Cithara and Wil were off towards the tree of sylmora. With their senses focusing on whatever danger they might encounter, they didn't pay much of their attention to where they were going.
"Do you know the way back to your kingdom?" Wil asked with a sense of curiosity in his voice.
"I..." Being unable to be away from her kingdom, Cithara was certain that she never knew anything about the outside land.
"Don't stress yourself up. I... I just want to know if you... you need a little help," Wil added.
"I'm not stressing myself up. I'm just a little confused," Cithara replied, scratching her right arm. Painted on her face were her emotions beginning to rise.
"Alright," replied Wil. "I just asked because I can sense that you are getting annoyed. Are you alright?"
"Ugh!" she exclaimed. "The tree should be right here! We're just walking in circles!" she added. Both of her hands were clenched. Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Can I ask what that tree is?" Wil asked with a little nervousness in his voice. "What is the name of the tree you are looking for?"
"It was t-that tree who serves as a landmark to where the portal is!" Cithara asked, sounding a little bit annoyed.
"Oh, you mean that tree with fireflies flying around it?" Wil asked.
"Yes, it is!" Cithara answered. For just a quick moment, she realized what she did wrong. Once again, as usual, she let the pressure that she felt control over her emotions.
"Wil, I... I'm so sorry. I usually go like this whenever I'm feeling anxious or having too much pressure deep inside of me," she added calmly.
"It's okay," Wil spoke in a comforting voice. "We all experience pressure. I experienced being under pressure as well when I got lost in this forest," he added, grinning.
"Anyways," she added, "I think I know where the tree is, but we have to hurry!"
"See, just calm down, and you'll be alright," Wil reminded.
Cithara let out a sigh of relief and grabbed the pale skin of Wil's thin forearm with her soft, delicate hand. The moonlight served as their guide as they dashed towards the tree of sylmora.
With the phoenix constellation above them, they continued their journey until, for a few moments, they reached their destination.
"Are you ready?" she asked with a smile forming on his red lips.
"Let's do this!" replied Wil, wearing his green cloak to keep himself fit with the other Liberians.
"Oh! And... uh... just stick to me, okay? You can get lost there because... you know... it's dark, and you're not familiar with the place," Cithara reminded.
"Got it," Wil replied.
Cithara took her crystal-gem and let it touch the rough bark of the sylmora tree.
At the moment the two things met, a huge force was felt through their skins that gave them a little shiver. In front of them came a bubble-like barrier.
"What happens now?" Wil asked.
"Go on and see it for yourself," replied Cithara, her necklace still touching the tree.
Wil's alarm raised as his heart began to beat fast.
What if something bad happened to me? What if I never come back? he thought, scratching the back of his neck.
"How about you go first since you know this place more than I do?" he asked.
"Then who will keep this portal open?" Cithara replied.
Wil felt his body stunned for a moment. He knew he had no idea about the land where he would go.
"Fine," Cithara lilted, "let's just go inside together."
As they took one step forward, both were greeted by a different place that was filled with colorful crystals serving as lanterns. The cobbled streets present at the place were completely different from where Wil was born.
"Bienue el en dahlie [Welcome to our kingdom]! Cithara greeted.
Wil's eyes glimmered with amazement as he witnessed the lively streets that he had never seen before.
"Bien lunien (Good evening)," they heard the Liberian who passed them greet.
"Bien lunien!"
"Let's go!" said Cithara. "The effects of the essence will wear off soon."
But why did she use it early before we went inside the barrier? Wil thought, grinning.
"If I didn't use this gem before going inside the portal, then maybe the magic barrier won't accept me because I'm exiled," Cithara spoke.
Did she just read my mind? Wil thought. It's just a coincidence, what am I thinking?
"So which way is your house?" he asked, brushing off his thoughts.
"First of all, I got to need a teleportation gem up there at that mountain," Cithara responded, pointing towards the mountain nearby.
"Right," Wil spoke sarcastically. "We're going on a rock climbing activity. Never thought of that."
"What... you never climb a mountain before?" Cithara asked in a sarcastic tone.
"I'm just surprised. Besides, I love to climb a mountain," Wil replied, trying to hide his emotions once more.
The two went towards the mountains with a trail of colorful, glowing crystal lanterns guiding their senses towards the meadows.
Wil found the mountain mesmerizing and unique. The trees surrounding the area had shining fruits that appeared to be like the twinkling stars above the night sky.
They were stepping through the Liberian mountain ranges that assembled a natural staircase. Every layer had its plants that grew as big as they could get. There were glowing tall plants and even small ones.
They strolled on a small staircase made with cobblestones that made them able to walk safely towards their destination without stepping on the plants.
The mountain's staircase held the ground securely with the help of a small number of cobblestones that the Liberians arranged as a wall on every layer. The weather around the area didn't matter because of that tactic they did.
The three tribes of Liberia depended on their mountain ranges where their precious gems were sowed and gathered for their jobs.
"I was right that Liberia is such an astonishing place!" Wil beamed, his eyes glistening with excitement.
"It is," replied Cithara, who was still searching for the Meres' gem fields.
As the curious young Wil wandered his gazes upon the scenery, his attention was caught by a glowing gem.
He leaned closer, trying to reach the newly born gem, which had just begun blooming. He stepped away leisurely towards the cobbled staircase, his mind filled with the soothing calls of the emerald green gem located just a few steps away from where he was at.
"I think the gem might just be located in this area," Cithara spoke, her gaze remaining fixed on the fields.
Wil was about to touch the gem. Figuring out that her friend was not on her side, Cithara was notified of his strange behavior.
"Wil!" she cried out with the hope of halting him.
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