Your date with Yoongi went smoothly, you both had gone to a cute dinner near the apartment complex and had gone to the cinema afterwards by subway. He had paid for the food and you had paid for the cinema tickets, while he ended up buying the snacks.
" Y/N, I'm the guy and I'm taking you out on a date. You should've let me pay." Yoongi told you as you made your way into the cinema.
" You don't need to pay for me you know?, social standards have no worth for me." You smiled at him.
" Okay, but let me pay for the food alright?" Yoongi asked as you both made your way over to the popcorn section.
" Why are you so set on paying for everything?" You asked, furrowing your brows in a questionable sense.
" I want to spoil you and treat you like a queen. That's what made my mother stay with my father, and I don't want you to leave me-"
" Hey, I'm not leaving you. You don't keep me by spoiling me with buying me everything. I'm higher maintenance, I need lots of love and attention. Also, you want to treat me like a queen, but I want to treat you like a king." You winked at him.
Yoongi smiled at you.
" You might be high maintenance for other guys, but you aren't for me. Also, I'm still paying for the food. You can take the bills next time we go out on a date again." Yoongi said as he held your hand a little tighter.
" It was worth a try, but that's a good idea." You agreed with him.
KNOCK KNOCK ( Please read this aggressively, I have no idea on how to write it down more agressive than this.)
" What the- Did we order room service?" Yoongi sat up groggily beside you, the both of you were fast asleep until someone had knocked on your front door.
You and Yoongi were so tired, and vibing, after you came back, that you ended up just leaving the beds the way it was, beside one another. You had asked Yoongi if he wanted to cuddle, but he admitted that he still felt a little to shy about it, so you two only ended up holding hands. Tough you are sure that Yoongi had you wrapped up in his embrace before the agressive knocking had begun.
" No, I don't think so. I'll go check who it is." You said as you also sat up and swung your leg over the bed.
You checked the time on your phone. 03:46 AM.
"No, I'll go. You stay in here with the alarm number on ready, okay?" Yoongi said as he gently pushed you back down in a sitting position.
" Okay, be careful." You told him as he nodded.
You did what he asked and waited for a response. The front door did have a peep hole, tough it was useless as it was positioned so high that only someone who was about 2 meters could look trough it.
You heard the door open and held your breath, until you heard him call you.
" Y/N, it's alright. In fact, I think we need your help." He called you.
You frowned in confusion. What did he need you for?
You put on your fluffy socks ( or slipper or simply go barefeet) and make your way to the door.
On your door step was one of the adoption house's employees, and she looked a little hopeless.
" Hello, I'm so sorry to disturb you at this hour, especially in your holiday, but we have a problem with Jaehyuk." The worker said, obviously tired.
" Is he okay?" You asked, going to stand beside Yoongi.
" We're not sure. He hasn't been sleeping ever since he came back, he didn't eat well either. He's only been crying and saying that he wants to go back to you two. We hoped that he could stay with the two of you for the holiday too." She explained.
" Yes, of course. Is he here with you?" You asked all too quickly, tough you could see Yoongi nodding in agreement.
" Yes, yes he is. He's downstairs in the lobby with a colleague of me. Thank you so much, and I'm so sorry for all of this." She kept apologizing, obbiously very happy with your decision.
" Don't worry about it." You smiled as you slipped your slippers on. ( or if you already had them on, waited for Yoongi to put his on.)
The lady let you both downstairs in silence, and once you were near the lobby, you heard the same woman's voice who had picked Jaehyuk up.
" C'mon kid. Can't you just sleep and eat normally? You'll burden them." She whined.
Jaehyuk didn't respond.
" Hyuk?" You called as you entered the room.
The little boy looked up at you with tired eyes, a tired smile making it's way to his face.
" Mummy?" He asked as he got up from his seat and stumbled his way over, burrowing his face in your legs.
" Hey sweetie. Ready to go to bed?" You asked as you picked him up, Yoongi standing so close behind you that you could feel the warmth radiate from his skin.
Yoongi brushed his hair back as Jaehyuk's head fell on your shoulder, about ready to go to dreamland.
" Thank you so much again, would you like us to bring up his bags for you?" The lady who led you two downstairs asked as Yoongi shook his head.
" No, it's alright. I assume you two are tired too. Have a goodnight." He smiled as he walked to the bags who were sitting beside blondie, who was scowling in disagreement from her colleague's proposal.
" Also, he's not a burden. Don't ever tell him that again." Yoongi scowled back at her as she gulped before yoongi walked away, guiding you back into the elevator and to your apartment with a hand on your lower back.
" Good night buddy." Yoongi wishpered to Jaehyuk who he closed his eyes and dozed off.
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