Chapter Thirty One
An entire week had passed since their incident in the library, and at some point Avelon had contemplated cornering Balor for information on when Brianne would wake up. Balor had sent those shadows- she knew it with every fibre of her being.
Avelon did not risk leaving the room for too long at a time, fearing for her friend and herself. Thankfully, nobody – not even Balor himself, had come looking for her, and after their delightful encounter at the stables, Lugh had managed to stay away from her as well. She had left him behind right after he had offered to help her- offering him no answer or acceptance.
Lingering for long periods roused the fear inside Avelon that Balor or Elha would seek her out within the confines of their room and perhaps harm Brianne more than she already was. Thus, Avelon would only check on Brianne from time to time.
Avelon re-entered the room for the umpteenth time to check on Brianne, grateful to get away from her never-ending slave duties within the palace. Avelon's eyes widened as she noticed Brianne stirring in bed the moment she entered the room. Hope spread in her chest as Brianne's eyes opened carefully. She gazed around the room in confusion before her gaze finally landed on Avelon, a small smile spreading on her face.
"You're awake! Thank Gods, Brianne! I thought you'd be out for another week!" Avelon cried out in joy, enveloping Brianne in a tight hug as she struggled to sit up in bed.
She could not remember the last time she had been so grateful to be able to hug someone.
"Ave," Brianne gasped, her voice strained with pain as she carefully tried to grasp a breath. Avelon pulled back slightly, loosening her grip on Brianne apologetically. Brianne's eyes sparkled despite her lingering fatigue and pain.
"Sorry," Avelon blushed, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm just so relieved that you finally woke up."
Brianne scrunched her nose at Avelon's words. "You said you were worried I'd be out another week, how long has it been exactly?"
"A week to be precise. I'm glad it's not two." Avelon said timidly, offering Brianne a tight smile. "But nothing extravagant has happened since. Actually, I've tried steering away from everyone completely. Jeera's been some help, although, I have to admit that I don't particularly get along with her." Avelon rose her eyebrows in emphasis, rousing a chuckle from Brianne.
"Let's just say we tolerate each other." Avelon picked at her fingers as she rolled her eyes.
"Well I'm glad to hear that Balor hasn't done anything crazy since the library. What does Jeera know? And where is the tome?" Brianne frowned, trying to piece together all the bits of information swimming around in her mind.
"Jeera just knows that Balor is up to something. As for the tome..." Avelon replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She stepped back, feeling the weight of the mattress beneath her as she sank onto her bed. The soft creak of the bed felt unnervingly loud in the silence surrounding them.
"I hid it in the stables." Avelon said as she chewed on her lip. "I've only been there again twice since stashing it. I haven't really found anything that could help us- yet, but I have been trying to unravel the riddle."
"What aren't you telling me?" Brianne narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Avelon could almost see the gears turning in Brianne's mind.
Avelon opened her mouth to protest, however Brianne cut her off. "Don't even think about denying that you're not hiding anything. You're gnawing at your lip like it's a piece of meat and your whole body's gone rigid. Something happened." Brianne sat up straight, rolling her shoulders to relieve some discomfort in her stiff body.
"Well," Avelon paused, squeezing her eyes shut.
"Lugh managed to run into me at the stables, just after I hid the tome." Avelon opened her one eye, peaking through to gauge Brianne's reaction. Brianne sat completely still, waiting for Avelon to continue- knowing more information would follow.
"We kissed- again." Avelon squeezed her eyes shut, childishly refusing to meet Brianne's gaze. Brianne's gasp was audible, eliciting a pang of guilt in Avelon's chest.
"Did he see the tome?" Brianne's voice dropped to a near whisper, her eyes wide with worry.
Avelon's breathing turned uneven. "No."
"Did you tell him about the tome?" Brianne shot another question.
"No." Avelon frowned, wondering whether Brianne had heard her.
"Then why the fuck did you kiss him?" Brianne snapped.
There it is. Avelon thought
"I- He kissed me!" Avelon exclaimed, raising her hands in the air before letting them fall to her lap in defeat. Avelon's eyes met Brianne's- pure, undiluted anger shone within her hazel gaze.
"And did you kiss him back or kick him in the balls?" Brianne cocked her head to the size, widening her eyes.
Avelon pressed her lips together, attempting to swallow her laugh at Brianne's choice of words. She had a bad habit of laughing in tense situations.
"I kissed him back, but listen, we talked and he doesn't think the same things that Balor does. He's not like his father." Brianne closed her eyes, shaking her head.
"Is that what he told you?" Brianne frowned, disappointment evident on her face. Avelon's stomach dropped at the same time anger rose within her.
"I'm a big girl, Brianne. Let me handle it." Avelon was done with the conversation.
Brianne sighed, raising her gaze to the ceiling. "If something bad happens, I'll kick his ass and then yours." Avelon nodded, rising from the bed.
"Balor has another meeting with the other continents tonight." The words hung in the air, and Avelon immediately noticed the way Brianne froze, her body stiffening.
Brianne's eyes darted toward Avelon, wide with disbelief. "It's been a whole month, already?"
"I also heard that we might have another ritual happening soon." Avelon paced the side of her bed as she spoke.
"I need to get ready, I-I need to help you set up." Brianne stammered, pushing the bedspread from her legs. Avelon hurried over to her, taking hold of her shoulders to steady her.
"As much as I would love to shove you right back down, I think it might be better for you to show up and help. I have a bad feeling about tonight." Avelon's voice shook as she helped Brianne rise from the bed. Although Brianne's body was visibly free of any harm, her body quivered from the strain the sudden movement was causing.
"A meeting, and whispers about another ritual? I have a bad feeling in general." Brianne pouted, shaking her head.
Brianne's face was grave as she spoke. "Normally the continents co-host rituals. Teine was due for hosting for at least two fortnights, and then Uisce was supposed to be the next host continent. The last ritual was supposed to be the last, hence it being so long since we've heard or seen about any rituals. We should not be hosting another ritual at least until winter."
"Winter's not for another six months, at least." Avelon guessed, calculating in her mind.
Brianne dipped her head confirmation, closing her eyes as her body swayed from the movement. "Do you think Balor might have another surprise awakening ritual planned for after the meeting tonight?"
"It's possible- he has everyone together and the entire hall ready is for something like that." Avelon's stomach churned at the thought as she resumed her pacing.
Brianne pulled a basket from underneath her bed, rummaging around through mixed fabrics until she pulled out a sandy blouse along with a matching pair of tights. Avelon watched as she shakily removed her torn blouse and leggings from her body. Avelon had not changed Brianne's clothing since the day of the incident, afraid of doing more harm than good.
"I think Balor's experiments are working." Avelon mentioned abruptly. Brianne paused mid-thigh, leaving the pair of tights dangling in the air.
"While you were asleep, I decided to get clean water from the stream and ciorra. I couldn't find any ciorra, but I brought back the fresh stream water and hoped that it would help clean out your wounds and heal them." Avelon explained, though, Brianne's face contorted into a mixture of confusion and caution- not understanding the direction of Avelon's words.
"Your body was full of cuts and bruises. Some of your wounds made me think you would not make it..." Avelon closed her eyes, images of her own tears and Brianne's battered body clouding her mind.
Avelon's voice was hoarse and thick with emotion as she continued. "I don't know what the shadows did, but after the fourth day I willed for the water to help you in any way it could because you were getting worse."
Brianne listened attentively as she managed to pull on her tights, balancing on one leg and then the other. The blouse was easier to pull over her head. She discarded the ruined clothing in the basket and pushed it back under the bed. The pause from Avelon made Brianne snap her gaze toward her.
"Now you're awake." Worried emerald eyes met Brianne's. "I pictured your wounds healing as I brushed your body down with fresh water, and I could see your wounds healing right before my eyes."
Brianne's eyebrows shot up, her eyes widening in surprise.
"You healed me?" Brianne knit her hands together, blowing out a ball of air as she processed Avelon's confession.
"I think so," Avelon directed toward Brianne's body, pulling her shoulders up. "It was the water, and an affinity for healing. Balor's first experiment-" Avelon swallowed, her voice trembling as she remembered Fallon's mop of black hair sprawled out on the table as her lifeless body was dragged away. "-was a water affinity fae."
"Fallon." Brianne's eyes saddened, her features softening as Avelon's eyes fell to the floor in confirmation. Brianne stepped closer to Avelon, pulling her into an embrace.
Avelon had felt guilty for not helping Fallon sooner. She had felt the weight of that guilt crush her chest until it was almost too hard to breathe. She had tried, especially in the last few days, to listen to the palace whispers- rumours of fae being held captive, but she had gotten no information or trail. The lack of information had made her furious. Fallon, the tome, the riddle- all of it had her spiralling on the edge.
"We'll find her." Brianne attempted to soothe Avelon's guilt and racing thoughts.
Avelon sighed. "I'm a terrible friend for not finding her sooner, Bri. What if she's dead already?" A lump formed in Avelon's throat.
"I-if she's dead it would be all my fault." Avelon continued, hating herself for being too consumed in her own worries and not making time to find information regarding her friend.
"I'll tell you what," Brianne pulled back, holding Avelon at arms length. "Seeing as I am in no way ready to stomach anything that has to do with tonight's meeting." Brianne stuck out her tongue in emphasis.
"I'll roam around in the deepest corners of the palace and see if I can find something," She finished, offering Avelon a tight smile.
Avelon's heartrate spiked. "You're in no way ready to stomach Balor or any of his crazed followers, if you manage to run into them. Not to mention the very possible risk of running into some of his crazy shadow slithers." Avelon shivered, the hair on her arms raising at the thought.
Brianne nodded, rolling her head. She snapped her head back to Avelon, her eyes serious "I am well aware, but let me do this for you."
"I don't like this, Brianne. You're not supposed to be doing things for me, especially not right after you almost died." Brianne chuckled, the sound vibrant and full of warmth.
"And you're not supposed to be healing me. And you're not supposed to be going through any of the shit you are going through right now." Brianne shrugged, a smile still plastered on her face. "But here we are- friends. That's what friend's do."
Avelon's eyes stung at Brianne's sentiment. "You know, we've come a long way since you snarled at me and almost spat in my face. Something must have been in that horse dung."
Brianne burst out laughing at the same time Avelon had. Lightness filled the air surrounding them, making all of their worried dissipate for that moment.
"I'm glad I met you." Avelon murmured softly as their laughter quieted.
Brianne's eyes glazed, from laughter and emotion. "And I am glad you met me too."
Avelon snickered, smacking Brianne lightly on the shoulder. "We should get going, I bet Jeera is having a hell of a time in the hall."
Both of them turned toward the door, bracing themselves for the evening that lay ahead.
"You should head to the kitchen first. I think your body needs an entire cow after all that." Avelon motioned to Brianne's body, flicking her hand up and down.
Brianne closed her eyes briefly, humming in agreement. Humour was still evident on her face by the half smile dancing on her lips.
"Also," Avelon started again, nervously continuing the conversation. "If anything seems out of place, run. Don't think about it or think you can handle it. Get back to the room immediately."
"Yes, Mom." Brianne cast a glance toward Avelon. All humour and lightness had disappeared from Avelon's features.
"I mean it, Brianne. Things are starting to become a matter of life and death in this palace, and I'd rather you choose life." Avelon's voice was strained and just above a whisper as they stepped out of the room.
Brianne reached for Avelon's hand, squeezing it tightly. "I know. I'll see you later."
Avelon sighed deeply as she watched Brianne walk ahead with confident strides. She did not glance back or hesitate, though Avelon did.
Avelon hesitated. Contemplating whether she should follow Brianne or trust that she could handle herself. She ran a shaky hand across her face, standing idly in the hallway with no idea what to do next.
"It's as though you knew I was coming for you." Elha's voice sliced through the silence, and through Avelon's gut.
Avelon turned slowly, finding a smirking Elha leaning against the wall just outside their room.
"Easy way, or the hard way?" Elha questioned, cocking her head to the side.
Avelon's mouth ran dry, knowing well enough that meeting Elha brought nothing good.
"Fuck you." Avelon spat, her fists balling tightly at her sides.
"Right. Hard way." Elha's smile turned serpentine just as Avelon felt a burning sensation on top of her head.
Darkness enveloped her seconds thereafter.
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