Next thing I knew I was slammed into the back of the tin walls of the warehouse.
"Son a celestial! What was that for!" I yelled, infuriated that him for attacking and me being dumb enough to let this happen.
"One thing you have to know about having powers, is that you're constantly in danger. No matter where you are or who you're with."
"What the hell do you mean! You're the only one attacking me!" I scream while walking toward him.
But before I can even get within a few yards of him he blasted me again. This time hitting my legs and sending me to where I orginally started.
"I mean there's reasons why there's only 15 heroes in the world. That there's more villains than heroes. That there's even fewer of us than there should be!"
I got up and started towards him again. "What do you mean?"
"Think about it. Think about why you've never heard of me. Think about everything I just told you." He shoots me back again.
"The only threat I see is you!" I say, not even bothering to get back up again.
"Fight back." He says.
"What?" I wheeze.
"How many times am I going to have to repeat things for you? FIGHT BACK!" He yells, in almost an animalistic way.
"What?" He says, losing the yelling and adopting a dark, calm tone.
"Fight back. Defend yourself." He huffs, slowly walking towards me now.
"No." I am not going to go up against that physcopath. At best I'll loose a limb. I don't really want to know the worst.
He arrives to where I'm basically paralyzed on the floor. "Fight back, you coward." With that he kicked me in the face. Then again in the stomach. And once again in the face.
I've been called many things before, but the one that hurts the most is coward. Scratch that, the only one that's ever hurt is coward. And I'm sick of it. Sick of being to scared to go on a walk. To scared to stand up for myself. To scared to talk in front of the class. To scared to contribute to a converation. To scared of everything. And I am sick of it.
"You. Call. Me. A. Coward? After everything I've been through you call me a coward? After you've knew me for what? An hour?"
"Yes. Because all I've seen of you is fear. Fear of a stranger in your room. Fear of the acid I shoot. Fear of flying. And what I think is the most comical of all things, is that you fear yourself." He has the nerve to turn his back on me and walk back to where we were standing. Which, for some reason I didn't notice before, there was a five computer set up with two desk and a chair along with a bunch of other stuff that I didn't even try to identify.
I don't remember standing up or starting to run but next thing I knew I was sprinting towards him. But I honestly wasn't even thinking because the only thing I knew in that moment is that amazingly bitter burning rage that over took me.
It fed my energy, guided my movements into sharp and precise strokes, it washed away my whole ethical side and replaced it with fire.
Angry fire.
Powerful fire.
Uncontrollable fire.
I jumped towards him preparing to tackle but at the last moment he side stepped.
"Lesson one: If your ever going to attack someone from behind, make sure that you don't yell while doing it."
Ignoring him, I charged again.
"Lesson two: Don't throw yourself into a sloppy charge." He then turned and kicked me in mid-air...again.
Sick of attempting hand to hand combat I prepared to shoot, liquid nitrogen of course.
I didn't even get off the ground, I just aimed in his general direction and shot. But as soon as the matter leaft my hands I slid on my back to where I landed the first time.
"Lesson three: Don't shoot a powerful stream if you're not well grounded, which for you would most likely be never."
In one last desperate attempt, I shot all I could at him. This time the shot more powerful than the last but this time with iron.
It shot for him dead in the chest, sending him into the computers and making them go crashing down.
"Ha! Now it's your turn to slam into something." I grit.
"Lesson four: Don't start a fight that you can't finish."
Faster than light he sped for me. Dodging all my shots I took at him. Jumping side to side smoother than a jungle cats and faster than lighting to avoid the carbon. Just to show off occasionally flipping in the air. But never shooting at me.
Each second he gains speed, and with each stride gets closer. But I am not backing down. I am no longer and never will be again a coward. I will fight and come out victorious or I won't come out at all.
I ran toward the fluorescent boy in this otherwise dark building and shot gallium at him, for once I got him. But that only knocked him down. Next I tried mercury, mostly the same as gallium but you never know. And it only keeps him down for a few seconds.
When he's only yards away I get the idea, "build a box around him." Without hesitation I shot a beam of half solid iron feet from his legs and quickly built a wall. As after that wall was built he immediately slammed into it. Which I was depending on.
I was also depending on that keeping him stunned long enough to finish the box.
When I poked my head from behind the wall I saw he was getting up off the floor. That's when I shot him with solid iron on the head. Just enough to leave him slightly disoriented, and finished the box, which surprisingly only took five seconds. Soon enough he was banging on the box and yelling only muffles from my point of view...hearing?
Then an outline of neon green formed a big inconsistent hole and started to melt. A voice the arose from inside the box, "Lesson Five: Know you enemies capabilities." A silhouette then slowly walked through the fogy smoke, raised it's arm directly at me, and a flash of green appeared.
Why do I keep getting knocked out today? I thought. Wait, where am I? Slowly I think back through the events of the last few hours.
Shit. I am so dead.
Corrosion, that little boondoggle of an imp; tricked me, attacked me, and knocked me out? Where am I then?
Son of a celestial I'm still here. In the warehouse. I quickly open my eyes but all I see is darkness. Well, except for that light little glow of electric green from across the warehouse. The blow must have made me fly across the warehouse, only a few seconds ago.
Forget it, just run.
Without any other thought crossing my mind I, ungracefully, flew up and out the hole in the roof, and to my house.
So...what do you guys think of Glow-y Boy? What do you think will happen next?
How are you liking the book so far? Comments? Questions? Constructive criticism?
Another chapter will be uploaded by January 2nd.
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