Part 20
Lanoir didn't know how long she hung there. Her wrist where red and raw, the skin was torn and hung against the metal chains. Her feet barely touched the ground Lanoir blinked up at the dull, stone ceiling, every muscle in her body aching, every nerve stretched taut to the breaking point, every breath of air painful. Lanoir felt like she was slowly dying like a eight wheeler had ridden over her repeatedly. The numbness in her arms and legs told her she hadn't been freed from the chains at all. Her jaw hurt from the gag that was stuffed in her mouth. Her throat was dry and parched from not getting enough water.
She couldn't even remember how many days she had been hanging here. She was disgusted by the stench of urine that covered her body. They didn't allow her to use the bathroom or even shower. They wanted to embarrass her and break her. Maybe they wanted her to beg? She laughed at that thought. Even in this fucked up situation she still had her pride.Lanoir would endure whatever they forced upon her because she knew that he was coming for her. That thought is what kept her going, she knew that he cared for her, no matter how many times that fought they always came back together stronger than ever.
She closed her eyes as light shone inside her dark cell, opening her eyes she looked at the dark figurethat stood in the doorway.
"We're giving you ten minutes to shower you smell terribly and you will not meet father smelling so horrid." A man with blonde hair said with dark green eyes. He was wearing all black clothing.
Walking over he released her arms from the chain that was holding her up. So weak she fell onto her knees her legs scraping against the cold stone floor.She stood up on shaking legs every couple of steps she tripped over her feet. She was lightheaded and weak.
"It's been two weeks and your Judas has not come. We have been showing you mercy , you should be happy that father finds you interesting." he said over his shoulder glancing at her as he walked her down a long hallway. The building was made out of stone? Or apart of a mountain structure of something.
She was so out of it she didn't notice herself being shoved into another small room. Looking around she noticed that it was a bathroom. I guess she was supposed to clean herself here. Looking around she noticed the black pants and tank top on the side. Turning on the tap she ripped a piece of her shirt to use to wipe herself clean. Her back pushed against the door in fear that he would bust in.
After she cleaned her top half she made quick work of wiping in between her legs. She took the longest there. After removing the dirt and grime from her body she dressed in the clothes they left her. Ripping another piece from her old shirt she used it to create a hair tie. Tying her hair back she used the remainder of her time to drink some water. She drank until her empty belly felt full. The water helped stopped the cramping pain in her stomach.
The door was harshly swung open as he yanked her out. Her bare feet walking across the floor they made their way back to the room.
Pulling her arms back into her shackles his hands lingering on her arms. Lanoir looked away in defiance.
"I can see why he desires you, you are beautiful. Maybe father will gift you to me before you are killed." he said
The door was shut and she was once again left in darkness. Closing her eyes she allowed herself to rest as best as she could.
Lanoir woke up to the feeling of blood dripping down her wrist. The scab that had started to form on her wounds had come off due to her harsh movements. She was so numb she barely could feel the pain.
The door opened and in stepped a group. Two were women and three were men. Before she could even identify their intention a hard blow was delivered to her stomach. Crying out in agony, she tried to move away from her attacker. Her breath coming out fast and harsh.
After Five minutes of punches and slaps the lady was told to stop.
"Now that, that's over let's discuss the next steps." a deep voice said, stepping to the front he had a silver cane in his grasp.
The man looked to be in his late fifties and was in good shape. His body stood tall and muscles laid across his body. His hair was peppered black and white pushed towards the back. A ugly harsh scar ran down the right side of his face all the way down to his jaw.
"My son has betrayed me for you. I never had to question his loyalty until now." he said while leaning in to her face running the cane over her cheek.His smile was sinister, he was furious.
"What should we do about that?" he asked while leaning his chin against his cane, twisting it back in forth.
"Judas is the best I have. So i need him back under my command and the only way i see that happening is if your alive. I'll give you a choice you can serve under me and please my men. Or you can die a quick death. I'm not a monster now ." he said the sarcasm clear in his voice.
Lanoir smiled , then she couldn't help it but she laughed. Right in his smug face. His smile dropping as she mocked his pitiful offer. Her heart, soul and body belonged to one man and she wouldn't give it to anyone. She'd rather die.
Standing back up he gave her one last glance and they exited the room. Once they left She allowed herself to cry, sobs racked her body as she knew that once that sun came back up she was going to die.
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