Chapter 22
Saturday morning comes around far too quickly and I wince at the light flooding through the gap in the curtains. Although I can't remember us getting back last night I can however remember the multiple celebratory drinks I knocked back after his win and my hysterical giggling as we climbed into the car to get home.
Hopefully I didn't make too big of an idiot of myself.
Rolling over I glance at my phone which confirms it's 8:13am on the 10th December. I sink back into the pillow and look at Tommy sprawled beside me for a moment. He looks so peaceful and I feel myself relax until the meaning of the date sinks in.
It's Saturday. It's the day of the big Astoria opening...with the wedding and craft fair. I sit bolt upright, clutching my head and trying to ignore the wave of sickness.
I have never done something like this before. I'm not the sort of person that gets hangovers or even lets go enough to even get drunk. Stumbling to the bathroom I am surprised to see my make-up from the night before, not only still there but mostly intact too.
In a move that would have Megan cringing, I quickly wipe off the lipstick and touch up the eyes in an attempt to hide how bloodshot they look. Then I apply a nude lip and hurry to grab my outfit.
Half wondering if I can get away without a shower I quickly sniff my underarm and gag at the sweaty scent of booze and regret. Nope, no avoiding it! Scooping my hair back into a ponytail I dive in and shower quickly without letting it get on my hair or face.
It involves some interesting body contortion I wasn't expecting to have to do on a Saturday morning but before I know it I am out and dressed, looking mildly presentable.
Tommy is still asleep and I hesitate, briefly considering waking him. But he looks as tired as I feel so instead I shoot him a quick message explaining where I have gone and make my way downstairs.
I can tell immediately I'm not in a fit state to drive and it's something of a relief that Tommy doesn't live far from the Astoria so I grab a bottle of water and start a speedy walk towards the high-street.
As soon as I reach the top of the road I can see the small crowd of people outside and guilt rushes through me.
"Hi all, I am so sorry I am later." I apologise as I weave through them and open the door.
"No worries, we saw the news, you'll have to tell Tommy we said congratulations." Says Anna, a pretty florist as she carries in a huge table centre piece.
"Thank you." I laugh and catch the end of the display the photographer is carrying through.
It takes a lot less time than I expected for them all to set up and by 10:45 everything is done with fifteen minutes to spare before open doors. I quickly do a last round offering drinks and snacks to keep them going throughout the fair.
It looks incredible with the festive reds and golds of the Christmas craft stalls down one side of the room and the beautiful black and white classic wedding stalls at the other end, each with smaller pops of colour.
The main door creaks open, "I'm sorry I'm late." Tommy says as he slips in, "There's quite the crowd out there."
I allow him to wrap his arms round me, "I can't believe we are ready to go. Do you want to do the honours?" I point to the door.
Tommy shakes his head, "No gorgeous, this is all you."
I nod and take a deep breath before pressing the button to start the gentle background music. I've gone for a mix of classic wedding piano music and instrumental versions of Christmas carols.
With the scene set I make my way to the large doors and rest my hands on them.
This is it.
What we've been working towards.
I send a silent thanks up to my Aunt for giving me a gift bigger than I could have imagined and open the doors.
As the crowds begin coming in the sound of cheery chatter begins to fill the space. I take my place at our stall and Tommy squeezes my hand to remind me he is there with me.
It doesn't take long for the room to fill and I am soon giving tours of the different rooms and answering a million questions. So many people keen for the rich history of the Astoria to be a part of their big days.
I explain that we are taking bookings for Spring of 2023 onwards and I'm surprised by how many people want to book dates already. Tommy and I are the perfect team. I explain the planning and what we provide whilst he sells the magic and explains what the wedding would be like.
"I can't believe this is real." I whisper to Tommy as the latest two couples move off with the details of their booked dates on a small card.
"Believe it, you made this happen." He replies before quickly launching into a welcome of the next couple.
The hours pass by in a blur and before I know it, it's 3 o'clock and the last people are slowing clearing out.
"Fantastic event." One of the stall owners says, "Please let me know when you're doing the next, I'd love to come again."
There are noises of agreement from several other sellers and I grin, "Of course. Thank you so much for all coming and being a part of this. I am sure we will be seeing some of you very soon at the weddings next year. I'm hoping to organise a calendar as well so we can really plan the next one of these."
There is a smattering of applause as people begin to pack their stalls and head out.
Tommy leads me up the stairs until we are stood on the balcony overlooking the entrance. It's where I first found Aunt Addie's letters. There's something on the wall, draped with a cover to hide it and I glance at Tommy with a questioning look.
"I thought about waiting with this. I had planned to show you this morning before the fair initially but now I'm glad I waited." He smiles and then reaches out and slides the cover off.
In an antique gold frame sit two photos and they are surrounded by lines of text on canvas. I recognise that familiar handwriting instantly and lean in to get a better look.
"These are extracts from the letters," Tommy explains, "And here are some of Williams belongings. I managed to track down his Uncle's family and they were left a small box of his things. Instead of letting them gather dust in their attic anymore, they agreed to give them to the Astoria. This is Addie's final letter to him and his final one to her, one he never had a chance to send."
I'm hearing him speak but my eyes are focused on the letters in his hand. It takes a moment before I accept them and begin to read.
Dear William,
It feels like an age since I last saw you. Perhaps it is dramatic but I feared I might be forgetting your face so I tried to sketch it last night. I can confirm my artistic skills have not improved in the slightest and I am sure you would be very offended if you saw it.
You have to promise me to make it home so that you can see it William.
I've seen the newspapers, I know what it happening but I cannot bear the thought that you will not make it back to me.
Before you, my life was simple. Boring. But a life with you in it? It makes my heart ache now.
Come back to me William.
All my love, Addie
My eyes are full of tears as I move to the second letter and Tommy's hand strokes my hair.
My beloved Adaline,
I hope you know how much your letters mean to me. I tried to imagine the image you have drawn and if it's anything like that one you attempted of Peggy the cat I promise to be extremely offended!
I am fighting to come back to you Addie. You have to know that. But the world out here is harsh and different to the world back home.
My heart breaks at the thought of leaving you so know I am doing everything in my power not to. Before every fight I picture you in my mind. Your smile. Your eyes. Your freckles. Even without the photo I carry of you I know I can never forget you. You are always in my head and my heart as though you were meant to be there.
Our love is bigger than any life or challenge. Bigger than the world we thought we knew. I am yours and you are mine Addie. Forever and always.
Yours, William.
My heart aches knowing Addie never got to read the final words he wrote for her and I look up at their photos side by side. Finally back together. The way they were always meant to me. This is my first look at William and he's nothing like I expected. A mop of curly black hair and a serious expression. Addie always described him as light, happy and cheeky. Perhaps that was a side he only saved for her.
"Thank you." I whisper to Tommy.
"Do you like it? I wasn't sure. I didn't want to upset you." Tommy looks conflicted and I place the letters down so I can wrap my arms around his waist.
"Honestly, the fact you even took the time to seek out his family and do this for me. To give me this closure." I shake my head. "It means more than you can ever know."
I feel his sigh of relief and squeeze him tighter. When I move back he is looking at me with utter adoration. "I love you Astoria Wendall-Jones. I've loved you longer than you know and I promise to love you always 'I am yours and you are mine. Forever and always'."
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