Chapter 16: The Key
This chapter is shit. You've been warned. #writersblock
Chris's POV
My hands slid back up her waist, quickly trying to regain whatever control slipped but as soon as I did, we heard an insane crack of thunder. As the house shook, Aria Instantly flinched away and curled into a ball in the corner of the couch, trying to covers up her upper body with the couch's blanket.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, sounding alarmed as I scooted a bit closer. Heavy rain started to pour.
"I don't like thunder." She stated simply, wrapping the blanket around herself. "Could you grab me the shirt and bandeau I placed on the ottoman?" She asked, her voice getting quieter. I reached over and grabbed the bundle of clothing I hadn't noticed before, and handed it to her. She looked at me expectantly. "Well, turn around." She whispered.
"Right right." I nodded, shifting towards the fireplace. After a brief pause, she broke the silence. "Okay, I'm decent." I turned back around but froze as I felt a drop hit my nose.
Aria and I both glance up at the same time to see the ceiling start to swell.
"Shit shit shit." Aria hissed, jumping off the couch as water started to drip down. "Okay, grab that side and help me push the couch back a bit." She instructed as I stood up to help. The water continued to drop as Aria frantically looked for something to put down.
"Do you have a pot?" I asked. She looked at me like I had asked her for superpowers.
"A pot? I haven't even bought a kitchen utensil!" She hissed, running her hands nervously through her hair. I glanced around the room, before walking towards her kitchen.
"Sometimes, with rental homes, the kitchen could have some leftover items." I explained as I started opening up cupboards. I pulled open the cupboards above the oven and came face to face with a couple rusty pots. "Jackpot." I joked, pulling them out from the cupboard.
"Not the time, Chris, not the time." She shook her head disapprovingly as we brought the pots back into the living room. I went to set one of them down by the dripping water, but as I glanced inside, I noticed a silver object shift.
"What is it?" Aria asked, as she set her pot down by the dripping water.
"A key." I answered, pulling it out from the thickened dust that lined the inside of the pot.
"What for?" She asked, coming closer.
"It looks awfully old fashioned. Maybe it opens up the room upstairs." I nodded, wiping it off on my jeans.
"Let's try it." She announced, her voice still on edge from the thunderstorm that was brewing outside. I nodded, as I followed her back up the stairs. Her hands gripped the bannister tightly.
Another crack of thunder rippled through the house and her body froze at the top of the stairs. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her. At first, her body tensed, but she soon started to relax into the touch. "What's wrong?" I mumbled into the back of her head as my arms tightened around her.
"I never liked thunderstorms." She said simply, leaning back into me but leaving her hands at her side.
"Sorry to hear." I whispered into her ear, causing a involuntary shiver to run through her body. My arms reluctantly detached themselves from her as the thinder settled down again. We continued down the hallway in silence until we reached the last door on the left. Aria sidestepped to give me room while I slid the key out from my pocket. The lock looked like it was the right hole for the key, but I wasn't sure. As I slid the key in, I heard something snap inside the lock before the door opened.
"Did you... Did you even turn it?" Aria whispered as the door gave way to a darkened room.
"No." I whispered back, taking a hesitant step inside.
"You know what? I suddenly don't give a damn about knowing what's in here anymore." She whispered, taking a small step forward, yet staying behind me. My hand slid to the wall beside us as I felt around for a light switch before turning it on. The chandelier light flickered for a second before it illuminated the room with a bright yellow glow. Aria and I stood frozen as we stared into a, what seemed like, home studio.
Except it was huge.
"How is this even possible." She whispered, glancing at the room that held paintings all over its walls. The furniture around the room were covered with cloth that looked like it had been undisturbed for years.
"I-I don't know." I replied honestly as Aria walked further inside. The paintings themselves were spectacular., it looked as if the reoccurring theme was landscapes. I glanced back at Aria but she was already admiring the first painting. Her hands fidgeted at as her sides, like they were yearning to touch it but knew they shouldn't. The face she was making made my heart flutter. Complete adoration shown in her eyes as she analyzed every detail of the picture before moving on to the next. I had never seen this side to Aria, but I was loving it even more and more. Loving all the passion she truly had to art, all the appreciation she held for it.
Her happiness was cut short by the sound of another crack of thunder echoing through the house. Aria immediately jumped back into my arms as she buried her face into my shirt. My arms quickly wrapped back around her but I said nothing. She reminded me of how frightened Nick used to get with fireworks. He would come running into my arms with tears running down his face as his body shook with fear every year as the town lit up the night with illegal fireworks.
I could feel Aria shaking slightly in my arms, but I just pulled her in even closer. Her hands gripped the back of my shirt tightly, welcoming my warmth.
After some time of just holding her, she slowly pulled her body away from mine. She began to say something that wounded like an apology but before she could finish, I acted on impulse. My arm that was wrapped around her waist, pulled her back into me and I smashed my lips against hers.
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