Jamesy, Eric, Sean, Bucket and Duck were walking down the hallway.
"Do you guys know where Greg is?" Bucket asks.
Suddenly Jamesy screams "What is that giant egg doing in the hall?" he asks, hiding behind Duck. (Jamesy has Alektorophobia)
"Woah that's weird" Sean says. Because in front of them is a huge egg.
"Yeah" Duck agrees.
"Guys it's me!" the weird egg says.
"The egg is t-t-t-t-talking" Jamesy whimpers.
"Who is me?" Bucket asks, suspicious of this strange egg.
"It's Greg you stupids!" the egg yells.
"Um last time I checked Greg wasn't an egg" Eric points out.
"It was Emilie and Emma! They were getting revenge on me for all the crappy things I've done to them and now I'm" he bursts into tears "BALD!!!"
"Well that's good" Sean says "I hated your mullet anyways!"
"But he looks egg-actly like an egg" Bucket yells.
"Yeah true..." Duck says "Don't let the lunch ladies mistake you for an egg...I heard we were having egg salad sandwiches today for lunch..."
The bell rings and the band goes their separate ways.
The lunch ladies, Zorx, Klax and Jennifer, were talking the cafeteria kitchen.
"We ran out of eggs" Zorx tells to Jennifer.
"GO FIND SOME MORE!!!!!!" Jennifer yells back.
Zork and Klax walk out of the cafeteria grumbling slightly.
Suddenly they see a gigantic egg.
"Holy Moses!!! Is that what I think it is?!" Klax asks.
"YEAH IT IS!!!!" Zork screams. But Zork and Klax were wrong...because this was not a gigantic egg. IT WAS GREG'S BALD HEAD!!!!
"Well take it to the kitchen!!!! " Klax yells "This should be enough for the entire school (especially since we're hardly using real eggs anyways)"
And they run back to the cafeteria, carrying the giant egg.
When the get back they find Jennifer impatiently waiting for them. "There you idiots are!!!" she shouts "I've been waiting for 3.7947 seconds" she says, checking her watch.
"WE FOUND AN EGG BIG ENOUGH TO FEED THE ENTIRE SCHOOL!!!!" Klax says, unable to contain her excitement for any longer.
"Good..." Jennifer says "The 3.7947 seconds I spent waiting were not in vain I see"
"NO I'M NOT AN EGGGGG!!!!!!!!!" Greg screams "I'M ONE OF YOUR STUDENTS!!!"
"Wow that's weird... the egg is talking" Zork says.
"Yeah well let's put it in the egg-salad-sandwich-maker." Jennifer says.
Greg runs to escape a mayonnaise-y death but these lunch ladies are crazy fast and shove him into the egg-salad-sandwich-maker. (I'll spare you the horrifying details)
At Lunch...
"Where's Greg?" Jamesy asks, hiding from his egg salad sandwich.
"Beats me" Bucket says "But man is this a good egg salad sandwich!"
"I agree!" Duck agrees as he takes a bite "But it kinda tastes like it has meat in it"
"Yeah..." Eric says.
Greg wakes to find he peed his pants. Thank God it was all just a dream!!!
This is probably the best thing I've ever written
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