Chapter 16
His lips are soft under mine as he kisses me back. Hands fumble to pull each other closer and his fingers knot in my hair and tug, forcing me to tilt my head and give him better access to my mouth.
I gasp a little at the sensation and he takes the opportunity to gently bite my lip. It's overwhelming and intense and real. My heart hammering so hard in my chest I feel like it might burst.
A passing car toots it's horn and we break apart with a giggle, suddenly aware of the public setting of our kiss.
"Wow." Tommy mumbles, running his hand through his hair in an unconsciously nervous gesture.
"Wow." I repeat, touching my lips shakily.
"So, I'm guessing you like me too then but you never actually said." He laughs as I roll my eyes, "We need to work on your communication gorgeous."
My heart is only just returning to it's normal rhythm and I snort before replying, "I communicated. I just chose not to use words this time."
"Would you," He pauses, thinking about how to frame whatever he wants to ask, "Would you like to come back to mine?"
His hand flexes at his side and I can tell he wants to reach for me. He is holding back. Waiting maybe? I think he's afraid to move as though it might spook me and I'll run again.
He's wrong though. I won't. I made the decision to kiss him this time and whether it was a stupid one or not remains to be seen. But when I throw myself into something it's feet first and no turning back.
I know he's still waiting for my response and despite the hope in his eyes I have to think rationally. His home is next door to where my Aunt used to live and I haven't been there since before we sold it. I don't think I'm ready for the memories that might bring up.
I'm also not ready for him to come to mine. "How about we find a hotel room for the night?" I suggest slowly, "Somewhere nearby?"
He immediately scrambles to pull out his phone and searches frantically for a moment, "Malmaison is just round the corner and they have a room I can book." He meets my gaze, "Are you sure this is what you want?"
I reach for his shirt and tug him down for another kiss. When we break apart his eyes are clouded with a need I know is reflected in my own. "I'm sure." I whisper.
"Fuck, I don't think I'm going to make it to the hotel if you keep looking at me like that." He laughs and confirms the room on his phone before offering me his arm, "Shall we?"
I smile back as I take it and we hurry up the street. His thumb is stroking my arm through my sleeve and it's both soothing and frustrating as I want to explore him without the clothes in the way. From the map on his phone we are only a couple of minutes walk away. When I glance at him I see he is watching me too. "What?" I ask, feeling suddenly shy.
"I'm just thinking that if this is a dream I really don't want to wake up." He replies with a grin.
"Smooth talker." I tease, bumping him with my hip.
"I like this side of you." He chuckles.
"What side?"
"This cheeky side. You're lighter, happier even."
I don't want to admit how happy I am. That every part of me is singing out that this is happening after we danced around it for so long.
He ushers me into a plush reception area and checks us in quickly. There is some sort of bar and the noise is spilling out. I hope to God he doesn't suggest we stop and have a drink before we head up to our room.
The receptionist smiles politely but one glance at our lack of luggage and the check-in time confirms exactly what we are up to and I cannot meet her eye.
Thankfully Tommy doesn't seem to have that problem as he quickly fills out their paperwork and pays before guiding me towards the lifts, room key in hand.
He's stood behind me as we wait and brushes my hair off one shoulder so he can press kisses to my neck, "I'd offer to buy you a drink first but I can't wait to get you up to that room." He whispers and my knees go weak. I thought that was only something that happened in books.
Heat spreads to parts of me I have ignored for far too long and I stumble into the lift pulling him after me.
Just before the doors close behind us I think I hear the receptionist laugh but I'm too distracted to care now. Tommy looks down at me as though I am some sort of goddess and damn if it isn't the hottest thing I have ever seen. Trapped in the corner by his body I am helpless as he ducks his head and kisses me hard.
A small needy whimper escapes me as the doors slide open at our floor and he chuckles again, "Almost there gorgeous."
We find our room quickly, slipping the key card into the slot and stumbling in. Tommy somehow has the presence of mind to kick the door closed before pushing me gently back onto the bed and smiling down at me.
He doesn't say anything as his eyes rake my body hungrily. Under the moody lighting he looks more attractive than ever and then he pulls his t-shirt over his head and my brain completely malfunctions.
His broad shoulders are toned and tanned from working outdoors this summer. My mouth goes dry as my gaze dips lower to the bulge in his jeans.
Getting onto my knees on the bed and looking up I reach for him but he catches my wrists and pushes me back, pinning my hands above my head. "Patience." He murmurs, trailing a hand down my body.
"Touch me, please." I don't recognise my own voice as my body arches into him, desperate for his touch.
The only sign he gives that he is as affected as I am, is the flare of his nostrils as I squirm under his attention. He undresses me in a way that is torturous and slow, fingers lazily exploring my newly exposed skin and trailing over my hardened nipples so I cry out.
I'm down to my bra and panties when reach up I wrap my arms around his neck, my hips move of their own accord as my body seeks to soothe the ache building inside of me. His breath comes out in a rush, "Fuck Azzy." He hisses.
I smile, something about the way he reacts to me makes me feel strong, powerful even. We kiss again, exploring each other's bodies in fumbling motions. It's new and exciting as we learn what elicits the best moans and gasps from each other.
He stands to slide his jeans and boxers off in one fluid motion and then joins me back on the bed.
"What are you thinking?" He asks as I bite my bottom lip.
"I'm thinking," I say with a wicked grin, "That I need a taste."
Then before he can say anything I bend and take his length in my mouth. A series of expletives burst from him as he jolts and I smile around him.
"You're going to need to stop that if you want me to last more than a minute." He groans, head tilting back as I roll my tongue over the head.
He barely lasts thirty seconds before he flips me onto my back and pulls my underwear off. Leaning over the edge of the bed and reaching for his discarded jeans he grabs his wallet, rummaging through it before looking relieved when he pulls out a condom.
I watch as he tears it open with his teeth and prop myself on my elbows. He gazes back at me, sprawled on the sheets as he slowly rolls it on.
"You're so fucking beautiful." He breathes as he plunges into me.
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