The Princess Returns
Niah looked around her, big doll eyes studying her newfound surroundings.
The stupid adults seemed to always think they're right, and Niah has had enough of it. Mom has said that she's a big girl after all, so surely she can handle this, right?
And so the little girl walks, alone, in the dark of the night, at two am.
It wasn't even difficult for her to get out. She knew where the keys where, as all children did in state of emergency, and she had one. She had a nightmare. A terrible one at that, and she wanted nothing more than to cuddle up between her mom and dad and fall asleep surrounded by their warmth. Besides, the caretaker was most probably still not aware that she's gone.
Did she know where she was? Certainly not.
Did she know where she was supposed to go? Not that either.
What she did have however, was a paper with a street name.
Nit that she was very aware it didn't have the house number, but whatever.
Has she ever been warned before to not go out alone at night? Nope.
Joon and Y/N decided the moment she arrived that she was to young to be going outside all alone in the dark anyway, and that went for them without saying. The caretaker however,, she might have forgotten to mention it.
" Aye, kid! Don't you think you're a little young to be walking around outside alone?!" Someone to her right suddenly yells.
She turns her head, only to spot a few middle aged men, seated by a building with colourful lights. She turns to look at the streets before crossing and making her way over to them.
Much to her disappointment, they didn't smell all too good, and looked rather weird. All wore bike jackets, and were dressed in all black, greenish bottles in their hand and the smell of smoke hanging around them.
" Hello! I'm five! I can walk around alone! My momma said I'm a big girl!" She tells the man with a pout, crossing her arms.
One of the men seated a little further away from her chuckles, before responding.
" Five? Where is your momma?" He asked gruffly before taking a sip of his bottle.
" They were taken from me." She tells them, messing with her fingers.
Now all four men turn to blink at her.
" Taken from you?" One of them asks.
" Yeah, but, uhm no. Not exactly." She says, still messing with her fingers.
" Huh, do you mean you ran away?" Another asks her.
" No. I would never run away from my mom and dad, that would make them worried. You see, I was brought to them because of their school or something, and now they have this,, holiday? I think it's called that. And so they were forced to send me back to the stupid orphanage, but I had a nightmare and I want to cuddle with them so I decided to go and find them." She tells them.
They once again all blinked at her.
" Oh, I get it. You are one of the Baby Project kids', right?" One says.
She shrugs.
" I don't know."
" What's the Baby Project?" Another asks.
" Long story, but basically, they get real kids instead of fake ones." The same blonde man explains.
She noticed how he sounded funny, maybe he was from elsewhere.
" Wow, they have those types of mentally unstable schools?" Another black haired man asks.
The blonde hums.
" Yup."
" What do we do now? We can't just let her be." Another black haired man says, looking at her worriedly.
" Oi, kid. Do you know where your parents live?" The fourth man with a funny beard asks her.
She shakes her head before nodding.
" I have this paper, I think our house is on here." She tells them, showcasing her paper.
The one with a beard takes it from her, and all males turned to look at it for a minute.
" Oh, I know where this is. I'll drop you off there. Any of you lads coming with?" The bearded man asks.
" No man, I drank already. So did Yongjoon." One man said, pointing towards another.
" I'll come with." The blonde says.
" Aight let's go, c'mon sweetie." THe blonde one says a moment later.
A few minutes later, she's seated on the loudest bike she's ever heard, with a helmet three times her size, speeding towards what she assumes, home.
You're awoken by the sound of the doorbell going off continuously.
For like five minutes straight.
For some reason, it doesn't piss you off as much as you expect it to, and instead you wake up Joon.
Because if you'll suffer from this, so will he.
Relationship goals.
" Huh, what?- Why is the buzzer going off?" He asks as he sits up groggily, obviously very sleepy.
" I don't know, I'm about to find out." You respond, going to answer.
Joon is surprisingly up too after that, silently standing beside you to listen to whatever conversation you'll have.
" Hello?..." You answer dumbly, voice laced with sleep.
" Um, hi. There's this kid here, what's you name again sweetie?-"
" Niah!"
" Niah, and I believe she's yours? We guessed the house number cause it didn't show on her paper-"
" Oh my god, we'll be right down!" You exclaim before hanging up and getting your keys, Joon struggling to keep up with you..
" Woah, wait up babe!" Joon says as he struggles to put his slippers on.
How? You don't even know.
" Hurry up Joon!" You yell at him before you're out of the door.
Joon is beside you within a minute, and after another two minutes, the two of you are downstairs.
" Oh my god- Thank you so much!" You say as you throw open the front door.
Joon is stood beside you, surprise evident on his face.
These dudes were bikers.
Did Niah really go and see these dudes and go, 'hey they look childfriendly'?
" Uhm, yeah. If I had a child, I'd want them safe and sound too." The blonde man tells you as Niah sprints towards both of you, throwing herself onto Joon's legs.
" I missed you daddy! And you too mommy!" She yells as she buries her face in Joon's legs for a moment before puckering her lips in a baby kiss as she kissed the side of your leg.
Joon picks her up barely a moment later.
You don't really know how to react to what the man tells you, and neither does Joon.
Niah however, seemed to find the situation a little less awkward.
" Don't worry, I had fun mommy! Look, I even braided Akiko's beard!" She tells you proudly.
" Honestly, I'm just happy she ran into the right people. And sorry for the troubles." You smile sheepishly.
" It's alright. We're just happy that you're not complaining about your apparent holiday. Anyway, we'll be going now. My cousin has a football match tomorrow and he wanted me to come see." The blonde smiles, before turning around.
" Also, you might want to teach her about stranger danger. And to look for women with children before reaching out to others if she'll ever get lost again. We're nice, but there's always a chance others aren't." The bearded man tells the two of you.
You have a hard time taking him serious, the stoic man having a braided beard with a small flower in it.
" We will. We didn't exactly think this would ever happen, either way, thanks for the trouble, we truly appreciate it." Joon tells the man with a grateful smile.
Both males nodded, the blonde with a smile, and the bearded man simply in acknowledgment.
Well, it seems the holiday plans needed some changing.
[ A/N: HAHAH, I had so much fun writing this lmao. Any holiday suggestions or is it all up to me?👀]
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