Chapter 39: The Trial pt. 2
Aria's POV
"Drug abuse?" Lacey hissed, as we sat inside the defense conference room. So far, 4 minutes and 30 seconds were on the clock. That how long we had, to brief Lacey on the events that took place in the courtroom 30 seconds ago.
"I knew this would come up, but I had no idea this would be brought into court so soon." I replied, as my hands wrote a thousand words a minute. I had to come up with a redirect that would completely obliterate everything Dolton was about to question her about.
"Wait, you knew about my past addictions, and you didn't think to tell me?" Lacey asked, already starting to loose it.
"I was trying to avoid this exactly. It wasn't affirmative that the defense would even be able to discover this. Hell, I had to do some serious digging to learn about your heroine addiction. It was many years ago, and you have been clean since." I replied, glancing at the clock. We had 4 minutes left.
"Wait, why would he even bring this up in trial now?" Lacey asked, glancing back between Max and I.
"I would think, they are going to argue that Steve knew about your addiction and threatened to expose you. He threatened to essentially take your kid, and that's why you attacked him first. He's going to say this is self defense." Max explained, as he continuously handed me the objections sheet. Anything and everything that comes out of Dolton's mouth would have to be striken from the record in order for us to win this. That meant, I would have to object to quite literally everything that came out of his mouth.
I wasn't sure if I was even capable of doing that, but we were about to find out.
"Self defense? Are you fucking kidding me?!" Lacey seethed.
"I know, but listen Lacey, whatever is said up on that stand that I can't object to, you need to answer truthfully. This situation has just become immensely delicate, any lies can turn the table." I explained. 3 minutes left.
"What do you mean?" Lacey asked nervously.
"This case started out strong due to how many female jurors there were. Our judge was also a woman. They could sympathize with domestic abuse because they related with the oppressed struggles of being a woman in society. Now, you look like a heroine shoot up druggie who can't take care of her child. Do you see how bad that is? The fact that they are woman might play against us now." Max explained.
"Dolton knew this. That's why he brought it up before the recess. He's testing just how well Aria can save this issue in her redirect." Max nodded, as he began to change some things within his cross for Steve.
We had 2 minutes on the clock.
"Listen to me Lacey. Be as honest as you can. Play on the part that you sobered up as soon as you found out you were pregnant. Emphasize the love for your kid and how Nick literally means the world to you. Move the jury in a way a mother who loves her son so much she would sacrifice the world for him, would. Make them feel that." I instructed, pausing a second to look at her, before finishing up my redirect.
"One minute. We must make our way back to the courtroom." Max instructed, as all 3 of us stood, and exited the conference room.
"Recess is over, the trial will continue." The judge announced, as Lacey took her seat back up on the stand.
"Do you remember the question I asked you previously to the recess, or must I restate it?" Dolton asked Lacey.
"Yes. I was familiar with Heroine a few years back, I do not deny that." Lacey replied.
"And here, in this audience, is your son. He's not aware that you were addicted to heroine, is he?" Dolton asked.
I felt the tides shift in the room.
Dolton slipped up.
You see, along with the distaste the Jury might have for Lacey, no one wants to see a mother have to admit to her son that she did heroine in court, in front of everyone here. Addressing her son was in the room, was probably one of the worst decisions he could do. I could tell he felt it as well, as some of the jurors began to murmur.
"No, my son does not- did not know. It was a part of me I left behind." Lacey replied, her voice breaking slightly as she refrained from making any eye contact with the audience. She was nailing it with the audience, but it wasn't an act. Even I could see the pain in her eyes.
"Now isn't it true Steve said he would take care of your son?" Dolton asked.
"He threatened to take away my son after I was already slumped down against the wall from which he threw me into earlier. That's when I was posed with the opportunity to knock the beer bottle against his head." Lacey explained.
"No more questions, your honor." Dolton spoke, before taking a seat.
"Redirect, Ms. Lane?" Judge Marshal asked.
"Briefly, your honor." I replied.
"Lacey, while on the stand, you were asked about your drug abuse, can you tell the court more about that?" I asked, once I reached the well of the court.
"Yes. I uh- I started using before I met Chris. While we were together, my drug addiction created a tare in the relationship, but I found out I was pregnant and- I just, I knew I couldn't continue doing that. I made a promise to myself that I would never hit a low like that again. I would be there for Nick, whenever he would need me." Lacey nodded, as silent tears started to roll down her face.
"Thank you. Your honor, I have no more questions." I spoke, taking a seat.
"Okay, Ms. Lane, you may step down. The Defense?" Judge Marshal asked.
"Yes, the Defense calls Steve Garret to the stand." Dolton replied. We watched as Steve took the stand while Dolton moved into the well of the court. "Please state your name for the court."
"Steve Garret. S-T-E-V-E G-A-R-R-E-T."
"Okay Steve, due to the time of the Defense, I will keep my answers short and to the point. You and Lacey have been in a relationship a few months, correct?"
"Yes." Steve replied.
"In that time, have you ever hit Lacey?" Dolton asked.
"Not intentionally, no. I never meant for any harm to come to her."
"Did you love Lacey?" Dolton asked.
"Yes. I still love her." Steve replied, glancing at Lacey who was right now squeezing the life out of my forearm underneath the table.
"No further questions, your honor." Dolton nodded, taking his seat.
"Cross examination?" Judge Marshal asked.
"Yes, your honor." Max replied, standing up and sending a quick wink Lacey's way before entering the well.
"You're an alcoholic." Max started right off the back.
"Objection your honor, this is going to the reputation of my witness." Dolton objection, his voice shaky from direct approach Max had taken.
That was Max for you. No shits given.
"Overruled, Mr. Grey. You want to bring up the fact that the victims a Heroin addict, the prosecution has every right to bring up the fact that the suspect is an alcoholic." The judge ruled, allowing Max to continue.
"You haven't seeked out help have you? Even after all the attempts Lacey has made?" Max asked.
"N-No." Steve replied.
"When the police did a sweep of the scene, they found a ridiculous amount of beer bottles in your fridge, and empty ones in your trashcan. Isn't that right?"
"In Fact, when you were brought in by the police, they could still smell alcohol in your breath and on your body, correct?"
"Y-Yes." Steve replied.
"Now, as we all know, alcoholism is the leading cause of abuse. When someone consumes a large amount, blackouts are very common. Now I've reviewed this witness statement countless of times, and the weirdest thing is, you can't remember much of anything within it. Actually, you don't remember the time you and Lacey got into an argument, do you?" Max asked.
"Objection your honor-"
"Overruled. Answer the question, Mr. Garret." Judge Marshal more or less demanded.
"N-No I mean, Y-Yes-"
"Yes?" Max asked? I could already see him backing up to the desk in order to impeach this fucker.
"No, I don't." Steve admitted.
"No further questions your honor. The Prosecution rests." Max announced.
"Any redirect?" Judge Marshal asked.
"N-No your honor." Dolton replied, shifting through numerous papers like they'd save him now.
"Okay. I'll give another 5 minute recess for the jury to come to an agreement." Marshal replied, before striking her gavel against the sound block once more.
"Order." Judge Marshal announced, drawing the audience to silence. "The jury has come to an agreement."
I glanced over at Lacey once more, her fingernails were digging into my skin from how tight she was holding my hand.
"In the case of Lacey Jones against Steve Garret, we find the defendant... Guilty to the degree of assault." The judge announced. The courtroom erupted in murmurs.
"That's good... right?" Lacey whispered to me.
"Not exactly." I replied, looking over at Max as we both shared a glance.
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