Chapter 1
(happy pride month by the way. thats when I made this)
Maria's P.O.V
Hey there. I'm Maria Lew- Reynolds. Maria Reynolds. I'm an assassin. Here is a small little backstory. I was 16 when I was forced to marry this guy named James Reynolds. Then one day a year into our marriage someone was sent to kill both of us. I think it was....Lafayette.
I was in the kitchen grabbing a snack for James at 2 in the morning. I then heard him scream from upstairs. I ran up to see if he was okay. I didn't really care but I saw him dead on the floor. I was so happy. He was extremely abusive so, who wouldn't be relieved at that? But then someone grabbed my shoulder so I then shook him off.
He then points a gun at me and says "I'm sorry, but you are my target."
I got down on my knees and began begging. "Wait! No! Please oh please! Let me live! What even are you?"
"An assassin. But no need for me to explain to a dead woman." He responds. "Wait! Wait! Hold on, i'll join you assassin thing! Just please let me live!" I begged , crying already. He lowered his gun. "Maria Lewis Reynolds?" He asked.
"Y-yes...that's me." I say, stuttering. He bends down and reaches his hand out. "I'll have to consult the boss, but he'll most likely let you join. But as a heads up, just know that if you tell anyone outside of our business you'll be killed with no mercy whatsoever."
"Thank you sir." I told him. " No problem. Oh, i'm Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Mortier de La Fayette Marquis de La Fayette. But you can just call me Lafayette."
My first thought was 'who the hell has that long of a name?' But oh well. He took me outside and threw me in this big ass car. We sat in silence the entire ride. Now here we are at their secret base thing, an hour away from NYC. The boss , Mr.Washington , allows me to join but tell me what Lafayette told me. That if I tell anyone about this they'll kill me yata yata.
Okay backstory over. I've been an assassin for 3 years now. I'm one of the very few female assassins.
Mr.Washington wanted to meet me in his office today because he had a job for me. While walking to his office I passed the bar. Looking in you'll never guess who I saw. Good old, John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton. The 2 have been dating for a while. They were drunk as hell. I was about to ask where Lafayette and his boyfriend , Hercules Mulligan , were but then I heard moaning from behind the counter.
Take a wild guess as to what they were doing.
I continued walking to Mr.Washington's office. I was almost there when someone grabbed my hand. I turned around to see Philip. "Oh hey Pip. Whats up?" I asked. "Nothing much. Can I come with you to Mr.Washy's room?" He asked me. "Of course."
He is 5 right now. He was found abandoned by Mr.Washington's wife, Martha. Nobody knows his family history but he looks like a mini version of John. We plan to do a DNA test sooner or later in hopes to find more. He has nothing but dusty blue blanket to connect him to his past. Since he spends a hella lot of time with Alex he took on his last name: Hamilton.
I knock on the door to Mr.Washington's office. He says come in so me and Pip stroll on in. He has no objections to Philip being there.
"Who is Maria going after this time?" Pip asks, smiling, revealing the gap in his two front teeth. I pat his head. I know this guy will , without a doubt , be one of our best assassins. Mr.Washington reaches over and also gives Philip a quick head pat. "Alright Maria, your target is Elizabeth Schuyler."
Oh god. One of the Schuyler sisters. Dear god, why me? The Schuyler's have an insane amount of protection so how the hell am I supposed to kill one of them? But at least its not the oldest or youngest. Those two are the most protected. So I can just kill her in her sleep.
I think Philip noticed my nerves so he hugged me and said "Don't worry Maria! You can do it!"
"Thanks Pip." I said returning the hug. "I should let you know, she goes by Eliza so that's what she will most likely be called. Although that might not be important." Mr.Washington says. "Are you up for it? If so, your gonna have to do it tonight."
Tonight? Really? I check my phone. Its going on 7 : 00. He then tells me I have till 7 AM the next day to kill this Eliza girl. "Alright, yes sir. I am up for it." I tell him. "Good. I have much faith in you, Maria."
"Woo! Yayyyyyy! Don't worry Mr.Washy! I'm certain Maria can do it!" Pip yelled. "Thanks Pip. I'm going to go set up my guns." I said as I got up and headed for the door. I opened it and heard the moaning getting louder.
"Also, don't let Pip go into the bar right now. Mulligan and Laf are at it if you know what I mean." I told him. Mr.Washington looked up from his desk , nodded , looked back down and mumbled "Third time this week."
Its been an hour and yeah I'm pretty sure my guns are ready. I decided I would head out at midnight.
I groan. I wasn't entirely ready so I stalled a little bit by tucking Pip into bed. Right after I tucked him into bed in Alex and John's room (who were passed out drunk) I walked out and as I closed the door I saw Mr.Washington. "Maria, when are you going to head out? Its now or never." He told me.
But then Martha came over and took Mr.Washington's arm. "George its fine. Maria is probably just a little nervous. Let her get her thoughts together and then she'll go." She said. Martha is the sweet middle-aged lady type.
"I'm sorry sir! I was actually just about to go." I told him. "Okay good luck Maria. Martha, will you walk her out to the van?" Mr.Washington says. "Of course!" Martha says, jumping to my side. She is about a head or two shorter than me. Martha is giving me a little pep talk about how i'll do fine an all. I sorta look at Martha as a mother and Mr.Washington as a father.
As I crawled into the van Martha called "Good luck darling! You'll do great, I know it!"
"Thanks!" I called back, as I drove off. Come on Maria you got this.
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