Chapter 3: Breaking free
"You're not taking me anywhere." As soon as I said the words Strucker's face fell. He narrowed his eyes at me as he slowly took a few steps towards me.
"Excuse me?" His one eye focused on me, the other one covered by his eye patch. His men that were standing behind him glanced at each other, sensing the threat behind my voice.
"You heard me." There was something new in my body, I could feel it. This thing, it felt like sparks that were flowing through my veins like some sort of electricity. It felt like I was on fire, it hurt but at the same time I felt mighty, like I could do everything I wanted. All together it actually freaked me out.
Strucker waved his hand, signing for the guards to take me. Soon though he discovered that that wasn't a smart move.
With one wave of my hand they were electrocuted, their bodies shaking violently as they fell onto the floor. Their screams filled the room as I stepped closer to Strucker with the sparks still playing around my fingers.
"Remember who made you." He said, holding his hand up in defeat.
"My mother." I smirked but then blasted him away, sending him flying over the hallway till his body hit a wall and fell down. Staring at him I began to wonder, maybe this was all just a dream, something that had been going on in my head, creating impossible thoughts just to have the idea that I was going to escape this hell hole.
One of the guards on my left groaned as he tried to stand up, shaking me from my thoughts. His muscles and flesh were probably fried and sore so he probably wouldn't be standing up any time soon. I knelt down before his body and made him look at me.
"Where is he?" I asked as I looked at his fear-filled eyes.
"Where's who?" His eyes widened when I grasped the collar of his jacket.
"Who the hell do you think?" To be honest, I didn't know who I was looking for. My whole memory was erased, I didn't even know if I was fighting the right people. All I knew is that somewhere in this building there was someone who I needed to help. Or who could help me actually, maybe who needed help but could provide me with the same. I had no clue.
"Captain America?" He shivered under my cold fingers. "He's still in room 18."
"Thank you." I smiled sweetly but then hit the side of his head as hard as I could, knocking him out. Just to be sure I grasped his gun and the belt that hung around his waist and clasped it around my own.
As I ran through the halls of god knows where I was, I became to wonder who I myself was, who I had been, what I had done. Maybe I was one of them, whoever they are. All I knew is that they made me into something I wasn't, something inhuman. Probably that came into my mind because I wasn't exhausted after running for 10 minutes, which has to be inhuman, right?
The sign of room 18 soon came into sight. I barged in without really knowing what was going to be inside the room but soon though I discovered that I made the right choice coming here. He was sitting there, his arms still bound to the chair with blood flowing down from his bruised and torn skin, his blond hair hanging before his face.
"Grace?" His light blue eyes opened as he frowned at me, his hands balling into fists as he tried his best to get out of the ropes that bound him to the iron chair. "I thought they had taken you away."
"Grace?" I frowned while trying to untie the ropes. I looked up at his blue eyes, thinking. "Well, my parents couldn't have chosen anything else more original that actually suites me, could they?"
"What are you talking about?" Steve asked when one of his hands was freed, now trying to untie his other hand while I was busy with his feet.
"It's a long story." I said when I helped him up and soon discovered that he was heavier than he looked. I steadied him when he was back on his wobbling feet. He then looked down at me, his eyes traveling from mine over my whole body, knowing something had changed.
"What happened to you?"
"Don't ask, I don't know either." I slowly took my hands away from his body to make sure he wasn't going to fall. I sighed and ran my hands through my long wavy black hair. "They erased my memory and did god knows what to my body."
"Right." Steve took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to make sense of everything that was happening. "Do you know where the closest security room is?"
"I probably did before." I frowned but then focused on the electricity, since that was kinda my thing now apparently. I felt the cables that wound through the whole building, felt the multiple machines and devices scattered around. But there was one room where there were multiple cables in the walls and more devices than anywhere else.
"Grace, your eyes." Steve's hand shot up to my cheek so he could get a better look at them.
"Two floors above us there is one, there are three guards in there as far as I can see." I ignored him and looked away from his blue eyes. "We should probably go there to call some allies... You have allies, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do." Steve frowned. He nodded, knowing what he had to do now. He grasped my arm and practically dragged me across the hallways. Every now and then he looked around the corner, looking if there were any men in the corridor. When there was one he'd shove me into the wall so my body was hidden from sight and waited till the guard had either walked away or took him out when he walked past the corner.
We arrived before the door of the security room, looking at each other before entering.
"How many did you say there were?" Steve asked.
I closed my eyes again, focusing on the electricity inside the room. I somehow felt the mobile phones in their pockets and the headphones in their ears. It was the metal that I could feel, the electrons moving inside them like they were in my body. There was also a radio of some kind, a way we could call Steve's so called allies. "Three men, all armed with a gun in their left pocket."
"Right." Steve sighed, nodded and then kicked the door open, engaging into a fist fight with the three men. Soon enough I discovered that he was also way much stronger than he looked, it almost looked like this was something he did every day. Fighting, punching, everything. When he was done he looked at my confused eyes. "Do you know how to operate these things?" He asked while pointing at the radio.
"Yeah, I do." I slowly walked towards the radio while eyeing him slowly. I shook my head as if to get rid of the thoughts flowing through my head and sat down before the radio, grasping the microphone and looking for a signal as I turned the knobs.
"Who exactly am I looking for?" I looked up at Steve when the radio only let out noise.
"The Avengers." Steve sighed and put both his hands on his waist.
"What?" I practically laughed at him as I turned my chair towards him. "As if they would just fly here only to save two random people."
"Are you sure you're alright, Grace? I told you who I was, didn't I?" Steve frowned at me as he sat down on a chair on the opposite of me when I continued to search for a signal.
"Well, I wouldn't know, I can't remember anything." I answered.
"Captain? You there?" A masculine voice rang through the radio. "Capsicle, hang in there, we're coming for you. Is the scepter there also?"
"It's here, Strucker couldn't have mounted this defense without it." Another male voice answered.
"You know him?" I looked up at Steve.
"That's Stark and Thor." Steve softly pushed me away from the radio as he grasped the microphone for himself. "Stark, you there?"
"Captain! I was afraid I'd lose my capsicle. How's freedom doing in there?"
"I'm fine." Steve sighed deeply. "The scepter is here in the building but I don't know where. Strucker is also here, couldn't get to him-
"I've taken him out." I said and saw Steve looking at me. "He attacked me and I defended myself. I didn't kill him." I shrugged. "At least, as far as I know he was still breathing." I looked down at my lap and bit on my lip.
"Shit!" Tony cursed when it sounded like he hit something.
"Right, capsicle, there's an energy shield protecting the building. See if you can take it down." Tony ordered. "It's powered by the scepter and we can't destroy it."
"Is Thor still there?" Steve asked while looking around the security room, probably searching for a button that literally said -off-. "I know where the scepter is."
"At long last." Thor's voice rang trough the radio.
"At long last is lasting a bit long out here, boys." A girl's voice now filled my ears. Probably Black Widow. She had been like me childhood hero, doing everything I practically couldn't, including escaping from our former evil bosses.
"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Another male voice said mockingly.
"Wait, so no one else is going to deal with the fact that captain just said language?" Tony said.
Steve took in a deep breath. "I know, I know." He exhaled and then muttered under his breath. "That just slipped out."
He continued to search for the off button when something weird caught his eye on the security cameras. "We've got an enhanced in the field." Steve said after he had spotted a blue blur on them.
"That must be one of the twins." I remarked but then frowned, knowing someone had told me but not who.
"Right." Stark said. "Does that have to mean anything to us or are you talking to yourself?"
"Look, smart-ass, I wasn't done talking." I shot back and heard Steven softly chuckling beside me as he continued to search for a way to shut off the shield. "Strucker has been experimenting on them. As far as I know she can do telekinesis and he runs faster than light."
"Do not engage." Steven ordered. "Stark, there seems to be no off switch or any way to put the shield down from here."
"Roger that." Tony said. "Jarvis, find me a soft spot, I'm going to poke it with something."
"Clint's hit!" Natasha yelled through the radio. Steve sighed, clearly worried. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" Natasha's voice sounded a bit panicked. Soon enough a loud growl came out of the radio followed by some explosions. "Thank you." Natasha said.
"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve urged.
"I'm closing in." Stark said and soon enough Steve and I heard an explosion. "Drawbridge is down, people."
"Find the scepter." Thor said immediately. Steve nodded and began to stand up.
"And for gosh sake, watch your language!"
Steve sighed deeply. "That's not going away any time soon."
"Steve, look." I pointed at one of the security feeds. "There is your equipment."
"Right, follow me." Steve ordered and led us through the hallways off the building. The walls were shaking and creaking due to the explosions everywhere.
"A shield?" I looked up at Steven when we had finally reached the room where his equipment was. On the way there we had encountered several Hydra soldiers. We took them out easily though. Every time I fought, Steve would look at me like he was confused or something, like he was seeing a ghost.
"Isn't a gun or something like that a bit more useful?" I continued and watched as he quickly put his uniform on.
"It'd not just a shield." Steve clasped his belt shut and took his shield in his hand. "I also can use it to knock people down, reflect energy beams,-"
"Kinda like a Frisbee but then an indestructible one." I interrupted him.
"You can see it like that, yes." Steve softly chuckled but then started to walk towards of the exit of the room. He sensed my hesitation do he glanced back at me. "Are you coming, ma'am?"
"Where are we going?"
"We're going to escape." He frowned when he discovered that didn't exactly make me happy. It was just the fact that I had no idea what I would do when I would've escaped. I never imagined that I would even succeed or leave this place alive. Now here I was, with Captain America himself helping me to escape, making it almost impossible for the escape to fail. And I hesitated.
"Grace?" Steve walked towards me and tilted my head up so he could look me in the eye. "This is your only chance. You have a choice, only a short time to choose. Make it."
I nodded and looked at the ground. Maybe it was time to make the impossible possible, maybe it was time to finally break free from the chains I've been in for my entire life. For else I would never escape, never see the sun again or hear the wailing of the sea, the chuckles of children or feel the wind blowing in my face. I would be like a bird trapped in a cage so small she couldn't fly.
So I decided to break free, with Steven here to aid me.
I looked up at him with a smile on my face and a determined look in my eyes. "Let's go."
Author's note
So I decided after not writing for a whole year to continue this story xd. Don't ask me why I stopped, because I don't know. It was just that a few days back I came to think about this story again after seeing it in my creations and then I got all this excitement and... well, let's just say this story is going to continue
BUT I changed some things. 1 The girls isn't named Elena anymore but is now called Grace (This because in my other story there is also a girl named Elena and it got kind of confusing)
2 Grace doesn't get wings after getting her powers back. This because I wanted to keep it somewhat realistic.
So yeah, not that much has changed. You probably already forgot what this story was about xd But yeah, see you next chapter!
(If you like Game of thrones and all that stuff, go read my other story named The Guardian of The North, I promise I won't dissapoint you.)
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