How it started
July 15th A young girls 4th birthday, she had Jet black, and red eyes (yes, I'm changing her completely ), she was going to the doctor to see what her quirk was, "Mommy, what do you think my quirk will be the girl replied though the only thing that she looked completely different from her mother and father which was odd to her she hasn't looked into it.
At the doctor
"Well let's take an exam, Oh um well we might have a little bit of a problem", the doctor said in a voice that worried Inko, Well Izuku has an extra joint in her toe so she won't be getting a quirk" In those words, Izuku snapped and started crying, when she went home she told katsuki what happened and then he started to pick on her, "So you don't have a Quirk so you really are Deku".
A few weeks later
"Stop it kachaan," The little girl yelled, she was shaking and stuttering while trying to protect the little boy behind her, "MOVE DEKU OR I"LL KILL YOU" though she didn't budge, The little boy started to hit her with his quirk, she screaming in pain with 3rd degree burns on her. When it was over the boy already left her when she was being attacked, It started to rain, Pouring cats and dogs, Izuku looking at the sky, and then her eyes turn red and black...
Then she sees a man with the top of his face bandaged up and his tongue sticking out it was the hero killer stain, The girl sat up looking at the man, he handed her his hand and gave her a small pocket knife, she took it and decided to play with it, she started smiling bigger and bigger, and looked at a bird who is injured, she went up to it and stabbed, blood o her face with a psychopath smile.
Her and stain where practicing flexibility, She practiced fighting styles from all over the world: boxing, wrestling, fencing, savate, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Sanda, Tae Kwon Do, Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, HMB, Sambo, Kyokushin, and Kūdō. Along with weapons, she uses Rifles, Machine guns, flamethrowers, mortars, artillery, and poison gas. She was a personal assassin from hero's to villains, she doesn't choose sides she just does it for the cash, she has a secret stash of 4,000,000 yen, though she does this a lot her mother doesn't know.
Izumi Pov
It's been 10 years since me and stain have been training I still go to school I keep a low profile though I don't really get picked as much as I used too, Though today was special, even though I don't pick sides I had to apply to U.A. Mostly one of my clients needs me to kill the pro hero All Might, well today the teacher was talking about our Jobs, "Hello students, we're here to talk about Jobs, Well obviously you all want to be hero's" Everyone started erupting and activating their quirks then going dead silent when a firecracker started to talk " Oi, teach don't put me in with the rest of these Idiots, I'm going to be in U. A" With that comment everyone started to comment stuff like"Hey, you shouldn't be talking bakugou" and " That school has an acceptance rate of 2%" Than the teacher called me out saying that I will also be going, everyone started to stare at me.
Mr. Hothead started to glare at me and try to blow up my face with his quirk but I stood up and flipped him over, "don't touch me with your sweat you pig" I opened the window and jumped out, and grabbed my knife and sled down the wall, Everyone looking out the window looking at me like what happened to her, I Flipped everyone off and went about my day, I saw stain waiting for me in an alley, " Hey, Izuku I'm going to take you to our client, and prepare you for the test"
We went to a dark bar, I saw a guy who looked like he hasn't seen chapstick before, a girl who looks like a psychopath, a mysty guy and one that looks like he just turns his skin inside out, "Hey I need to see Him " Stain says, The dry skin one goes into the back and asked e to come with me, I go in and then I see All for One.
Thanks for reading there are 771 words bye.
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