Chapter Five: A Night Gone Wrong
Goth's POV, weeks later
I smile at Palette as we walk through the fields. He was leading me up a hill through thick weeds and overgrown grass. He seems very eager to get to the top.
"Where are we going, Palette?"I ask
"You like the stars, right? Well I'm finding a spot fit for stargazing!"He says
But your eyes are stars...Beautiful....Ugh, shut up Goth!
We get higher up the hill but then pause when hearing a rustle in the grass.
"It's probably just an animal."I say
"But what if it isn't?"He asks
"We'll be okay."I say
We reach the top of the hill where the grass clears out. It got shorter and I glance up, seeing the beautiful stars in the sky.
"Woah...."I say, in complete awe at the view
"Beautiful, isn't it?"He asks
I nod, but see that he is gazing at me. I feel my cheeks burn and hide it in my scarf.
"Hey, I was wondering...Your scarf is very colorful, so is there any meaning behind the colors?"He asks curiously
"Oh! Yeah, each stripe is to represent a family member. The purple in the middle is meant to be me. At least, that's what my uncle says."I say, shyly looking down
"Hey, are you okay?"He asks, stepping closer
He gently lifts my chin up, resting his hand on my cheek.
"Y-Yeah, I'm alright."I say
We both hear incoming footsteps and quickly turn to see a group of kids approaching.
"Oh look, it's Death Jr. and Palette! What are you trying to do on this hill? Raise your standards?"One says
"Go away! Your company is not welcome here!"He snaps
I feel two hands grab me, twisting my arms behind my back. A swift kick took me to my knees.
"Agh! Let me go!"I snap, though know it won't be obeyed
"Look at him, Palette. He is weak and a disappointment to his title. He's supposed to be a demi-god yet is weaker than a bug that lost its wings. Wake up and find something better. Join us."They say
They hold me closer to him, tempting him to hit me.
"He can't even summon a weapon. He's pathetic."They say
I bow my head, shaking my head.
Don't listen to them....Don't let their words hurt....Palette is better than this....right?
I jolt when his paint roller gets summoned inches from my face. The others chuckle, thinking they got through to him. I glance up at Palette and only see anger in his eyes. He shifts into a puddle of ink with his roller and disappears from our sight.
"Agh! What the heck?"They shout, covered in paint
I fall forward when I get freed as the one holding me tumbles to the ground, cocooned in paint. Two arms wrap around me in a hug. I hear heavy panting as I take in the fact that Palette is the one holding me and has them all covered in paint. He snaps his fingers and the paint turns to rocks or part of the ground, trapping them in place. He lifts me to my feet and grips my hand tightly.
"Don't ever come near Goth again. I won't allow you to try this foolishness ever again. Grow up from your pathetic minds of picking on someone to please yourself. You're not cool, it just makes you look sad and pathetic since clearly you aren't happy with yourself if you have to hurt others to make yourself feel better."He says
"Release us now!"They snap
"And risk you hurting Goth? I don't think so. Bye!"He says, snapping his fingers
They all disappear and he sighs. He grips his chest tightly.
"Jeez, that took a bit out of me...."He huffs
I gaze at him, amazed. This only remind me how much of a stranger he still is. He is clearly powerful. Much more capable than he lets on. He shapeshifted to liquid forms after all! But I smile, glad to have his company. My trust only grows for him.
"Goth? Are you getting bullied? I heard noises! I'm coming!"I hear Raven shout
What? He's supposed to be at home. Ugh....He followed me again.
Palette chuckles, shaking his head.
"Your brother really doesn't trust me around you."He sighs
"Palette? You leave Goth alone!"Raven snaps
I see a figure in the distance behind Palette. Something alarms them and they start running closer towards us. It became clearer that it's a boy, skeletal glitching one at that with glasses. He looks worried and reaches forward, sending a flurry of green glitches at us.
"Palette! Look out!"He shouts
It goes past us and I hear Raven shout in alarm from behind me. I turn to see Raven frozen in place by the green glitches around him, his scythe extended ahead and aimed at Palette.
"What the hell? Why can't I move?"He asks, fighting to move
Palette turns to the glitching boy that saved him.
"Who-?"He begins
"Are you okay? I came here as soon as I heard the news! Dad has been looking for you everywhere and spoke to my father to see if he came after you!"The boy says, continuing to ramble and glitching out
"Woah woah, slow down. Who are you?"Palette asks
"I'm Gradient! I'm your younger brother technically! Well, half brother! I've heard about you from Dad! It was mostly him wondering about reminders on his scarf, but still! I didn't even know I had a brother! Let alone so similar to me! But I won't let that scythe-swinger or gooper hurt you!"Gradient says
"Gooper, wait....You mean...?"Palette says, speechless
Gradient nods.
"The dark octopus is on the prowl."He says
Palette turns to me, clearly looking conflicted.
"Let's get you home, Goth. Gradient, release his brother."He says
"Are they trustworthy?"Gradient asks
"Of course we are! Why wouldn't we be?"Raven snaps
"You just got a taste of your own medicine, Raven."I say, shaking my head
Gradient frees him and Raven huffs, crossing his arms.
Palette takes my hand and leads me down the hill. I could feel Gradient staring me down just as much as Palette could feel Raven's burning gaze from behind us.
"I guess we both have overprotective siblings now."I say to lighten the mood
I glance at him, seeing how stressed he looks.
"Hey, are you okay?"I ask
"I...I don't want to bring trouble to you..."He says, shaking his head
His eyes shine so much dimmer than before.
"Palette, what was he talking about? Is there trouble coming for you?"I ask, concerned
"It's not a concern. Let me get you home."He says
"Hello boys."A familiar voice says
I glance to see Gaster coming over to us. Palette raises his paint roller, blocking me from him.
"You stay away!"He snaps
"Palette, I checked my files for you and found very interesting information. I'd like to see what a mistake like you can do."He chuckles
"Excuse you! Don't talk to him like that!"I snap
"He knows that it's true."He says
Palette freezes up, looking down. Gradient runs forward, sending glitches to stop Gaster but he deflects them with a wave of his hand. He snaps his fingers and a portal opens.
"You can go join the other glitches, little boy."He says, sending Gradient into the portal
It quickly shut. Palette looks alarmed and his body physically trembles.
"Now, unless you want to be sent back to your place, you should come with me. Cause I can and will send you there."He says
I grip Palette's hand tightly.
"He can't come near us. Just stick with me and he can't touch you."I tell him
I wrap my wing around him protectively.
"Goth, he will get me sooner or later. I should just comply."He says
I shake my head.
"You're coming home with me."I say, pulling him past Gaster
I look behind me to see Raven following behind us.
"He could've done us a favor."Raven says with a huff
"Raven!"I snap
"What? He's clearly hiding stuff from us and trouble is coming because of him. If Gaster sent him away, we'd be safe."Raven says
"After all these weeks and all his kindness, what do you have to hold against him?"I ask
"THIS!"He says
"You're just taking advantage of the situation! What about before this?"I ask
He is silent.
"That's what I thought. You have no reasons. You just want to be pessimistic. Raven, there's come a point where you have to move on and trust people. Holding that negativity won't get you that far."I say
"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've gotten very far with negativity. It's empowering."A deep voice says
Palette gasps, looking over and I follow his gaze to see a black skeleton with goopy tentacles rising from his back.
"Take my advice, keep that mindset and you'll crush others around you with your power. Plus I'll only get stronger thanks to you. Now, Palette, I understand that you've been neglected. I'm here to give you the company you need. Come, let's catch up."The stranger says with a sinister grin
"Palette...? Who is that...?"I ask
"The baseball player....Get out of here, Goth. For your own good."He says, releasing my hand
"Palette, don't act-"I begin
He tosses his roller aside and trudges over to the stranger. He gets snatched up by a tentacle quickly.
"Smart choice. And I didn't even have to raid this world to get you.~"The stranger says, then disappears with him
"Palette!"I shout
There is no trace of him. I stand there in shock.
He....Left with that freak? It seemed familiar with him...."The baseball player"? THAT IS NOT A BASEBALL PLAYER! What is that thing going to do with Palette? Why didn't he stay? I'm so sick of being protected! I want to protect instead! I'm not losing my friend! I'm not losing Palette! I-!
"Goth! Snap out of it!"Raven shouts
I blink twice, then feel something heavy in my hands. I glance down to see a huge scythe glowing in my hands.
I actually summoned something! A weapon for once! Finally!
I glance at Raven who seems speechless.
"Ya still want to be negative and turn out like that freak?" I ask
"NO!"He says
"Good. Now let's go home. I'm telling Dad. He may recognize that thing in his travels at work."I say
I don't even wait for him to answer, unfolding my wings and soaring home. I knock the door open and land on the floor, still holding my new scythe.
"*Gasp* Gen! Goth summoned his scythe!"Dad cheers proudly
"That's great!"Papa says
Dad sees the look on my face and his smile fades.
"What's wrong?"He asks
"Palette got kidnapped!"I tell him
"What?"Grandpa snaps
I see him slamming the guest room door open and storming down the hall to us. He holds his trident and his eyes are narrowed.
"By who?"He asks
"A goopy octopus guy."I say
"Nightmare? What could he want with Palette?"Dad asks
"You know him?"I ask
"He is a being that lives on negativity. He's very dangerous but I never saw him going after Palette since that boy is a beacon of positivity and that usually repels the walking octopus....Unless...."He says
"How do we get Palette from him?"I ask, gripping my scythe tightly
They look at each other as Raven shuts the door.
"Any chance Gaster is involved?"Dad asks
"He went after Palette before Nightmare showed up...."I say
"I'll go after him to see if he knows anything."Grandpa says, leaving quickly
I look to Dad and frown.
"We'll get him back, Goth."He tells me
Palette better be okay....
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