[ Edit A/N: For those commenting 'children can't speak at 4 months old' this is once again an ff, if you want something realistoc, go offline and do your homework or sum.
Also, I made a dieclaimer that this story would be a mess c'mon. ]
" So, does your baby talk yet?" Jin asked as he sat down beside you.
You, Jin, Yoongi, Areum, Mina, Taehyung and the babies were all in Areum and Taehyung's apartment. Naeun was currently almost falling asleep in Yoongi's arms as he walked in circles with her. And you had smiled and enjoyed the sight until Jin sat down beside you, starting a conversation.
" No, but she does speak gibberish. I think that she might say a word or two by the time she's back at the orphan." You told him.
" Ah I see. I'll miss Minjun. He hasn't spoken either by the way." Jin said.
The month was almost over, today was your last day with them, and tomorrow they will be back in the orphan. You were sad that Naeun has to go, but also a tiny bit happy considering the fact you can sleep in again. It was surely a hard month with how things went between Yoongi and you but you two had managed.
" Does Minjun walk yet? Naeun does and honestly ever since she can, she's a menace." You huffed.
Seokjin smiled at you.
" Yeah he does, but Mina and I usually correct hin before he does something too naughty." He tells you.
You hum.
" Ah, Yoongi usually just laughs whenever she's being a bad girl, and I only correct her when she's too bad. I know that that's a bad thing, but that's how my parents corrected me and my older sister." You laughed.
Seokjin chuckled too before rubbing the back of his neck.
" Well, then it's definitely not bad. I mean, you're a really nice girl, and pretty too. By the way, I wondered if you maybe, I don't know it's just a suggestion, but if you maybe wanted to-"
" Naeun's finally asleep and I'm tired too, so I'm using your lap." Yoongi suddely cut in.
He craddled Naeun close to his chest before laying down on the couch, putting his head in your lap.
You two had gotten close, but not close enough that you even tough that Yoongi would pull this move.
" Yoongi, what are you doing?-"
" I'm going to sleep, I've just told you." Yoongi mumbled back, closing his eyes.
" I, uhm, will be going back to Mina. I'll text you later Y/N." Seokjin said before getting up and walking off.
" You okay Yoongi?" You asked, holding your arm awkwardly in the air, not really knowing where to put it.
" Yes, just a little tired, am I making you uncomfortable in this position?" Yoongi asked, opening his eyes.
" No, it's alright. Sleep well Yoongi." You said.
Sure, you didn't expect him to do this, but you didn't really mind it. Tough you didn't know what to do with your arm. Was he even okay with it if you touched him?
" Good." Yoongi mumbled before making himself comfortable by laying on his side with his face facing the tv and laying your arm across his back, making sure Naeun was comfortable as well before closing his eyes again.
Am I walking weird? Oh, nevermind she's smiling. That's a good thing. Yoongi tough as he walked around with Naeun, sneaking peeks at you who was smiling on the couch.
He smiled at her as he got lost in his toughs. You and Yoongi's bond had grown stronger. While he used to only look at you in annoyance or hated the way you nagged at him, he now tough it was cute how you complained about him not cleaning his mess. He turned his head to smile back at you, only to see you talking with Seokjin.
What does he have what I don't? Yoongi tough.
Yoongi had tough a lot about what Taehyung had said lat time he visited. And he realized, that the boy might be right.
He sighed as looked at you once again, and saw Jin rubbing his neck.
"- wondered if you maybe, I don't know it's just a suggestion, but if you maybe wanted to-" He heard Jin say.
No no no no. Not today. Yoongi panicked as he walked over to the two of you, and did the first thing he could think of.
" Naeun's finally asleep and I'm tired too, so I'm using your lap."
Craddling the sleeping baby close before laying down on the couch and putting his head in your lap. He ignored how red his cheeks and ears were.
" Yoongi, what are you doing?-"
" I'm going to sleep, I've just told you." Yoongi mumbled back, closing his eyes.
" I, uhm, will be going back to Mina. I'll text you later Y/N." Jin said before getting up and walking off.
" You okay Yoongi?" You asked, holding your arm awkwardly in the air.
Yoongi realized now that you two weren't this close and that he had tough a little bit too impulsive.
" Yes, just a little tired, am I making you uncomfortable in this position?" Yoongi asked, opening his eyes.
" No, it's alright. Sleep well Yoongi." You said.
Yoongi sighed content.
" Good." Yoongi mumbled before making himself comfortable by laying on his side with his face facing the tv and laying your arm across his back, making sure Naeun was comfortable as well before closing his eyes again.
Today's our last day with her. He realized as he held Naeun a little bit tighter.
" Goodbye sweet little baby." You said before kissing Naeun's cheek as the orphanage crew came to pick her up.
Yoongi smiled at her and gave her a hug before handing her over to the worker, who smiled at both him and you.
" Thank you for taking care of her, I've read your reports and decided that you both get a 9." The worker smiled before grabbing the bag full of Naeun's stuff and leaving.
" Well, there went our first child." Yoongi said sadly as you sniffed.
He looked at you and realized that you were close to crying.
" Hey, don't cry. She's in good hands." He said, turning you to face him.
You smiled at him trough your teary eyes.
" I know, but I'll still miss her." You said, your first tear leaving your eye.
Yoongi smiled softly at you and pulled you in for a hug.
" Don't worry. We have a new kid whitin a week." He told you jokingly.
You laughed and hit his chest before returning his hug.
" We'll see what new adventures will be awaiting us by sunday." You smiled.
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