Chapter 24 (Epilogue)
1 year later
Leaning back in my office chair I stretch my arms above me with a groan. It's no wonder my eyes are feeling weird from staring at the screen when the clock confirms I have been working on this new event plan for just over three hours. It has been a long time since I have been so thoroughly absorbed by my work.
Standing, I make my way to the window and look out. The sky is a murky grey and has been threatening snow most of the day. After sending the others home early to ensure they weren't stranded in the middle of London if it did start to snow, I planned to just get a little bit of work done before I headed back.
Considering I work out of the office in the Astoria most days now, it was a nice change of scene to be back here again. Apparently the change of view had revitalised my productive side from the amount I had achieved.
That being said the sky was darkening more and more by the minute and, unwilling to risk it any longer, I close down my computer and lock up, hurrying quickly down the road to the station.
It's bitterly cold and I tuck my neck down as far into my scarf as I can, practically disappearing. It's busy, the platform heaving with stressed out shoppers and their hundreds of bags amid tired workers like me just looking forward to getting home. To top it all, with just two minutes until my train a steady drizzle starts. Just enough to ensure I am completely soaked by the time my train arrives.
It's standing room only and I shuffle awkwardly down inside the carriage, my swollen belly only just squeezing in. I give it a gentle rub through my coat. Not that I think she can feel it but it has been helping me to feel more connected with her.
Little Ada, short for Adaline. Our surprise baby and yet she had fast become my absolute world. Considering I hadn't even planned to have children, or even felt like I had any maternal instinct, I was surprised by how attached I became to the little parasite after I saw her on the screen. The sickness early on had been absolutely horrific and I regularly told Tommy it was all his fault and he did this to me.
However once that passed and I started to enjoy the pregnancy I felt the attachment building. A bond that gave me the most intense love I had ever felt for someone I hadn't even met.
Tommy was absolutely overjoyed of course and had been waiting on me hand and foot. Patiently dealing with the emotional outbursts and middle of the night carb cravings. The biggest one had been pasta and we were currently getting through industrial quantities of it. Tommy joked they Ada must have shares in some pasta manufacturer or something.
"Did you want this seat?" A slightly muffled voice asked and I peered around my bump.
"That would be lovely, thank you."
The pretty dark haired journalist from the train the night I first slept with Tommy stares back. "I know you." She says slowly as she vacates the seat and I gratefully sink into it, "You're the girl from the train." She snaps her fingers as the memory comes back.
"I am," I confirm laughing, "I don't think I ever properly thanked you for being so nice to me. So thank you."
She smiles, "It's nothing. I'm assuming you worked things out in the end?"
Her nod towards my bump has me cradling it again, "We did and this little lady is the result."
"I'm so happy things worked out for you," She glances out of the window, "This is me. I suppose I might see you around."
Before I can respond she's darting off between the people and disappears from view.
I smile and glance out into the darkness, realising we are now just two stops from Wynford and I pop Tommy a text.
Astoria: I'm almost home now. Fancy a takeaway tonight?
My Man Tommy: Sounds good. I'm at the Astoria, meet me there?
Astoria: See you there!
My Man Tommy: I love you
Tommy has been so funny about me walking back from the station alone when it's late and dark but thankfully with the Astoria only a short walk from both the station and his home it became our little half way point where he met me on my way home from trips to London.
The announcement confirms it's my stop next and thankfully the train is much emptier by now so I can easily clamber off. I'm developing a definite waddle of a walk now despite my best efforts and it has been over a month since I have been able to wear heels on my swollen feet.
This had been annoying me up until now, but with the cold weather these ankle boots are actually much warmer and more comfortable anyway.
The Astoria is quiet and dark when I approach and I frown, wondering where Tommy can be. "Hello?" I call out as I push open the door.
There's no response and I fumble for the light switch. "Tommy?"
The light turning on blinds me for a second and then I notice the trail of rose petals leading down the room. My heart jumps into my throat. Is this? Is he?
I lay my bags down careful and follow the trail slowly up the stairs, "Tommy?"
"In here." His reply comes from somewhere in the main theatre and I push open the doors to reveal the trail of petals continues down the walk way, lined with candles.
At the end stands Tommy, "Surprise." He offers with a nervous smile.
I make my way down to him, "I'll say."
"Azzy it has been exactly a year since the Astoria celebrated love for the first time in a long time." He takes a breath and holds my hands in his, "And almost two years since we reconnected. I like to think I have led a pretty happy life so far but trust me when I say that out of all the things that have made me happy, you are the only one I know I couldn't live without. I know that no matter what life throws as us I can face anything when you are by my side."
He slowly drops down on one knee in front of me, "Miss Astoria Wendall-Jones, love of my life and mother of my child, I promise to love you without limits, treasure our time together and cherish you always. What I am trying to say, in this ridiculously poetic speech I wrote and have been rehearsing for weeks is, I love you Azzy, please will you do my the great honour of becoming my wife?"
He offers me a beautiful ring with pretty twists and smaller stones set around one large one. I recognise it as my Mother's and find I am just nodding at it with tears of happiness rolling down my face.
"You need to say the words." Tommy encourages with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Yes, a thousand times yet." I choke out.
He jumps to his feet and pulls me in to kiss me. It's awkward around the bump and we break apart laughing.
We are still chuckling as he slides the ring onto my finger. A ring I saw on my Mother's hand or a necklace her whole life and it feels so much more precious that my parents are sharing in this moment as well. "I cannot believe I get to marry you." Tommy whispers.
I give a little laugh of disbelief, "I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs Moore."
He darts forward and kisses me again before dropping a hand to my bump and smiling, "The Moore family."
"We're going to be an old married couple and parents. How weird is that?" I laugh, still not quite used to the idea even after eight months.
"It's going to be the best." He promises, "I actually have one more surprise for you if you can promise not to cry or go into labour."
I roll my eyes, "Not exactly something I can make promises on with the way these hormones are going at me but I'll try."
He retrieves a long box from the seats behind him and holds it out to me. "I had this made as a gift for you. I thought about doing it for Christmas or perhaps after Ada is here but honestly I just can't wait any longer to give it to you and see what you think."
I take it from him with a small laugh, intrigued as to what could be in there. The box opens easily and reveals a necklace which makes my eyes fill with tears again. I Knew I couldn't promise not to cry, "You are determined to reduce me to a hormonal blubbering mess." I say as a I lift out the beautiful necklace in Aunt Addie's handwriting. A pretty silver piece spelling Astoria. I saw it so many times in her letters that I am sure it must be from one of them.
"Do you like it?" Tommy asks, brushing a tear from my cheek.
"I adore it and this couldn't have been anymore more perfect." I look up at him and he kisses the tip of my nose, "Now I have everything I have ever loved and ever needed, right here with me. The love of my life at my side, my littlest love in my belly, a symbol of my parents love on my finger and in the building where my Aunt met her true love."
"So what you're saying is I did good?" Tommy asks.
I elbow him and laugh, "Stop fishing for compliments, you know damn well you did good. God I love you so much Tommy."
I snuggle my body into his side and gaze up at him as he smiles, "I love you more than you know and I will prove it to you every day for the rest of our lives."
The end
Authors notes:
Wow, I cannot believe we are at the end of telling Astoria and Tommy's story! I have loved exploring their lives together as they learn to fall in love with a little help from her match-making Aunt. I really hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
This was written as part of the February JamFestBC challenge to write a 40,000 word novella using one of their fab prompt. I went for:
You inherit a movie theatre - or half of one anyway. You share ownership with the nephew of your deceased relative's best friend. Your first "business meeting" is not auspicious but something about this guy makes you want to give him a chance.
And also wrote this for the OpenNovellaContest 2022 using prompt:
99. It's always what/who you least expected that blows your mind away.
If you have time check out the hashtags and their pages to see the other amazing entries. If you're writing one for either challenge/contest please let me know and I'd love to check them out.
I am also writing a second ONC 2022 entry. A fantasy romance called The Heir and The Undoing which will be my next main focus. You can check that out here -
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