They're Messy
" Can we make cupcakes?"
It's barely 10 am when Niah asks you the question, you still in your bed.
You yawn and look at her.
" You want to bake cupcakes?" You ask her, barely awake.
She hums, climbing up in your bed without question to lie beside you.
You shuffle back a bit, making room for her.
You've had Niah for almost two weeks now, and she was a bossy little girl. She more than often tried getting her way with things, and learned that she could basically get everything by crying to Joon, but didn't get her way with you.
She therefore more often than not uses the 'if mom won't say yes, dad will' technique.
" How come you want to suddenly bake cupcakes?" You ask her, eyes closed as you wrap your arms loosely around her.
She shuffles in your embrace for a few moments, before eventually laying relaxed in your hold, playing with a few loose threads of your oversized sleeping shirt.
" Idunno, just seemed fun." She tells you absentmindedly.
" Alright, I mean, I suppose we can. We're going to need to go to the grocery store first though." You tell her.
She shuffles excitedly, now bringing her head up to face you.
" Really?! Yay!- Ow!" She exclaims as she bumps heads with you.
Now being woken up in it's finest, you snort at her behavior.
" Ow, watch it. Are you hurt?" You ask her.
She blinks at you with her pretty doe eyes.
You kiss the spot where her head bumped into your chin.
" There, all better. Now let's go and get some breakfast okay? After that we can go to the grocery store and get cupcake stuffs." You tell him.
She smiles and jumps up, walking off to the other side of the room.
" Joonie! Joonie! We're going to make cupcakes! Wake up!" She says as she shakes Namjoon, who was already awake and grinning.
He snorts.
" Yeah, baby cakes, I know." He tells her as she mercilessly swings his blanket off him.
You grin at her behavior, getting up and stretching.
" C'mon!" She urgents Namjoon again, as she pulls his hand with all her might to get him up.
He laughs at her.
" Alright, I'm up. Can you please lay the table for all of us? Do you know how to do that?" He asks her.
She shakes her head, now calming down with her pulling, yet not losing her grip on his hand.
" Aight, I'll teach you. It's pretty easy." Joon tells her, now getting up as she leads him to the tiny kitchen area.
You get up a few moments later, doing your morning routine before joining them in laying the table.
" Please don't tell me you're making a five year old set cutlery and plates. I don't want her dropping it and hurt herself." You tell him as you give him a backhug in greeting.
The two of you have fallen into a comfortable routine with living together and dating, having more fun than expected.
He grins, setting down the cutlery in his hands.
" No, of course not. She does the hard work." He tells you, nodding to said child who's setting the chocolate sprinkles and Nutella onto the table.
You snort and nod.
" Look Y/Nie! I've set the table!" She tells you, pointing at whatever she laid onto the table.
" Well done baby cakes." You tell her, ruffling her hair as you set to make tea for everyone.
" Okay. Okay, we can do this." You say, mostly to yourself as you read the recipe online.
" You good?" He asks you, peeking over your shoulder at the recipe, Niah was standing on a chair, so she could reach the countertop.
" Yeah, aight, so um, first-" You started off explaining what Niah was supposed to do.
You took it pretty easy, you preheated the oven, Joon made sure Niah had the right amount of stuff, and Niah simply threw it in the bowl, mixing it with Joon.
After a while the cupcakes were ready to be put in their respective cups and put into the oven, and while you were busy reading the recipe, Joon and Niah were quietly giggling to themselves, messing with whatever they had.
Soon enough Niah got her hands on the leftover flour, and you can probably guess what happened next.
While you were reading the recipe, Niah and Joon made a real mess of each other,, and the kitchen.
And soon enough you were part of their mess too.
You blinked as flour hit you right in the hair, Niah's giggling soon after.
You could basically hear Joon sweat.
" You little-" You huffed before dropping your phone on the counter and grabbing a handful of flour, yeeting it right back at them.
You hit both of em, and now all of you were covered in flour, Joon and Niah being more of a mess than you though.
You all blinked for a moment before Niah yeeted another hand at you.
Joon didn't need any more encouragement, and threw another hand of flour at you too.
Barely a moment later, all three of you were in a full blown flour war.
It all flew left and right, covering both yourselves and the kitchen.
Until the flour was empty, and instead you yeeted the empty bag at Joon, and hit him in the forehead.
You all blinked at each other again.
" You clean the kitchen while I shower Niah?" You suggested causally.
[ A/N: I liked this suggestion 🥺.]
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