Chapter 6
Eliza's P.O.V (this is gonna be a pretty short chapter)
I woke up in a cell. The last thing I remember is Maria knocking me out. Wait...I am in a cell. "Maria? Angelica? Peggy! Anyone?! Is anyone there?" I yelled.
Then a little curly-haired freckled boy came downstairs. I recognized him as Philip. The boy who was with Maria. "Hey Pip. Could you get me out of here?" I asked. He is an innocent little boy after all. "Sorry, no can do." He said shaking his head. Then a girl in a red dress came downstairs.
Maria. Oh god. "Hey Eliza." She said. "You! I thought I could trust you!" I cried. "Eliza-"
"No! Just don't say anything!" I yelled. " stay with her. I'll be right back."
I began crying. "I'm sorry Eliza but...this is our job." He said. "What are you?" I asked. "I'm an assassin. Well...i'm an assassin in training. Maria is an assassin!" He exclaimed, happily. Then Maria came back downstairs, with a man behind her.
She and the man stood in front of the cell. "Here you are Mr.Washington." She said. "Is this...Elizabeth Schuyler?" The man who I assumed to be Mr.Washington asked. Maria nodded. "And you didn't kill her?!" He yelled, his voice shaking the room. Pip grabbed his hand.
Maria nodded. "Just..this one time I couldn't bring myself to kill her."
Wow. Maria couldn't kill me. "Maria, we would have gotten paid a million dollars! Now its being thrown down the drain." Mr.Washington said. "Actually Mr.Washington, I figured we could use another assassin. We could always make it work with her." Maria proposed.
Wait a second...ME?! An ASSASSIN?! No way in hell I would be able to bring myself to kill people. "Well...that's not a bad idea Maria. Well Ms.Schuyler , I , George Washington , present you with 2 options." He began
I nodded. "Become an assassin or die." he says. I get up close to the bars. "No! I could never be an assassin! I could never bring myself to kill anyone!" I cried. "So you have chosen death." Mr.Washington said. "Wait! Please..I...I...I will become an assassin." I said.
Wait....Did I really just say that? Did I really just say that I would kill people...for money?! "Very well, Elizabeth." He said as Maria handed him the keys. He unlocked the cell and I walked out as he put his hands on my shoulders and gripped them very tightly. "Just know, that if you escape we won't hesitate to kill you."
I nodded. "Of course sir."
Pip grabbed me by the hand and pulled me up stairs. I saw 4 boys joined by a lot of alcohol. One of them looked just like the Alexander I knew as a child. Mr.Washington made the boys move and told me to climb onto the table. Reluctantly, I did it. A short woman came out from a room.
Those boys , Maria , Philip Mr.Washington and the woman formed around me. "Introduce yourself why don't you?" The short woman said. "My name is Martha Washington. Just call me Martha."
I nodded. "Of course ma'am. My name is Elizabeth Schuyler. Please, just call me Eliza."
"Alright Eliza. I , George Washington , hereby declare you , Elizabeth Schuyler , an assassin." Mr.Washington said. Panic shot through me. Me , Elizabeth Schuyler , is now an assassin. Who knew it was that simple though?
The boys began cheering along with Maria. I pinched myself and tried to pull my skin. Nope. Not a dream.
Don't show weakness Eliza. They'll kill you in an instant if you do. Maria reaches out her hand and reluctantly I take it. I jump off the table and she leads me to bedroom. After she shuts the door I break down crying.
I can't believe it. Now I have to kill people for money. And I was always considered the nice and innocent one among my sisters.
Elizabeth Schuyler Is an assassin
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