Chapter 2: the escape
My hand was in midair when the Director suddenly began to laugh. Confused glances were shot to him when he apparently found something so funny.
"Why are you laughing, sir?" Wood hesitantly asked while looking at the others.
My heart was pumping wildly, there was nothing scarier than his laugh. It sounded like death but one way or another I was still alive.
"Did you seriously think you had that kind of powers?" He laughed. Hesitantly I turned to Steve, looking if he had any idea what was happening.
"I... It was just a reflex." Standing up tall I tried to look less afraid than I actually felt. I did safe Steve from an immediate death right? Or will he shoot him no matter what, is he only having a laugh before he kills again?
"Take her to room 2190." The Director's voice was now without emotion, his leader instinct coming back.
"I'm sorry Grace, but your nursing days are over." He smiled at me when Wood and another agent dragged me away.
"What will happen to him?" I looked at Steve. I knew what was coming, but I felt nothing. I should be scared to death but in some way I was calm.
"The usual." The Director looked back at him. So he will be tortured until he begs for death.
The agents dragged me through the halls by my arms. I wasn't walking myself, I let my legs drag behind me. Why walk when they do it for you?
If my thoughts were right about what was going to happen, I didn't owe them anything.
"Grace?" We passed Luke, a desperate look on his face was soon replaced by one without any emotion.
"Wood, Stan, where are you taking her?" he asked sternly.
"Room 2190."
"Let me take her." Luke forcefully took my arm from them and then started dragging me away.
"They're gone." I said when Wood and Stan where out of sight. Luke immediately let go of my arm and turned to me.
"It's over Luke."
"No, we could still escape. We have a plan remember?" Hope sparkled in his eyes when he looked at me.
"Now that Captain America is here, we have an even bigger chance of getting out of here."
"Luke, we can only escape at night. I don't know if you noticed but it's only 9 am."
"We could wait."
"No we can't. They are waiting. When they notice I'm not there in five minutes, they will undoubtedly search the whole building for me."
"Grace..." Luke sighed and turned away from me. But nevertheless I saw the tears forming in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Luke." I choked. There is one thing, only one thing left that can make me cry. And that is seeing someone I love hurt. Luke turned around to me and nodded in surrender.
"I just hoped that you would..." Luke had trouble finding the words, his hands waving around in the air. My hands pulled him to me, our foreheads touching and our eyes closed.
"I know." I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck, letting out a deep sigh.
"I guess this is goodbye then." Luke's voice was broken and his arms pulled me closer to him. Then he placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Just... Try to get out of here okay?" I whispered to him. He still had a chance of getting out. He was an agent himself, he could just walk out the door. But then they will undoubtedly chase him and kill him.
You might as well just let that part out.
"Co'mon." Luke unwrapped himself and then started leading us to room 2190.
When we arrived Luke gave me one last glance before he opened the door. Knifes, scissors, needles, saws, screwdrivers and who knows what were scattered around the room.
"Lay down on the bed." A man who was dressed in a long white coat ordered me.
Without any resistance I slowly made my way towards the bed, taking in my surroundings. So this was it. They're finally going to do it.
I just hope it will be fast.
Steve's POV
"What will happen to him?" Grace asked and looked at me, defeat in her eyes. You could definitively see her desperation, her craving to be free. It was like she was a bird, without her wings, trying to fly away.
"The usual."
The little hope that was left in her eyes disappeared. She nodded and diverted her gaze away from me. I didn't know why she gave up so quick. Maybe she doesn't have anything to live for?
"And now... What shall we do with you?" The man in the long black coat turned to me. He didn't look very strong but I couldn't help but know that he was the leader.
I just raised my eyebrows at him. Honestly I was making a plan in my head on how to get out of here with as many innocent people as possible. Who knew how many they held here.
"What's going to happen to her?" I asked, trying to get the attention away from me. I had to make that plan, who knew how many innocent lives depended on it. And honestly I was kind of curious.
"That's none of your business Captain." He walked to a table on the other side of the cell. Numerous of bottles with all kinds of liquids were placed there. He poured himself a glass of what had to be whiskey.
"Why were you looking for the Winter Soldier?" He asked after he sat down in front of me.
"That's none of your business." I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he even know that the Winter Soldier is Bucky? Well... maybe was.
The man stood up with a big sigh before walking to another table behind me. I heard the sound of metal being picked up, the sound filling the room. After that I heart his footsteps coming back. He held a knife in his hand, his eyebrows furrowing when he looked back at me.
Grace's POV
A soft sound filled the room, it sounded strange. I had never heart anything like it before. If I had to explain the sound I would tell that it sounded like magic. Like someone was casting a spell or something.
My eyes fluttered open, trying to see what made that sound. But the only thing that I saw was grey, what later seemed to be a wall. I was laying on the ground.
I honestly had no idea how I came there. And when I was thinking about that, I soon discovered I didn't even know my own name. I didn't remember anything, it was like all my memories were ripped away from me.
I sat up and put both my hands on my head. The huge headache I had was almost unbearable. A soft whimper came from my lips when I tried to stand up.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw where the sound came from. There was a tiny light glowing blue ball floating in the midst of the empty room. There was nothing there, except me and the tiny ball.
What was I supposed to do? I didn't see any door or window where I could escape through. Nothing but the walls and the tiny blue glowing ball.
My curiosity got the best of me as I walked towards the small orb of light, my hand reaching out for it. But I didn't touch it before I was standing close to it, both my hands around the orb.
Should I hold it or should I not? Well, what was I supposed to do otherwise? My hands closed around the orb.
I wish I hadn't done that. I wish that humans didn't have to be such curious creatures. Bur nevertheless I was.
A unbearably pain filled my whole body. It soon obliged under the huge torment and I fell to the floor. I couldn't even scream, hell I couldn't even move. It was like pain was filling my entire existence. Like it was the only motion I ever felt.
Somehow I was standing on my knees and arms, the pain slightly fading. Tormented screams filled the room, my screams. A wave of wind filled the room but I didn't know from what. All I knew was that I had to escape this pain. I somehow needed to survive.
And then it ended. The pain vanished and my knees and arms gave up. I was panting, gasping for air as I laid there on the floor.
Feathers. Soft feathers.
Was I dead?
No I wasn't, I could still feel and hear. And see I soon discovered when I opened my eyes. I was back on the floor again. Only this time 2 things had changed.
Firstly, the tiny ball had somehow vanished, I couldn't hear or see it anymore. The room was entirely empty except me.
Secondly, it wasn't silent anymore. Hell, I wished it was, an huge noise was filling the room. It didn't cone from there though, it came from outside. There were all kinds of people talking, tormented voices, happy ones, sad and angry ones filled my senses.
I fell to my knees again, desperately gasping for air. What the hell was happening to me? How did I get these wings?! Where was I? Why was I here? Why is there no one here with me? Who the hell was I?!
I had a panic attack, that's for sure. I couldn't breath, I couldn't move. All I could do was cry for help and gasp for air.
I couldn't see the man coming in the room from a door hidden from sight. He had an huge black coat on, glasses on his nose and he had short dark brown hair. Honestly I had no clue who he was. He then smirked at me while kneeling in front of my trembling body.
"I see you've finally found your powers back."
I looked up again and suddenly the noise died down around me. This time I could hear one of the voices clearer.
"Now we only need to wipe her remaining memories, then she will be trained. She could be the new winter soldier."
"What have you done to me?" Tears were running down my cheeks uncontrollably. All I wanted that moment was to know who I was.
"We have just made you our greatest weapon yet."
"Take her to room 212." The Director ordered. Then I realised he hadn't said anything after he came in. I had heart his voice in my head, reading his thoughts without knowing. It was like fear was flowing off of me. I could finally let it go, because I finally knew what I had to do and what I was cabable of.
"You're not taking me anywhere."
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