I used to. I know that there are Kayne, Anthony, Flynn, Gareth and Amelia and I couldn't be happier with the fact that Oli gets along with them so well. However I miss everyone back home so much, I guess London was and still is like my second home.
After my shower I change into a pastel coloured tie-dye skirt, a black sleeveless crop top, black flats and a silver batman necklace. I walk downstairs to the living room and Oli is sat on the couch with the different bags for James surrounding him. I sit down on the floor in between Oli's legs "Hello Gorgeous" he says and I tilt my head back to look at him "What's up?" I ask and he runs his hand through my hair "I like the necklace" he says and I smile "Thanks Anthony got it for me before I left" I say and Oli returns my smile "Anthony got what?" Anthony asks walking into the living room "You got me this necklace" I say turning to face him and showing him my necklace "That I did. I remember buying that for you" he says sitting down on the opposite couch.
We all talk for around 20 minutes and then the doorbell rings. Anthony gets up to answer the door and within minutes a young boy has jumped onto my lap as I'm still on the floor "Hey Dude" I say wrapping my arms around James to hug him "I've missed you Hanni" he says and I smile "What about your own flesh and blood?" Oli asks from behind me and I giggle "Hug your brother" I whisper in James' ear "Gorgeous I am behind you. I am not deaf" he says and I shrug standing up to greet Laura and Pete.
Pete envelops me in a hug "How are you Hannah?" he asks before I hug Laura "I am great thank you Pete. How are you?" I ask and he wraps an arm around Laura "We are good. I think Oli is squeezing his brother to death though" he says and I turn to look at my boyfriend who currently has his brother in a death grip of a hug "Oli let go of the poor child" I say and he pouts but does as I asked. James sits down on the floor, Laura and Pete sit on the third couch we have in hear and I sit down next to Oli. I grab the bags and put them on the floor "So little man. Because we love you and you have helped me loads. These are for you" Oli says gesturing to the bags and James' face lights up "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" James says jumping up and hugging both of us before digging into the bags.
Everyone is here now apart from Joe and Beth, they're running late and Caspar came up with Alfie and Zoe. The doorbell rings again and I decide to go and get it because Anthony has been doing it all night. I open the door and Beth practically rugby tackles me into a hug, once she releases me I hug Joe calmly. After exchanging greetings we all walk into the living room where Beth notices Anthony and starts jumping up and down "Ah, little Bethie" Anthony says standing up and Beth runs into his arms leaving Joe pouting "That's Anthony our butler" I say and Joe nods.
Beth eventually releases Anthony from her bear hug "So. I believe I need to say something to you" Anthony says crossing his arms and looking to Joe "You hurt her in any way, shape or form I will find you and hurt your manhood. Do you understand me?" Anthony sates and Joe nods looking nervous "Very well then" Anthon says before turning to me "I am going to sort the rest of the food out" he says kissing my cheek and walking out of the living room. I sit back down next to Oli "What do you all think of the house?" Oli asks putting his arm around my shoulder "It's massive" Caspar says and we both nod "It is. That was kind of the aim" I say.
James has now gone to bed, he looked so tired and I understand why. I don't even know what time Pete and Laura made James get up this morning so that he was ready and they all got here on time. I decide to start some friendly competition. I get up and put the new Just Dance into the Xbox Kinect. I look to Beth who smirks "Oh it's on" she says standing up and rolling up her sleeves, well she's wearing Joe's shirt so technically Joe's sleeves. I slip my shoes off because knowing me I will kick them off and hit the TV. I pick a song and turn to Beth "You ready?" I ask and she nods. I see Alfie filming us with his vlogging camera "I am so going to win" I say to the camera and Alfie chuckles "Let's see what this family can do" Laura says and I giggle "You don't want to know" Anthony says from the doorway.
I ended up winning that game. I have also won against Zoe, Caspar, Joe and Alfie. Oli has just decided to volunteer "Okay. This is lover against lover. Should be interesting" Joe says into his camera, he has decided to film this visit "Who d'ya think is going to win?" I ask, I think my accent is more prominent now, and Joe smirks "I am saying nothing until the match is over" he says and Oli hits play. We start to dance and at first Oli is ahead of me but I get past him because he messes up on a special move, Oli then gets level with me and just at the end I beat him.
Everyone claps and I mock bow "It seems that Miss Hannah Campbell is the Queen of Just Dance" Joe says and I giggle "Don't you know it Sugg" I say and he chuckles.
This is great; this is how it should be.
Memories are being made right now, some will be caught on camera but others will just stay in my head for times to come.
That was Chapter Fifteen, hope you liked it.
Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Till the next chapter........
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