She's Got A Boyfriend
" Finally some time to relax." You huff as you plop down beside Joon.
Today was one of the last days with Niah, and the school decided to be low budget and go to a big playground.
It meant for the students like you and Joon that you had a moment of rest.
" I know right? Never thought that kids would have so much energy." He agreed easily, tucking you into his side by wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
You were one of the lot of new couples around, so no one was really bothered by the pda.
" Agreed, I thought, or hoped, that toddlers mostly slept through the day. " You agree.
He snorts.
" How'd you get at that? " He asks with a smile.
You shrug.
" Honestly? I don't know either. " You grinned.
The two of you conversed easily about nothing as Niah is playing somewhere on the playground.
However, peace seemed to pass as she hopped over to you, holding another smoll dude's hand.
You and Joon blinked at each other.
" Momma, daddy, this is Dul. He's my boyfriend! " She smiled innocently.
You and Joon blinked. Once again.
" I'm sorry what? " You ask her.
She smiles and nods her head.
" Hello! I promise I will share all my cookies with Niah! And I won't ever distract her from her homework! " The little boy who's holding her hand, Dul, says brightly.
Both of you didn't really know what to say.
Whitin a few moments Jimin's partner runs over, seeing the situation.
"Dul! What are you doing?! " She yells out, seemingly stressed.
" Mommy look I've got a girlfriend! " Dul smiled, raising his hand which is intertwined with your baby's.
" Hello! " Niah smiled.
" Hwan, you're too young to have a girlfriend-"
" Yah, Babe, just let them be. " Jimin himself walked over relaxed, seemingly unbothered.
You and Joon switched glances as this odd scene unfolded in front of you.
" Do you have anything to do with this? " She asked him.
He grinned and shrugged his shoulders.
" Maybe I do, maybe I don't. At least they're not fu-"
" And that's enough. I am so sorry-"
" I'm not, he did promise to treat her good right? " Jimin cut his partner off, who seemingly didn't take his shit and smacked him upside the head.
You smiled at the two of them.
" It's alright. Just no kissing till the two of you are sixteen, okay? " You tell both the younger kids.
Dul nods, but Niah pouts.
" Why not? I like him so I can kiss him right? You and daddy kiss too. Sometimes." She points out.
Joon snorts.
" We're older baby cakes. You can do that too when you two are older, kay'? " He explains easily.
She pouts, but nods.
" Okay. "
Meanwhile Dul turned to Jimin.
" I didn't really promise that I'd treat her right, dad. Is that bad? " He asks innocently.
Jimin blinks, bending down to his height to talk properly to him.
" Dul, what did you say? "
" I said I'd share my cookies and let her focus on her homework. That's also okay, right? " He asks.
Jimin snorted.
" Yeah, that works. "
[ A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Also, any last requests? I want to write one more chapter for this one before writing the epilogue, but I haven't got any more ideas,,-]
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