Chapter Eight
"You should know, you snore horribly while you sleep." Brianne's sharp and awfully chirpy tone had elicited a deep groan from Avelon. Her voice cut through the thread of sleep Avelon clung to. Avelon was in no way a morning person, particularly so when they began with Brianne's presence. Avelon, who lay entangled in a mess of blankets, let out another deep groan that resonated with her disdain for the early hours.
"You should know, your voice is horrible to wake up to." Avelon retorted, groggily wiping at her eyes. She was barely able to complete her sentence before a deep yawn escaped her lips. Brianne snorted at the sight.
"You should get up," Brianne declared in a cool tone. The sound had instantly woken up whatever parts of Avelon were still asleep.
"Balor hates it when we sleep in." Avelon frowned at Brianne's words. She did not care for whatever Balor liked or disliked.
Reluctantly Avelon shoved herself up, eyeing Brianne suspiciously.
"Balor or you?" Avelon protested, earning an eye roll from Brianne.
"I don't care whether you are asleep or awake." Brianne sneered, pulling her bedsheet straight with apprehension.
Avelon sighed, reluctantly removing herself from the small comfort of her bed. She stretched, and strolled over to her bed bucket, which to her surprise was filled with fresh cold water.
As they splashed cold water onto their faces, neither of them uttered a word regarding their heated discussion the evening before.
"Why does he want to see me- What am I doing Today?" Avelon's voice was muffled as she rinsed her mouth with the cold water, the absence of tooth smear was a stark reminder of the luxuries they were denied as slaves. Avelon absentmindedly wondered whether Brianne had brought in the water and whether she would be able to swipe a tube of tooth smear somewhere in the castle.
"We-" Brianne began, her voice dripping with disdain, "Are assigned to clean the stables. The mares that returned have to be groomed and tended to." Tended to. Avelon snorted pitifully. Her mother would enjoy Brianne and her word choices.
"So, only you will be joining me Today?" Avelon asked, her tone laced with a fraction of surprise as she straightened her bedding. An attempt to busy herself so that she had no reason to face Brianne directly.
Coward. Her thoughts sneered. Her body stilled.
"Unfortunately." Brianne grunted, her footsteps echoing towards the door. She lingered for a brief moment, silently waiting for Avelon to follow, before stepping out.
She would not dare ask for clarification on why she was not seeing Balor. The less she saw him, the better.
The atmosphere between Avelon and Brianne had been dripping with tension as they made their way through the palace, however neither of them had uttered a word. The possibility of severe repercussions after their heated argument had been too great to even risk looking at each other. Avelon observed Brianne silently as they wove through the hallways of the palace. The familiar twists and turns triggered Avelon's memory. They had been approaching the hall, stirring a rush of adrenaline in Avelon. As they neared the hall's entrance — the same entrance that had plagued her dreams with its glowing golden eyes Avelon could feel her body seize slightly.
"They left this morning." Avelon paused at Brianne's words. Brianne must have sensed her growing anxiety.
"Who?" Avelon feigned innocence as they stepped into the hall. Avelon's heart squeezed as her eyes scanned at the farthest corner, half-expecting to see those golden eyes staring back at her.
She wondered fleetingly why she had wanted to see those golden eyes again.
"Whoever you saw- whoever you encountered," Brianne had noticed Avleon's lingering gaze.
"They were most likely from another continent and judging by the fact that they did not rat you out to anyone," Brianne paused, her gaze sweeping the room before locking onto Avelon. "They were from one of the continents opposing the rituals."
"Opposing the rituals?" Avelon sputtered, choking on her words as she tried to process the statement.
Brianne shot her a sharp look that silenced her. Avelon swallowed awkwardly and fell into step beside her as they continued down the hall. She kept her thoughts carefully to herself, though made a mental note to quiz Brianne later as she slipped her face into an unreadable mask. Maybe she should have approached the golden-eyed person back in that hall and asked about the meetings. They might have been more willing to share information than Brianne.
Brianne suddenly halted before grand oak doors — the very same that had greeted Avelon upon her arrival here — which now swung open at the hands of two impassive guards. Guards who did not acknowledge them with so much as a quick glance. Avelon's brows furrowed at their stoic behaviour. What if they had been trying to escape?
"We're free to roam around?" Avelon voiced her thoughts as they entered the courtyard- suffocating heat enveloping her the instant they stepped outside. Only then, she realized that the temperature inside the palace was different from the blistering heat that met them outside.
Brianne huffed and rolled her eyes, "Free- as in you would not make it anywhere without Balor knowing. He controls wind, remember?"
"Does anyone know how far his control extends though?" Avelon was aware that Brianne would never admit it, but her caution towards Balor was equal to her own. Brianne disliked Balor just as much as she did.
"Nobody has tried testing his limits. Balor doesn't allow people to get that far anyway." Brianne said whilst cracking her neck, purposefully ignoring Avelon's conspiring.
"How could I forget." Avelon wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to reign in her emotions. Brianne contemplated Avelon's choice of words, as if understanding the full weight of them.
"So, uh," Brianne cleared her throat uncomfortably, "From which continent do you come from?" She said in an attempt to make small talk as they made their way to the stables.
"I'm from Uisce. You seem like you came from Teine?" Avelon's words hung in the air, earning a subtle scoff from Brianne.
"I was born in Talamh, but I came here a long time ago." Brianne did not delve into what exact age she was brought to Teine, but given the fact that she had almost ripped Avelon to shreds the previous day due to being born into slavery, Avelon could only guess that she had been very young.
"So, no affinity either?" Avelon stated the obvious, noticing a slight tensing of Brianne's body.
"No affinity and no choice or say in the matter." Avelon's question had caused them to completely back pedal to the tension of their prior argument.
"Look, I wouldn't want to be a slave." Avelon started, guilt causing her words to topple out without restraint, "I wouldn't choose it, I lied, and I get that it sucks. I just hate the fact that the continents created this bullshit ritual that determines your whole life." Avelon gestured amicably in front of her as she ranted, nervously anticipating Brianne's backlash at her words.
Brianne looked up at the sky, ignoring Avelon's bluntness, and scrunched her eyes as the light slightly blinded her. Nothing. Not one word left her mouth.
"And maybe it's stupid that I chose this for myself, but I don't think the girl or boy who was set up to be killed for my favourable outcome would say the same." Avelon's ranting continued as she searched Brianne's face for any type of emotion.
Furrowing her brows in contempt Avelon shook her head, turning her gaze forward. She was baring her soul without any acknowledgement from Brianne. With a huff of mild irritation, Avelon turned her focus to the scrawny wooden structure before them that was most likely the stables. For a Lord who seemed very well off, with a hell of a palace it seemed strange to Avelon that he lacked in the department of upkeep.
They entered the stables, where the smell of hay and horses filled Avelon's nostrils. She scrunched her nose at the scent of horse dung but welcomed the familiar, comforting atmosphere of the stable. Loud neighing echoed from inside, where Brianne was leisurely making her way toward the horses.
"Wren here likes to be rubbed," Brianne said, gesturing for Avelon to come closer. She purposefully ignored her earlier rant and continued toward the horses. "And Pepper hates it when you touch her butt." Brianne pointed to the stunning black mare—the one that had brought Avelon to Teine.
A gentle huff of greeting left the mares' snout as she looked over to Avelon. Avelon hid the small smile that tugged at her lips and whipped around to confront Brianne further. Brianne barely glanced at Avelon before pointedly turning and disappearing into one of the stables, leaving Avelon gaping at her retreating figure.
Clenching her teeth in frustration, Avelon dragged herself towards Pepper. Trying to ignore the incessant voice that threatened to drive her after Brianne. Avelon swallowed hard and met the mares' contemplative eyes. She was grateful that Brianne had given the mare a name, as she could not come up with one during the days that passed. It had just been beautiful or pretty girl, that was enough for the both of them.
"Hello girl." Avelon cooed as she rested her head against the mares' snout. Warm breath caressed Avelon's neck as she leaned into the mare.
"At least you listen to me." Avelon said with a pout, backing away slightly.
Pepper looked at her with a dull stare as if to say, 'I don't have a choice'. Avelon knew that if the mare could have, she would be rolling her eyes at her.
"Yeah, whatever, I complain a lot. Deal with it." Avelon smiled, picking up a brush hanging from one of the hooks inside the stable.
"Can I brush you?" Pepper huffed at her words galloping once, agreement evident as she turned her head to broadcast her silky neck.
"Gods, you are beautiful." Pepper answered with a soft neighing sound.
"I really don't like Brianne. What do you think of her?" Avelon questioned Pepper, knowing full well that she could not really give an answer. Pepper shook her head and bumped into Avelon.
A laugh rippled through Avelon, "I'll take that as a no."
Avelon did not say anything else as she continued to brush down Pepper, her mind wandering and stopping at a pair of golden eyes. A clutter sounded from outside Pepper's stable, startling Avelon enough that she dropped her brush, her thoughts instantly clearing. She had no idea why she kept going back to those eyes.
Pepper arched her ears, listening attentively as Avelon glanced toward the stable where Brianne previously entered. After a few seconds of listening, Avelon shrugged at the silence. No further sounds omitted from the area.
"Might as well start cleaning up all this hay." Avelon mumbled as she reluctantly dragged her eyes away from Brianne's stable.
"Do you think I would get to ride you again, Pepper?" The mare's ears darted backward as she listened to Avelon's voice.
"Avelon!" A worried shout reverberated throughout the stable just as Avelon bent to pick up the brush that she dropped.
Her eyes widened slightly as she snapped her attention back across the stable mid-bend.
"AVELON!" Brianne's shout pierced the air, and Avelon's heart leapt into her throat as she bolted toward the sound. Though she did not enjoy Brianne's company, Avelon could not bring herself to ignore the woman's frantic plea.
A thousand scenarios raced through Avelon's mind as she rushed forward, but nothing could have prepared her for what awaited. She skidded to a stop, doubled over in breathless, relieved laughter
"Do. Not. Mock. Me," Brianne grumbled, sitting perfectly still, her body covered in a pile of horse manure. The beige mare in the nearby stall, presumably the one Brianne had been tending to, chewed innocently at the hay scattered on the ground.
Brianne's venomous glare only sent another wave of laughter rippling through Avelon. Of all the things she had expected to find when she reached the stable, that was not even close. The sight of Brianne, covered in manure and calling for help, would be something Avelon would never forget—and for that, she was oddly grateful. At least this moment would always be there for her when she needed a good laugh.
"How can I help?" Avelon managed, still gasping for air between bursts of laughter, swiping at the stray tears escaping her eyes.
Brianne glared at her through narrowed eyes.
"It looks like you're in a shitty situation," Avelon deadpanned, doing her best to stifle a grin that threatened to spread across her face.
Brianne's glare subsided slowly as her eyes crinkled with unspent laughter. Their gazes locked for a split second before both of them broke down into hysterics.
Their laughter gradually faded, leaving a comfortable silence as they both paused to catch their breath. Avelon extended a hand to help Brianne up, her earlier amusement now replaced by a warmth of concern.
"Let's get you cleaned up," she offered, her voice softening.
Brianne eagerly accepted the help, rising to her feet with a grace that belied her earlier predicament.
"I suppose I owe you one," she mumbled, a faint smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. For a moment, the tension between them seemed to dissipate.
Avelon shook her head, brushing off the idea. "No debts between us," she replied, her tone light.
"But perhaps we can agree that from now on, we'll keep the horses out of our... disagreements."
They shared a knowing look, an unspoken agreement forming between them. As they walked side by side out of the stable, something unexpected blossomed between them—a tentative friendship, born from the humour of an unplanned situation.
The mare inside the stable whinnied softly behind them, almost as if in approval of the sudden truce. Avelon could not help but feel that the moment might have been the turning point she had needed. In the strange situation they had found themselves in, it seemed likely that they would need each other more than they had ever expected.
"This doesn't necessarily mean I like you," Brianne whispered, steering them toward a nearby well.
"Don't worry, neither do I," Avelon replied with a sidelong glance at Brianne. "Though I'd like to choose smarter battles. At the end of the day, we're going to need friendly faces to turn to."
Brianne nodded, her posture straightening as if reclaiming some of her usual attitude and composure.
"Fair enough," she conceded, a wry smile tugging at her lips. "But let's make one thing clear—I don't need saving, especially not from manure."
Avelon chuckled, the sound light and genuine. "Noted. But sometimes, even the strongest fae find themselves in... deep trouble," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
They reached the well, and Brianne paused, her hand resting on the crank. "You know," she began, her voice softer now, almost hesitant, "I've always fought my battles alone. But perhaps... it wouldn't be the worst thing to have an ally."
Avelon's response came quickly, her head nodding firmly.
"And I've always valued independence. I've learned to be independent my whole life." Her voice softened as she reminisced, her thoughts briefly turning to her childhood and parents.
"Yet, here we are, finding common ground over a pile of horse dung."
They shared another laugh, the sound echoing around the quiet of the early morning and desolate courtyard. They sealed a truce then, not with a handshake or a solemn vow, but with shared laughter and the unspoken understanding that some battles are better faced together.
All prior bickering and unnecessary drama faded into the background.
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