Chapter 5: The Home Wrecker
The rest of the week went by with a blur. The teaching job wasn't too shabby but the kids... Oh lord, it took everything in me not to jeopardize my Christianity. Those children could be the spawn of Satan when they wanted to be.
The house was coming together much better than I originally anticipated, although the roof sported some leaks when it rained. I called Pete and he, ofcourse, referred me to Chris who told me he could take a look at it on Saturday but I politely refused. I was already raking up a pretty maintenance bill with pretty boy by him helping me paint. I didn't need any more attachments to people than I already had.
Nick continued to impress, excelling in art far beyond the rest in his class. Chris had apparently wanted to talk with me after school on Friday but I had left as soon as the bell rang again thanks to Sarah so I could get more supplies from Pete's. The faucets were replaced with new ones and every counter was scrubbed clean with the cleaners I had bought earlier.
It was now Saturday morning as I woke up to the sun yet again blinding my sensitive eyeballs. I would most definitely have to invest in some blacked out curtains.
Chris had said he'd be heading over this morning. I couldn't remember what time I had told him so believe me when I tell you I was startled to wits end when I heard the doorbell ring at 8:15 in the morning.
Chris's POV
I glanced back between the address my father had written on the post-it note and the house in front of me.
What kind of idiot moves in to Old Creek? I thought to myself as I slid out of my pick up.
The area around the home looked like it had been tidied up quite a bit since I last saw the home. There was no longer random branches and sticks littered around the front lawn. The stairs still looked concerning as I hesitantly walked up them and approached the door. I glanced around for a door bell for what seemed like ages before finally spotting one hidden behind some vine branches. I rung it a couple of times, starting to feel a chill from the slight breeze in the air.
After what seemed like ages, the door finally swung open and I was welcomed by an utterly surprised Aria.
"W-what the hell are you doing on my front porch at 8 in the fucking morning?" She hissed, wrapping the robe around her slim body even tighter, fully unaware that by doing so, I could see every single curve her body had to offer.
"It's 8am, I don't even have the energy to reprimand you for checking me out right now." She groaned.
"I come baring gifts." I replied, sliding the coffee cup I had hidden behind my back. Her eyes looked hesitantly between me and the cup as if she was contemplating some life changing issue, before she reluctantly stepped aside and snatched the cup from my hands as I walked in.
"You've done pretty well with this house so far. I almost couldn't believe that you moved in here in the first place."
"There was no more rooms in the hotel further down the road but she said she could rent this to me." She explained between large gulps of the coffee as she began climbing the stairs. "Wait here while I go change." She shot over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway at the top of the stairs.
I glanced around at the home's interior, taking in what needed to be fixed. The walls itself were probably a couple days job considering just how large the house actually was. The floors could use some re-sanding but I wasn't sure just how invested Aria wanted to get. The ceilings were apparently starting to leak but she refused to let me fix any of that.
The stairs creaked agains as she came back down in what seemed to be record timing. She was wearing leggings with a large knit sweater and a fabric scarf. Her braids were down except for a couple strands in the front that were tied back. Her face had minimal makeup that worked well with her well defined jawline and piercing eyes. I more discretely checked her out as she descended down the stairs.
"I think I have a room upstairs that I'd like to move some art things into but it's locked for some odd reason and I'm not sure how to get it open." She explained, reaching the bottom stairs with the cup of coffee in hand.
"We could bring in a lock smith, or, if you don't mind, I could bust the lock. Whichever you prefer." I replied, grabbing my phone from my back pocket as I began to make a list of the materials we needed that I didn't already have. "Because we are painting the house from this horrid orange to a pale gray, we first have to prime the walls so the paint can go on better."
"Okay. Should we go buy primer first then?" She asked, reaching for her keys.
"I actually already bought most of the materials this morning."
"When the hell did you wake up? At the asscrack of dawn or something?" She grumbles, making her way towards the front door with me so we could grab the materials out of my car. I secretly loved how much she swore in the morning when she was in a bad mood. It was totally hot, especially because I'd only ever seen her around children and my father. Seeing this new side had me intrigued.
Aria's POV
I swear to fucking God.
8 am. 8 motherfucking am.
I wanted to shoot this idiot in the back of the head as we made our way to his car. He opened the door and slid some paint supplies my way to carry in as he carried the paints. I internally sighed, trying to get a grip on my emotions seeing as we would be spending quite literally the entire day together.
Don't kill him, I quietly chanted to myself as my hands imagined themselves wrapping around his neck and just holding.
Man, I needed to stop by the church. And fast.
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