⚔️ Enchantrian words
🏹 Characters
🗡 Other definitions
♡ Gems of Liberia
(fr.) First seen in
⚔️ Ade
(fr. Chapter 17| Reunion)
- Enchantrian word: Grandfather
⚔️ Aga
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- Derillan word: Sister
🏹 Aja Elizell
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- one of the daughters of Rama Yuann
🏹 Alastair Simmons
(fr. Chapter 37| Alastair)
- a mysterious young lad said to be sent by Alfira to guard Cithara
🏹 Alfira Elizell
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- Cithara's mother
🏹 Alisa Elashor
(fr. Chapter 20| The Arcane One)
- Wil's younger sister
- Fourth child of Triev Elashor
⚔️ Alvanahan
(fr. Chapter 36| The Stranger of the Night)
- Enchantrian word: Immortal Realm
🏹 Alvierus Eldrevion
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- the mentor of the Avallons
- the Wizard of the North
- 'White Wizard'
♡ Amethyst
- a magical gem used for crafting dreams and nightmares
- commonly: Violet
🗡 Amaergon
- a stronger form of a Meduren
⚔️ Amma
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- Derillan word: Mother
⚔️ Animagae
(fr. Chapter 33| Between the Borders)
- Enchantrian word for Animals of Enchantria
⚔️ Appa
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- Derillan word: Father
♡ Aquamarine
- a gem used for shapeshifting
- commonly: Peach
🗡 Aquaria
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- one of the kingdoms of the Immortal Land
⚔️ Ara
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- Liberian word: Sister
🗡 Aragonas
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- fearless individuals that are descendants of the dragons
- from the Empire of Mithrin
⚔️ Areia
(fr. Chapter 30| The Sacred Gem)
- Elven word: Aunt
🏹 Athos Boudreaux
(fr. Chapter 39| The Resistance)
- the first-born prince of Mithrin
⚔️ Avallon
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- an Enchantrian word that means guardians, warriors, and protectors
- bearers of the ancient rings of power
🗡 Avallon's Citadel
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- a small fortress built by the last Avallons from Varelor's time
- a place where the recent Avallons planned and stayed
🗡️ Avallon Tree
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- a Sacred Tree that contains unimaginable magic
- had leaves with several colors that shine bright at night or when something bad happens
- has a golden trunk
🗡 Averthries
- sacred butterflies that guide the souls of the Immortals towards the realm of spirits
🏹 Azacar Gallio
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- a male Dream Weaver
🏹 Azarel
(fr. Chapter 43| Revenge of the Forgotten Lands)
- the demon king
🗡️ Barbarians
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- barbaric and uncivilized creatures
⚔️ Bienue lunien
(fr. Chapter 28| Mischief Makers)
- Elven word: Good evening
⚔️ Bien Lunien, sefias er geiron
(fr. Chapter 12| Battle of the Brains)
- Elven word: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
⚔️ Bien, mae govannen, lei mien amia
(fr. Chapter 42| Our Little Mermaid)
- Elven word: Well, well met, my new friend
⚔️ Bien neo!
(fr. Chapter 14| An Unexpected Journey)
- Elven word: Good luck!
⚔️ Bienue!
(fr. Chapter 42| Our Little Mermaid)
- Hi!
⚔️ Bienue el en dahlie
(fr. Chapter 28| Mischief Makers)
- Elven word: Welcome to our kingdom
🗡 Blazing whip
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- Celebrin's weapon
🏹 Caerwyn Emberwood
(fr. Chapter 20| The Arcane One)
- Wil's older sister
- the first child of Trev Emberwood
🏹 Captain Markus Severilo
(fr. Chapter 24| Into the Unknown)
- Rei's captain
- a mortal
🏹 Celebrin Amana
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- a she-elf
- the last Fire Avallon
🗡 Celies
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- one of the tribes of Liberia
- Liberians that craft nightmares
🏹 Cithara Aeloira Elizell
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- Varelor and Alfira's daughter
♡ Citrine
- gem for teleportation
- commonly: Orange
⚔️ Cleia!
- Enchantrian word: Thank goodness!
⚔️ Cleia! Cleia il live!
- Enchantrian word: Thank goodness! Thank goodness I'm alive!
🏹 Clevor Strellus
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- the head knight of Liberia
- Cithara's best friend
🗡 Constellation
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- formation of stars
🗡 Crystal-gem necklace
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- a specialized kind of magical stone that was given to the royal bloods
🗡 Crystals
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- luminous minerals from the land
- Sepphora was the center of trading it
⚔️ Deia
- Elven word: Mother
⚔️ Deinar
(fr. Chapter 40| Freedom)
- Mithrian word: Thank you
🗡 Demons
(fr. Chapter 9| Untold Prophecies)
- Immortal creatures that live in the Spirit Realm
⚔️ Den
(fr. Chapter 33| Between the Borders)
- Elven word: Yes
🏹 Den Elashor
(fr. Chapter 20| The Arcane One)
- Wil's younger brother
- third child of Triev Elashor
🗡 Derillan
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- creatures living in Derilla
🏹 Dholin Eleazar
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- one of the wizards of Enchantria
- 'Gray Wizard'
- the Wizard of the South
♡ Diamond
- a gem used to fly
- commonly: Pink
🗡 Dragons
(fr. Chapter 39| The Resistance)
- a fire-breathing mythological animal, a winged, flying, scaly creature
🗡 Dream Weavers
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- Enchantrians who specializes in crafting dreams and even nightmares
🗡 Dream weaving
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- the practice of crafting dreams and nightmares
🏹 Dreia Trevino
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- a she-elf
- the last Water Avallon
⚔️ Dreus
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- an Enchantrian word: Chosen
🗡 Dwarves
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- stout and grumpy; fearless and friendly creatures from the Empire of Mithrin
🗡 Eastern Lands
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- where the land of Sepphora could be seen
⚔️ Edei En Lien
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- unknown translation
⚔️ Edue
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- an Enchantrian word used to express surprise or anger
🗡 Elder Committee
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- a group of elders gathered and was traditionally handpicked by a wizard
🗡 Elders
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- the members of the Elder Committee
⚔️ Elei medullen freyo
(fr. Chapter 42| Our Little Mermaid)
- Aquarian word: Well met to you as well
🗡 Elf
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- creatures known for an affinity to magic and nature
- Magic: Conjuration
🏹 Elron Ravenwood
(fr. Chapter 14| An Unexpected Journey)
- the leader of the Elven tribe
- rules next to the Emperor
🗡 Emperor's Advisor
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- companions, sounding boards, and loyal retainers to their kings or emperors
- the identity of Livian's Royal Advisor was still anonymous to many
🗡 Enchantria
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- the world where three realms emerged
🗡 Enchantrian words
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- an international language for all the creatures living in Enchantria
🏹 Eon Elashor
(fr. Chapter 20| The Arcane One)
- Wil's younger brother
- fifth child of Triev Elashor
⚔️ Ethlen...
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- Enchantrian word: Bring us towards...
⚔️ Ethlen Medure
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- an Elven word that can be translated to 'Bring us towards the citadel.'
- used by Livian as he used a teleportation gem
🗡️ Everdaile
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- the Empire of the Elves
- home for the Avallon Tree
🗡 Everdaileans
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- elves living in Everdaile
🏹 Evreux Jian
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- a male Dream Weaver
🗡 Faeries
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- creatures that lived in woodlands
- royalties were the only ones who had wings
- can change their sizes from the size of a speck towards a giant
- Magic: Illusions
🗡 Farisae
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- special warriors trained to protect the Emperor of Everdaile
🗡 Fifth ring
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- a myth to many
🗡 Forest of Everdaile
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- a bewildered forest that only a few dared to enter
- located in Sepphora
- also known as a Forbidden Forest
🗡 Free Men
(fr. Chapter 39| The Resistance)
- name of the resistance of Mithrin
🏹 Freia Acker
- one of the members of the Elder Committee of Everdaile
- a she-elf
🗡 Fruit gem
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- the fruits of a gem tree, which was endemic to Liberia
♡ Garnet
- a gem used to create firecrackers
- commonly: Red
🗡 Gem of Nightmares
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- an amethyst gem that had a darker shade
- contains the power of giving nightmares to someone
🗡 Gems
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- special minerals that were used to craft dreams and have many more uses
- protected by the Dream Weavers
- needs to be placed for two nights on moonlight after harvesting so that its magic could be extracted from it
⚔️ Graxien
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- Enchantrian word: Thank you
🏹 Gregor Boudreaux
(fr. Chapter 39| The Resistance)
- fifth-born prince of Mithrin
🏹 Greo Drever
(fr. Chapter 9| Untold Prophecies)
- a member of the Elder Committee
- an elf
🗡 Guevaria
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- the kingdom of the Fairies
🏹 Hanari Riverbrook
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- a maiden different from the other hobbits whom she lived with
⚔️ Hara
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- Liberian word: Queen
🗡 Healers
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- creatures skilled in healing magic
️⚔️ Hecreas
- Enchantrian word: Hours
⚔️ Hiren!
(fr. Chapter 33| Between the Borders)
- Mithrian word: Halt!
🗡 Ice Moonstone
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- Arctic blue magical stone attached to a ring
- grants the bearer an ability to control ice
🗡 Ice Sword
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- Varelor's weapon
⚔️ Ili dure!
(fr. Chapter 25| A Noteworthy Voyage)
- Aquarian word: Amazing!
🗡 Imaige
(fr. Chapter 29| Caught on Act)
- an Immortal creature who has a small elephant-like structure
🗡 Immortal Realm
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- a realm where the Immortals lived
- the Immortals called it Alvanahan
🗡 Immortals
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- have two types: creatures living at the Immortal Realm (can live up to a thousand years) and those living at the Spirit Realm (have infinite lives)
🏹 Izatha Longbottom
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- a young she-hobbit who was a friend of Hanari
🗡 Land of Misery
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- Mortal Realm
⚔️ Leiula
(fr. Chapter 34| The Conspiracy)
- Aquarian word: I'm sorry
🏹 Leo Fairbairn
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- a young hobbit who escaped from their kingdom after the attack
🗡 Liberia
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- the kingdom of the Dream Weavers
🗡 Liberians
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- the Dream Weavers living in Liberia
⚔️ Lia
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- Elven word: Sister
⚔️ Lio
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- Elven word: Brother
🏹 Livian Einar
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- the last Wind Avallon
- son of the Emperor of Everdaile
- a former Emperor of Everdaile after his father's rule
⚔️ Lorielle
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- Enchantrian word: Snowflake
🏹 Lout
(fr. Chapter 37| Alastair)
- a Mithrian troll
🗡️ Luna and Celestria
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- the two moons of Enchantria
- named after the two moon goddesses
🗡 Magical Leather Gloves
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- magical tool that the Liberians used while harvesting gems
🗡 Magical rings
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- had powerful gems that were made by the gods and goddesses
- entrusted to its bearers, the Avallons
🏹 Marivielle Dewbreeze
(fr. Chapter 42| Our Little Mermaid)
- a mermaid princess from Aquaria
⚔️ Meales
(fr. Chapter 14| An Unexpected Journey)
- Enchantrian word: Months
- plural form of Meale
🗡 Meduren
(fr. Chapter 16| The Stranger's Mission)
- weak form of a demon
- steals the happy memories of other creatures to gain an immortal form
🗡 Meres
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- one of the tribes of Liberia
- Liberians that craft sweet dreams
🗡 Mermaids
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- creatures that have tails and fins, as well as half of a human body from head to hip
- from the kingdom of Aquaria
🗡️ Mhydrille
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- a land covered with snow and ice
- located at the Northern Lands
- a former great city of Everdaile
🗡 Mhydrillians
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- people living in Mhydrille
⚔️ Mien
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- Derillan word: Brother
⚔️ Mijo
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- an Elven word: Son
🏹 Mister Reginald Lynn
(fr. Chapter 24| Into the Unknown)
- Severilo's first mate
- a mortal
🗡 Mithrin
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- one of the empires in the Immortal Realm
🏹 Mon
(fr. Chapter 37| Alastair)
- a Mithrian troll
🏹 Montgomery Severilo
(fr. Chapter 23| He's a Pirate)
- Rei's friend
- son of Captain Severilo
- a mortal
🗡️ Mortal Realm
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- the realm where Mortals lived
⚔️ Nadi
(fr. Chapter 30| The Sacred Gem)
- Elven word: Niece
🏹 Nedd Boudreaux
(fr. Chapter 39| The Resistance)
- second-born prince of Mithrin
🏹 Nerus
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- one of the four wizards of Enchantria
- 'Blue Wizard'
- the Wizard of the West
⚔️ Ni
(fr. Chapter 46| Chosen)
- Aquarian word: You
⚔️ Nien
(fr. Chapter 33| Between the Borders)
- Enchantrian word: You
🗡 Nivannon
(fr. Chapter 42| Our Little Mermaid)
- What the Immortals call the Mortal Realm
🗡 Northernfolks
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- creatures living at the Northern lands
🗡️ Northern Lands
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- contains the domains located in the northern part of Enchantria
🗡 North Star
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- could be seen at the very tip of the Phoenix constellation, which was its beak
🗡 Nymphs
(fr. Chapter 12| Battle of the Brains)
- related to fairies
- small creatures that give hallucinations to the creature they target
🗡️ Phoenix
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- a bird that is the symbol of rebirth and reincarnation
🗡 Phoenix constellation
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- a star formation with the shape of a phoenix spreading its wings while heading north
🗡️ Pippi
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- might look like a beautiful woman, but they have a playful and evil-like personality
🗡 Puma
(fr. Chapter 33| Between the Borders)
- Sefira's animagae
♡ Quartz
- a gem used for temporary paralyzation
- commonly: White
⚔️ Rama
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- Liberian word: King
🏹 Rei Artemis Ambrioun
(fr. Chapter 23| He's a Pirate)
- a pirate and a mortal
⚔️ Ren
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- Derillan word: No
⚔️ Reveia
(fr. Chapter 42| Our Little Mermaid)
- Aquarian word: Princess
🏹 Ron Boudreaux
(fr. Chapter 39| The Resistance)
- the third-born prince of Mithrin
🗡 Mystic tree of Liberia
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- also called the Sylmora tree
- the gateway towards Liberia
⚔️ Sandre
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- Liberian word: Future Queen
♡ Sapphire
- a gem used for invisibility
- commonly: Blue
🗡 Sea dwellers
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- creatures living in the seas of Enchantria
⚔️ Seale
(fr. Chapter 16| The Stranger's Mission)
- Enchantrian word: Second
🏹 Sefira Emberwood
(fr. Chapter 33| Between the Borders)
- a Mithrian lady who is one of the servants of the Emperor of Mithrin
🗡 Sepphora
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- the land in Everdaile that was called 'The Crystal City'
- a town rich in crystals
🗡 Serebian
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- elves from the town of Serebia
- have the ability to shape-shift
🏹 Seref Vandenberg
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- a female Dream Weaver
🗡 Shapeshift
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- also known as transmutation
- the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form
⚔️ Sien
- Aquarian word: No
🗡 Sirius
- Cithara's animagae
- an imaige
🗡 Southern Lands
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- where Liberia could be found
- domains located at the southern part of Enchantria
🗡 Spider
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- large hairy creatures living in swamps and misty forests
🏹 Stefan Wren
(fr. Chapter 23| He's a Pirate)
- Captain Severilo's first mate
- a mortal
🏹 Theodrin Barlowe
(fr. Chapter 2| Cursed Destiny)
- an elf
- the last Earth Avallon
🏹 Theuderic Bopin
(fr. Chapter 32| One Last Wish)
- Izatha's naughty cousin
🏹 Torin Yvonne
(fr. Chapter 9| Untold Prophecies)
- one of the members of the Elder Committee
- an elf
🗡 Tree-ents
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- special kinds of trees who can speak and live for thousands of years
🏹 Triev Elashor
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- one of the heroes of Everdaile
- Wil Elashor's father
🏹 Val
(fr. Chapter 37| Alastair)
- a Mithrian troll
🏹 Varelor Aberra
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- the rightful successor to the throne of Everdaile
- the last Ice Avallon
⚔️ Vedryl
(fr. Chapter 12| Battle of the Brains)
- Elven word: fool
🗡 Velves
(fr. Chapter 11| The Half-Blood Elizell)
- one of the tribes of Liberia
- Liberians that distribute the crafted dreams all over Enchantria
🗡 Victory Gem
(fr. Chapter 12| Battle of the Brains)
- a golden trophy with the essence of a citrine gem attached to it
- the Liberians used it on their famous Labyrinth Game
⚔️️ Vio
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- an Elven word
- in English, it can be translated as Father
🗡 Western Lands
(fr. Chapter 4| Past, Present, Future)
- domains located at the western part of Enchantria
🏹 Wil Elashor
(fr. Chapter 9| Untold Prophecies)
- the chosen emperor of Everdaile
🗡 Wind Emerald
(fr. Chapter 1| Welcome to Enchantria)
- a golden ring with a magical emerald attached to it
🗡 Wizard
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- grows power by learning more about magic and how to control it
🗡 Wizard of the East
(fr. Chapter 8| Take Me Home)
- Alvier
🗡 Wizard's Staff
(fr. Chapter 3| The Last Hope)
- contained the wizard's magic
⚔️ Yeale
(fr. Chapter 18 Her Desire)
- Enchantrian word: Year
🏹 Ylexis Greystone
(fr. Chapter 10| The Will of the Emperor)
- current queen of Guevaria
⚔️ Yllen
(fr. Chapter 12| Battle of the Brains)
- Elven word: weakling
🏹 Yuann Elizell
(fr. Chapter 5| Destiny)
- the last Rama of Liberia
🏹 Yve Silvius
(fr. Chapter 6| Cithara's Premonition)
- a female Dream Weaver
🏹 Zaire
(fr. Chapter 12| Battle of the Brains)
- the other name chosen by Cithara as a disguise
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