Chapter 41: See You in Court!
Palette's POV
"Radier! Get away from him! Stop! Don't hurt him!"Shino shouts
"Stay back little girl."A voice says
We land and I see at least four adults trying to hold Radier down, tasering and tying his hands or tentacles. An officer is holding Shino away and a few more drag PJ and Gradient out of the house, the two getting electrocuted by strange nets wrapped around them.
"What is going on here?"I snap
"Are you the resident of this home? The Palette boy?"An officer asks
"They are residents too! They're my family!"I snap with a nod
"No, young boy. They are criminals. We are arresting them and having them taken for your safety."He says
"Whatever reports of that you got were false! Unhand them!"I yell
"I'm going to tell you the same that we told the little girl. You're misinformed and have been manipulated. We have our orders and have conducted to the highest degree of monsteranity. Criminals, but still people to us-"He begins
"Stay down you abomination! Why do you even exist?"Another officer snaps at Radier as he struggles
Radier screams as he gets tasered again.
"Right. I have all the info you could need to disprove the charges in my room. And there's something called innocent until proven guilty so how about you shut up and release them on our own kind of bail?"I say, summoning my paint roller
"Kid, please. You need to-"He begins
"Stop and shut up!"Shino shouts
A wave of powerful magic washes across the group, freezing all of these officers in place. Glitches form all over them, holding them in place.
"What the hell?"They snap
"Shino..."Gothy says, speechless
I see tears in Shino's eye and she physically trembles.
"You're all horrible! I won't let you abuse them!"She snaps
She runs over, shoving everyone off of Radier. She frees him and pulls him over to us, then goes after PJ and Gradient to free them. Black feathers trail behind her despite her white wings flapping. She hugs Radier close and this seems to scare the officers.
"Wait..Those feathers...You two..."The captain or leader begins
"We're Reaper's kids. Good job upsetting my sister and going after our friends. All on a flimsy report of trouble without proof. Real smart of you officers or detectives to do."Gothy says with a roll of his eyes
"They're staying with us until court proves us wrong!"Shino snaps
Then with a wave of her hand, they were sent away. Asgore lands beside us and smiles at me, patting me on the head. He ushers us inside and shuts the door. I quickly use some paint to wipe away the wounds on PJ and Gradient.
"This will not stand. There is nothing to fear, kids. This court case will be handled by a good friend of mine that is very wise."He says
"Gaster?"Gradient asks
PJ chuckles.
"That's an idiot, not a wise man! Gerson, perhaps?"PJ says
Asgore nods.
"So pair up and head to bed. I'm going to secure the house."He says
Shino quickly pulls Radier away, his eyes still spinning dizzily and seeming just barely conscious from the attacks on him.
"I'm healing Radier!"She shouts from down the hall
"We will go to our room."PJ says, going with our brother
Gothy wraps his wings around me as everything sinks in. I sigh, smiling. This seems reassuring. I go to my room, holding his hand to bring him with me. I sit on the bed and he slides beside me, resting his head on my shoulder.
"I don't like this, Palette...What if they manage to win the case? What will happen to you or your family? If they take you away...Where will Radier and your brothers be sent to? Will any of you be harmed? I don't want those"He admits, growing quieter
"Don't worry, Gothy. It will be okay, I'm sure of it."I tell him
"How are you so sure?"He asks
"This is Gaster who has joined them. He hurts their case more then help it. Think about it, he can't even make a proper threat. And he has to provide proper records for the case. He has records on everything for each of us correct?"I say
He nods.
"Well let's just see how helpful the records of abandonment, neglect, child abduction and abuse will help them. Not to mention stalking, trespassing or harassment. They've done plenty to show that they endanger kids more than protect them. No true court would side with them."I say
He smiles.
"That is a good point."He says
"Plus I have a few ideas on how to make an impression against them. But let's go to bed."I say
I turn out the light as we lay down, sleeping and snuggling. I feel his wings wrap around me.
The next morning I went out to have breakfast with everyone at the table. Shino sits beside Radier and looks calmer than yesterday. She smiles but her eye twinkles with a scheme, much like how I see PJ's eyes twinkle when I know he is up to no good.
"Soo....What do you think should be done?"PJ asks
"I have some ideas."Shino says
She walks out and a few minutes later, she comes in with flower crowns. She sets one on each of our heads. We each get dressed and I smirk, making sure none of the clothes I wore are like Dream and Ink. Instead of my hat, I wear Shino's flower crown. Instead of my scarf, I wear the necklace from Gothy. I change the shirt from what Dream made for me to a nice green shirt with the rose Gothy gave me slipped into a pocket on my chest. I clip a cape-like cloak onto me that both Radier and Gradient had designed to protect me from harm by Nightmare. I wear dark pants and shoes with green fingerless gloves. I hear a knock at the door and go to answer to find an officer there.
"Little boy, you are needed for trial. Let's go while we can."The officer says
I feel a hand on my shoulder. I glance up, seeing Asgore behind me and also wearing a flower crown.
"Yeah, we're going with him."He says
Gothy grabs my hand, squeezing it firmly. The officer leads us away as our relatives following behind. We enter a large Parthenon-like building where sitting on a raised pedestal for a desk that towered over the rest of the benches or seating in the court. There, an elderly turtle monster with a small tooth peeking out by his white beard on his chin. Gaster stands beside Dream and Ink.
"Is the boy here?"The turtle asks, his voice echoing down to us
"Yes, Gerson."Asgore says
"Okay. I hope you are well, Asgore. Can the young lad please join me up here?"He asks, pointing to a seat beside him
Goth picks me up, flying me to the seat. Gerson smiles at us and Gothy squeezes my hand one last time before going to sit with Asgore. I glance at the accusers, seeing their shock. I smile and glance at Gerson.
"You comfortable being here for the question of who deserves custody of you?"He asks
"It will be quite quick, I assure you."I say
He nods.
"Let's begin then."He says
I smile, gazing ahead.
They're going to regret being so foolish to try this.
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