Chapter 12: Regrouping
Tsuna stuffed his hands into his pockets as he left the clearing where the coffins were.
'I'm sure Hito-kun will appear later. I'll have to head to Vongola Headquarters for now...'
The brunet suppressed his flames, so it wouldn't be picked up by any monitor as he walked through the forest.
Tsuna blinked his eyes in mild surprise as he saw the bluenette before him.
Her mouth was open in shock as tears pricked the corners of her red eyes.
Tsuna smiled and gave a two-fingered salute.
"Yo, Lal."
He would've never expected the bluenette to hug him, but she did.
Tsuna steadied himself as he held the shorter adult.
The brunet rubbed his head as Lal continued to hold him in a death grip.
"Baka-Sawada! It was never your job to protect those of the Tri-Ni-Sette!" Tsuna felt the warm tears soak the front of his jacket. "'re an idiot like my stupid student..."
Tsuna softened his eyes before patting the other's head; he sweatdropped slightly when she growled at the action.
"Maa, was my choice..."
"A stupid choice!"
Tsuna pouted slightly before sighing, rubbing his new lump.
'I guess I died protecting the Arcobaleno...I even got close with them...' "Ehehe...let's just head inside, neh? I heard Reborn was in there..."
Lal huffed, glaring at the other--but you could distinctly see the nostalgia in her eyes.
"Humph. You better hurry up then, Sawada--I need to go back and pick up the Decimo."
Tsuna laughed and saluted the other.
"Hai, hai. And be gentle with Hito-kun--he's still new to the mafia in a way..."
Lal begrudgingly nodded back to the other before tugging her red goggles over her eyes.
"It seems that you've died in the most stupidest fashion."
Tsuna sweatdropped slightly as he looked at the baby hitman in front of himself.
"But I did it for my family, Reborn," Tsuna's eyes glowed slightly. "And you are a part of it."
Reborn huffed, tugging his fedora down to hide his expression; the hitman tried to ignore the feeling of warmth in his chest.
"Dame-Tsuna will always be Dame-Tsuna."
"Is it true!? Is Sawada-Sensei really here--?! SAWADA-SENSEI!"
Tsuna blinked in surprise before staring into wide hazel eyes; the brunet smiled softly.
"Hey, Takeshi-kun."
Tears slowly flowed from the swordsman's eyes, shocking Tsuna.
"H-Hey! Takeshi-ku--!"
Tsuna sweatdropped as he rubbed his head.
'Geez, everyone's hitting me on the head...' "Takeshi-kun?"
The raven's bangs were shadowing his eyes before he slowly spoke.
"'re an idiot!"
Tsuna laughed sheepishly, remembering the time when he came back to life and met his Guardians in the Future Incident.
"Juudaime! Please don't ever do that again!"
"Tsuna! Never do things by yourself!"
"'s not good if you die so soon."
"Boss, you had us worried."
Tsuna laughed nervously; it looked like they all wanted to give him a noogie.
"Hn. Deal with them yourself."
Tsuna's eyes softened as he stood up and gave a bow of apology to Takeshi.
"Gomenasai, Takeshi-kun, I won't do it again..."
Takeshi huffed before bringing Tsuna in a headlock, rubbing his knuckles mercilessly into brown locks.
"Ow, ow, ow! Geez, Takeshi-kun!"
The raven gave a bright grin before releasing the brunet.
Tsuna pouted before noticing the height difference--Takeshi was taller.
Tsuna sulked as he mumbled to the side.
"I had hoped to have grown taller..."
"Hm? Did you say something Tsuna?"
Reborn was smirking amusedly at Tsuna's predicament.
'Dame-Tsuna will always be matter what world he's in...'
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