01 | The audition
I step onto the spotlight. My heart beats fast in my rib cage as I start to fiddle with my hair.
I would describe my hair as unruly and unmanageable, but all that everyone sees are long brown curls that bounce when I walk. My eyes are the same color as my hair, a milky chocolate brown.
Pull yourself together.
"Am I on the light?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking. This is a question that I learned to ask at auditions, since at my first audition no one could see me. The worst thing is that no one told me.
"Yes, you are! Go on..." a man, probably an auditor, located on the seats in front of the stage, shouts roughly. He has dark circles under his eyes, which darken with each second of silence. He's creepy.
A tingle runs down my spine, as my hands start to shake. I look down at my script and start to perform.
Midway through the script, the auditor shouts me to stop. My face freezes. It always ends, like this... He'll tell me off and send me home...
"What the fuck are you doing? Acting is not reading the fucking script is performing it, living it. What you just did was an insult... Do you know that? Damn....The mad thing is that... I see...I see something in you..." the auditor wrinkles his nose. He looks at his colleagues and nods.
"Now you'll tell me a little about yourself and your acting experience and then you're going to perform again, hoping that you're gonna do it better" the man shouts. This never happened.
My cheeks start to burn as I swallow. I stare at him as my mouth starts to move.
"My name is Giulia, I'm 21 and I'm Italian. I've attended an English school from the age of three. I acted in some plays at school and I read some books and saw a lot of videos on YouTube about acting. After graduation, I went to the Academy for Actors in Milan. I studied there for one year and then moved to Los Angeles a year ago... I'm currently taking acting classes and looking around for some roles." I blurt out.
" But what have you been working on?" he huffs. "Well, I'm not working on a project... but I'm looking around and auditioning" I say, swallowing. His eyes widen, as a chuckle exits his mouth. "How would you describe your acting style?". "Well, my style is influenced by Meisner's. I read his book and was taught his technique... " I say.
" Interesting... I really like Meisner's techniques, but I can't see them in you... " he says staring deep into my eyes "I bet no one has ever called you back for another audition...but you're lucky because I and my colleagues are giving you a second chance. You need to show us that we're not wrong. Now, relax and act! " he smiles. Is he the same guy?
As I finish my lines, the auditors at the table huddle, their faces hidden from my view. I stare at my shoes for a few moments before fixing my gaze back to them. What is taking them so long?
Some words make their way to my ears. "Yes" "No" "I don't know".
They then turn ,some lips tilting up towards a smile. " You did pretty good girl. You were fluent, and you portrayed the emotions really well, but most importantly you were realistic. Go give your resume to Margret outside. We now need to audition twenty other girls and see how they go. We'll discuss about it and then if we think that you could possibly be in the movie, which I definitely think, we'll call you , to take another audition." the auditor says.
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