He's Pretty
" I want to make you pretty."
Both you and Joon blinked as those words leave Niah's mouth.
Joon blinks, looking at you from the corner of his eye. The two of you were currently cuddled up in his room, while Joon's parents were downstairs. Niah was occupied with them for a while, but it seemed she had grown bored of them.
" am I, not pretty?" He asks her.
She studies him for a moment, before shrugging.
" I can make you prettier." She grinned.
So she didn't think he was ugly. That's good. Kind of. Because what did this child mean?
" I think you have to elaborate a bit baby cakes." You blink at her.
She smiles.
" like in the way you made me pretty!" She beams.
You blink before laughing, while Joon still looked confused.
" Did I miss something?" He asks both of you.
" She means make up." You explained.
To your surprise, he shrugged.
" I mean, okay."
You blinked at him before grinning at Niah.
" Okay, let me go get everything." You winked, getting up.
You were once again, careful with what you let Niah play with. Eyeliner and any other pencil like stuff was out of question. She didn't need to accidentally stab your boyfriend. The prettiest and most used colours were taken out too, not wanting her to make a mess out of it. You figured foundation would be very fun to watch.
And so you made your way downstairs again, only to see that Niah had taken your spot, now being curled into his side. It was a cute sight.
However, after a minute it was ruined as Niah excitedly got up from the bed, her hair smacking Joon in the face by accident.
You snorted at your boyfriend's face.
" You need any help with it baby cakes?" You asked her.
She shook her head.
" No thank you. I'm a professional!" She exclaimed, making Joon gulp and you nod.
" alright then, be careful of his eyes though, I'll be seeing if I can help for dinner." You smiled, ruffling her hair before walking out of the room.
Helping Joon's mother with dinner went easily, the woman being grateful with help. You also got the tip to not let Joon ever in the kitchen, as both him and his father are terrible kitchen help. You agreed easily on that, remembering when he tried making pancakes. It's about an hour later when you go to get him and Niah from his bedroom for dinner when you see the artwork that Niah made out of your boyfriend.
You knocked on the door before walking in, considering you never really know where young kids are hanging out.
You stood still in the door opening with wide eyes due to the sight in front of you.
Niah was seated in Joon's lap, and both of them had moved onto his desk chair, your make up bag on the table beside them.
She turned around and grinned, climbing off of Joon to run up to you instead.
" Look momma I made dad pretty!" She told you with a big smile.
You boyfriend was already handsome when not wearing make up, but with your daughter's,, war paint,, he looked like a good old clown.
" And, aren't I sexy?" He raised his brows and winked, lowkey flirting.
You blinked once again before snorting and bursting out laughing.
" Oh my god we should show your parents-"
" Oh damn, I can't look that ba- err, pretty? Right?" He blinked.
You gestured to the mirror on his closet.
He raised a brow before moving towards the mirror.
His eyes widen at his reflection. So far he's got three- no, four different colours of eyeshadow. On his cheek. three more colours of eyeshadow on his eyes. And underneath. He's got lipstick on his lips, but also beside it. The best parts were his bows, which were now connect with, what he assumed, black eyeliner.
" Damn." He blinked at himself in the mirror.
" I'm sexy as fu-"
" There's children around Joon." You sighed with a smile.
" Right. I mean, sure let's go show my parents." He shrugged.
You blinked.
Was this dude really going to show up like that to dinner?
He smiled as he walked by you, holding your waist for a moment and kissing your cheek before walking away.
" It does stain, by the way." He tells you as he's halfway across the hall.
You smiled, blushing softly for a moment before going to wipe it off.
Moments later you hear Joon's father from downstairs, obviously calling out to you.
" Woah! Hey Y/N!, congratulations with your, hahah, handsome boyfriend!"
[ A/N: Sorry for the late update. Hot girl summer is like,, out for me if y'all get what I mean lol. Anyway, cry with me babes, we're nearing the end.]
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