Chapter 20
No sooner had we formed up and begun our attack, but that the Cacks turned and fled the system. If the physics of the H-drive had allowed it, we might have given chase, but the QWEGs were well past their maximum run time and needed to be taken off-line for inspection and servicing. We returned to the one inhabited world with its sole space station in hopes of finding something useful in the way of supplies, but found the space station stripped bare and the inhabitants too primitive to offer any help.
Engineering crews worked round the clock fixing damage while logistic officers shifted weapons and equipment to ensure that the fittest ships were properly supplied. At Sherman's suggestion, the fleet officers transferred their flags to their best ships which proved fortunate when messengers from Righteous Ruler appeared in the system and signaled a request to speak. Not wanting to expose our weakness, the commanders took only a small force of their best and strongest ships.
"What do you want?" Sherman demanded once we were in com-laser range. He had taken the de facto leadership of the fleet after Shines Like the Sun's death, not because of any deliberate vote on our part, but by an unspoken recognition of his experience and ability. The rest of use waited, watching silently in virtual conference space as three Cack avatars appeared
"Bearing Righteous Ruler's authority, we seek harmonious agreement with you."
"Well then tell you master we'll have to fight first," Sherman said I've had no food today which makes me cranky. It take a pretty brave—or stupid—person to offer us peace without first offering us a meal."
The three Cacks disappeared from v-space and on my monitors and I noticed that one of the ships return back through the gate. It must not have gone far for it returned in mere moments which told me Righteous Ruler was probably very close by.
The three Cacks reappeared in the conference. "Your words are congruent with righteous Ruler's thoughts. With your harmonious agreement, we are unveiling to you systems of sustainment."
"Just to make certain we understand each other," Sherman said, "We will have a truce while the fleet gathers supplies?"
"Yes. The harmonious agreement extends to the moment of Righteous Ruler possessing your last word."
"One moment." Sherman dropped the Cacks from the conference.
"I say we accept their offer," Ormond said.
"Yes," agreed Smith.
"I agree as well," Sherman said, "But we don't want to seem too eager. They may take it as a sign that we're desperate. Let's let them wait awhile before answering."
"You want them to think we are ready and willing to fight them?" Phil said.
"Of course. He seems pretty eager to avoid that."
"I just hope our Cack allies don't start getting nervous," I said.
We waited for several minutes in silence, then Ormond asked a speculative question about what Righteous Ruler must be thinking and how he was likely to deal with such a large force in the heart of his Moiarchy, which led to more speculation and, in the end, we happened to wait quite a bit longer than we had planned. Finally, Sherman waved us to silence and pinged the Cack messengers.
"We have decided to accept your offer. Lead us to these supplies immediately."
* * *
The scouts led us deeper into Cack territory and we wound through systems far from the area of fighting. The commanders grew impatient, especially Sherman, who acted as if he expected a trap and insisted the fleet remain at FAS-Delta. When we arrived at the systems they indicated, the fleets split up to raid different systems. We found tons of supplies, almost more than we could carry, including lots of high-tech raw materials from which we could fabricate many critical parts. Sherman paged us repeatedly requesting updates, seemingly eager to get the fleet back together in case of attack.
We stayed in these systems for three 'days' before the Cacks returned, this time in a massive yacht the size of a cruise ship. Shining Fortune, Righteous Ruler's brother in law and three other Cacks of noble birth arrived with an army of servants and political functionaries to negotiate a truce. With some misgivings, Sherman agreed to bring the fleet commanders and meet with Shining Fortune on his yacht. Having grown up at least familiar with the halls of power and privilege, I didn't expect to be so overwhelmed by this yacht.
The hanger deck looked like a series of verandas, englobed in clear complex carbon. The passages, even in the rotating habitat portion, were wide enough to fly a courier ship through. Natural stone, some fibrous material like wood, a variety of precious metals and gems accented every surface. It was nothing like our sparse mechanical Solarian ships.
Bright Fortune and the other Cack nobles received us in a huge auditorium. A personal servant stood next to each one of us pouring the sweet nectar the Cacks like to drink. The Cacks do everything standing so they required no chairs, but they brought in something like hard plastic ottomans for us to sit on, though I suspected they might actually be some sort of storage containers. When everyone had gathered, Bright Fortune chittered a welcome at us while a human translator interpreted his words.
"He Who Looks Up, as your neighbor in the Outer Worlds, when I saw what difficulties you had been dragged into, I considered the chance to help you a gift from the Maker. I thought that if I were able, through my past service, to obtain Righteous Ruler's favor and get permission to bring you safely home to your own worlds, I might also earn your favor and the favor of He Who Looks Up. With this in mind I boldly approached the ruler, reminding him of how I warned him of Shines Like the Sun's preparations to attack—not just warned but actually brought him ships. Of all his fleet commanders, I alone refused to flee. I even broke through your formation to join up with his forces behind you and, after Shines Like the Sun's destruction, pursued those Indwellers who had followed him. Given all this, I told him he owed me this opportunity.
Now, having obtained this chance for you, I ask you to not make my job any harder. Consider carefully how you will answer his question as to what your intentions now are.
With a gesture from Bright Fortune his servants led us out to another room where we could discuss our options in private. We didn't really need that much time for we agreed to try to work out a truce if possible, but Bright Fortune seemed determined to give us every opportunity to not screw this up.
Once alone, the commanders all voiced their desire to go home and, if possible, get a contract or two along the way to help pay our return expenses. Shines Like the Sun had offered us a lot of money, most of which was to have been paid when he became the ruler. Now that he was dead, we had no money and would soon be forced to pay our crews in IOUs.
Once we came to an agreement, Ormond raised his hand and said, "I nominate Sherman to serve as our spokesman."
Phil lifted his hand. "I agree and second that motion."
"All in favor—," Ormond said.
"Wait a minute," Moony interrupted. "I think I would make a far better spokesman as I already have a good relationship with the Indwellers."
"Most Noble, perhaps," Solomon observed. "I don't know if Shines Like the Sun's friend can help us much with Bright Fortune or Righteous Ruler."
A vote was taken by raised hands and Moony, scowling, seemed to take careful note of who voted for him or against him. Smith and I alone abstained, offering only acquiescent shrugs as Sherman easily carried the vote. Once back in the conference room, Bright Fortune asked us what our reply to Righteous Ruler was and Sherman responded.
"Nowhere in our contract did we agree to attack Righteous Ruler or the Moiarchy. Nor did we have any idea of coming here when we set out from Solarian space. It was Shines Like the Sun who, taking advantages of certain clauses, led us first against one target then another in hope of keeping his true aim a secret and so surprising Righteous Ruler."
I'm pretty certain that Sherman, at least, knew Shines Like the Sun's true intention all along. I also suspect he brought Phil into his confidence sometime around the time of the near mutiny on his flag ship. But as I listened to his speech I thought he made a pretty convincing show of sincerity.
"By the time we learned his true aim we were already in such debt to him that we couldn't get away. But, "death cancels all contracts and obligations". With Shines Like the Sun's death we no longer have any reason or desire to be here and we certainly have no desire to harm the ruler or his Moiarchy. Our only wish is to go home, though we are prepared to destroy anyone who attacks us and help anyone who wishes to contract with us."
"I will tell the ruler what you have said and I will bring back his reply. Until then, let the truce remain. We will even allow merchants to come and sell you anything you need.
We returned to our ships in an almost jubilant mood, feeling that we had managed to avoid disaster and that soon we would be on the way home. Back on the Phoenix—or so Commander Brennon and the crew had named our ship—I informed the commander that the negotiations had gone well and that we had every hope that Righteous Ruler would allow us to depart soon. The crew took it as a certainty and celebrated up and down the corridors.
The next day Bright Fortune failed to return, then again the following day. As the hours passed the mood became somber and I thought of all the reasons Righteous Rule had to not let us go, the least of which is that we had nearly killed him and destroyed hundreds of his ships killing thousands of his people. Just as I was on the verge of flash messaging Phil and suggesting the fleet make a run for it, our forward scout picked up the presence of Bright Fortune's yacht entering the system. The fleet commanders practically raced to his ship when summoned and soon we were standing again in his presence.
"Defeating the shareholders rejecting the release of murderers and anarchists, I turned the Ruler's thoughts toward mine. I bear congruent thoughts to guide you without deviation to your home worlds. We allow you safe travel through our territory and provide merchant ships. You agree to dwell in our rules and not harm our worlds, space stations or ships unless we lack merchants and permit you."
We agreed and ratified the contract with an oath in the tradition of the Indwellers then Bright Fortune left to deliver the contract to Righteous Ruler and take care of some personal business. When he returned, we were to start out for home. I remembered, on the ride back, that he never said when that would be.
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