Chapter 37: Preparations For The Trial
Aria's POV
"So let me get this straight. Steve is... Pat?" Lacey asked, glancing back between Chris, my mother, and I, as we stood around her hospital bed.
"Yes. We have reason to believe that Steve Garret is a false alias. He assumed that identity after his supposed death. What makes this situation more concerning is the fact that this is no longer just a domestic violence case. We weren't sure how you felt about continuing with the trial, now that new information has been brought to light. This is very personal the way it is, I don't want to release you to over exposure from the mingling of both cases." My mother explained.
"It's a small town, Lacey. This will spread like wildfire almost instantly, are you ready for that?" I asked.
"I'm ready to nail this asshole. Steve. Pat. I don't give a damn." Lacey replied, her face hard with anger.
We had judged Lacey poorly. She wasn't devastated... This woman was pissed. "I'll do whatever I can to aide in the investigation and the trial. It looks like the hearing is still on for tomorrow I believe?" She asked.
"Yes. The court date will be tomorrow then. The only thing we will be addressing within the trial will be the charges that are being brought against him. Because of dates among this trial and the trial within the federal government, I must ask that you refer to Pat as Steve. We must make sure that within this case, we do not botch or disrupt the case of the investigators that are looking into his life. Try not to mention anything about Pat or the incidents pertaining to that life during the trial." My mother instructed, as she slid her phone out of her pocket.
"You will be released from the hospital tomorrow morning, where some officers will accompany you as you make it to the courthouse." My mother explained, as she read from her phone.
"Officers? Do you think that Steve will try anything after I get discharged?" Lacey asked, her strong facade starting to fade away.
"I don't believe he will, but we aren't too sure. His lawyers made bail yesterday-" I started.
"With what money! I paid for everything when he stayed with me." Lacey interrupted.
"No doubt with some illegal currency." My mother confirmed.
"Point being, he's out. I don't think he'll do anything but we must take precautions. The officers will accompany you around noon. You won't see Steve until the trial has started so you won't have to worry about that. We've already prepped you on what to say, but just understand, all you need to do is tell us what happened. I know we are asking a lot of you, but don't let it frighten you when you're up on that stand." I spoke, holding her arm gently as she nodded back at me.
"I'm going to stay a bit longer and walk you through the events of tomorrow, I believe Chris and Aria are going to compose files." My mom announced, taking a seat beside Lacey as Chris and I geared up for the cold weather.
"We'll kick ass tomorrow." I assured her, giving her a quick hug before saying a shortened goodbye to my mom and heading out.
"Thai." I countered, pulling the laptop back into my lap.
"Ethiopian." He shot back, pulling the laptop once again into his with my arms still attached to the keyboards.
"Thai." I spoke again, raising my eyebrow.
"We had Thai last week." Chris wined, sliding the laptop back over to me.
"We had Ethiopian yesterday." I replied, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to give up my demeanor.
"Ugh fine." Chris sighed, defeated, as he and I both spread out on my living room floor.
"I'll order it now." I nodded, grinning from the victory.
"Are you... Nervous for tomorrow?" Chris asked, pulling me into his lap as I started up the order from the Thai restaurant down the street.
"Not really." I mumbled back, trying to concentrate on the food choices while he stroked my back comfortingly.
"Pay attention to meeee." Chris whined again, nuzzling his nose into my neck as his hands wound their way around my waist.
"Ugh. You're as childish as Nick." I teased, trying to not shuddered from his breath that hit the back of my neck.
"You bring out the kid in me." He mumbled back, starting to lay soft kisses on my neck. I unconsciously set the laptop I was holding, down beside us as I turned towards him.
"You know we're supposed to be prepping for the case tomorrow. I'm trying to order this food quickly so we can do just that." I spoke, attempting to convince myself more than him as his hands slowly slid down my back.
"Yeah, but this is more fun." He grinned back, using his legs to clear the space underneath me before gently laying me back onto the floor. I felt his body heat against mine as he slid on top of me. I couldn't stop my heart from practically hammering out of my chest as the need to be closer to him became stronger.
His body stilled on top of me as I felt a vibration in his pocket. "Ugh." He groaned, propping himself up with one hand as he dug around in his pocket for a phone before pulling it out and answering. "Can I call you back?" He asked into the line, his voice hoarse.
"No you absolutely cannot call me back!" Nick replied almost instantly back into the line. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips.
"Nick, please, let's do this-" Chris started but was quickly cut off.
"Oh, I'm sorry father, were you in the middle of something? Just like I was in the middle of preparing to go to Timmy's, only to hear from Grandpa Pete that you canceled my sleepover?" Nick fumed over the line.
"Come home." Nick demanded.
"Wait what?" Chris asked into the line, completely taken back.
"Come home. I miss you or whatever." Nick replied, a hint of humor in his voice as he most likely realized what position Chris was in... Both figuratively and literally.
"Fine." Chris grit out before hanging up.
"Is there something I should know about?" I asked, strutting to suppress my grin.
"I'm regretting the use of contraception 6 years ago." He grumbled back, reluctantly pulling himself off me as he got ready to leave.
Nick will continuously give me so might life. Time for the trial 😱
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