Chapter 31: New Life, Old Friend
Months later(?) Palette's POV
*Click clack click click clack*
I hear the click of a pair of heels on the marble tiled floor echo from down the hallway. I dismiss it, admiring the craftsmanship in a large, stained-glass springline window as the sun pours its rays into the glass, making it glow. I hear a gasp and then the footsteps move quicker.
"Pal-Pal! Palette!"A familiar voice cheers
I chuckle once hearing her voice. Always eager to meet up, acting like each time is the first time in forever. I turn to see her running over. Her being Tina, the Madame of this Parlicastle. She is a leader in this land, handling all the affairs of the kingdom similar to a matriarch but has a council to advise her and look over her decisions like a democracy's executive and legislative branches. She is a beautiful genius with an endless amount of energy. She was the one who found me, woke me up and helped me find my way through this new life in her world. Shelter, education, healing, everything I needed in the start and I rose through the ranks to her right hand person over the months. After testing to see if I could trust her, I told her everything so she doesn't think I'm a stranger sent down from the clouds. She is very understanding of it all and I've grown to call her my best friend here and there is never a dull moment here.
She runs over, hugging me eagerly with a bright smile. She wears a light blue dress today with puffed sleeves at the shoulders. It had a low neckline, showing her scaly chest. She has mitiligoo, a monster form of the human condition called vitiligo. Her purple scales become patches between lighter and dark as a result. She has a short snout extending out like a lizard's as she has two nostrils and a beautiful smile. Her eyes are a bright blue with an orange-yellow tint behind it.
"Hey Palette! How'd the meeting go?"She asks
"Which one are you referring to? I had two to do so far."I reply
"Either one! Which one was tougher?"She asks
"Well the first one was easier since the students were eager to learn. I'd say the second one was harder since it seemed like everyone was challenging or testing me...But I got through it."I say
"That's wonderful! How are you feeling? Anything on your mind?"She asks
" again..."I sigh
Her smile fades and she nods solemnly.
"I'm sure that they are okay, Palette. You left them in good hands to protect them. And if they're as strong as you say they are, I'm sure that they are okay and are just worried about you. They probably miss you as much as you miss them."She tells me
I nod and we start walking through the halls as we talk. I tuck my hands behind my back, thinking carefully over her words.
This is the best circumstances to have if it keeps them safe from Calludo after all. Plus this is a good life where I serve a purpose, getting protection and care without a risk of being abandoned...Or used.
"Do you know the latest on noble affairs?"She asks
I nod.
"I wouldn't be your right hand person if I didn't."I chuckle
"Well since I have to go to a ball concerning it, I was thinking that maybe-"She begins
"Excuse me, Madame. But we need the Captain for an issue at the South Border Tower."A guard says
"Lead the way."I say
We march out of the halls all the way to the walls and watch towers by the south border. We climb up the steps and get to the top of the south tower. I glance along the horizon, seeing nobody and nothing of concern. The guard points upwards.
"A strange being has been circling the border walls and we've been unsure what to do. It looks like a person so it may be a spy but also looks like a bird and we don't want to hurt an innocent creature."The guard says
Tina smiles at me as I glance up, curious to what they mean.
"Are we sure he can help us? It isn't close like art or combat strategies."Another guard says
"Give him a moment."Tina says with a smirk.
I see something with white wings circling in the air. For a second I thought I saw a hand or foot, but it is too high up to tell. It has a larger wingspan so when the wings flap, it folds in on its body and hides itself unlike most birds.
What is that?
I raise my hand to shade my eyes from the sun and that gives me a better view. It was more clear now. I see a head peek out, skeletal. They wore clothes and slippers...all too familiar...Then it clicks.
Goth. That's Goth.
I glance at the guards preparing to aim.
"Well? Is it an animal or person?"They ask
"It's a person."I reply
"How are they flying?"They ask
"They have wings on their back."I say
"Do we shoot them down? It could be a spy from a neighboring kingdom and pose a threat!"They say
"Trust me, it isn't that. They're harmless."I say, then check the clock in the tower
Thank you Father Time.
"I have a meeting to get to. Just ignore them, they won't harm you as long as you don't harm them..."I say, going back down the steps
...Most of the time.
I go to the meeting and sit down with my notes prepared. I sit through all the speeches, allowing me to focus on the issues at hand instead of who I saw in the sky.
A few meetings go by before night falls. Then I was able to end my time and head to bed. I walk through the halls to the corridor that leads to my lonely room. Literally, it's the only occupied room in the corridor. I shut the door behind me and sigh as I turn the lock, slumping against the door.
Is Goth really here? What is he doing here? Circling the sky? Oh right...He has his list to track me down...But why now? Why would he come to see me? He's probably going to gush about how happy he is in this new relationship with Calludo or whoever...Great...
I sigh, changing my clothes and climbing into bed. I see a single white light glow in the dark outside my window. In an instant, the light is gone. I go to sleep, then woke up in the morning with a rose on the windowsill. I frown, shaking my head. It was a yellow one, symbolizing friendship. I shut the curtains, getting dressed and heading out.
"Everything okay, Palette?"Tina asks
"Yeah, just some things I'd rather forget. Now, are you ready for the walk later? I have to inspect the training grounds so I'll be there early."I say
"Oh, I have a few meetings and debates this morning so I won't get there until later. See you then!"She says, marching away
I nod and head out swiftly to inspect the training grounds. They really have to get cleaned up but first I have to make sure that it isn't dangerous for the cleaning teams to enter, like broken weapons or spells still active. I don't find anything so far and deactivated anything I do find. So far very safe so I continue along the woven path towards the archery area after marking that it's safe to clean. That's when I hear a pair of wings flapping.
"Oh my stars...Palette! It's really you! I've missed you so much!"Goth's familiar voice says
I glance over, seeing him hover as he follows beside me as I walk. I recognized him as if I saw him just yesterday. He wore a purple shirt and grey pants instead of his usual clothes. His face is a bright purple as he babies about things I zoned out on hearing.
I blink a few times, shaking my head.
I've got to stop that. I can't go into that trance anymore.
"Did you like the rose I got you? I thought it'd be sweet to return the favor!"He says
A rose of friendship in return for a rose of love and adoration...Real sweet...
"What rose?"I ask, feeling along the trees
I pull out lost arrows and broken pieces of them.
"You look so different....Your eyes and your clothes..."He comments after a moment of silence.
"And?"I say, glancing at him
"What made you change? How have you been?"He asks
"Oh ya know, getting dumped here to re-adapt to a new life. Changes are just part of it. But it's quite nice and it keeps my family safe so everything's good here."I reply, bagging the arrows
He frowns, landing beside me. He extends his wing, trying to pull me closer to him but I gently put my hand up, keeping his wing from pushing me around.
"Don't...I'm busy."I say, pulling out enchanted shurikens carefully.
"Palette, I want to hug you. I've missed you..."He says
Yeah he really values me now...
"Well not right now, Goth. I'm busy."I say, bending down to check the ground where arrows dig into the ground
"What happened to calling me Gothy?"He asks innocently
I shake my head, tossing things in the bag.
"Well I learned that it's already taken for someone else to use and I didn't want to be rude. So I dropped it."I say
"Palette...Calludo and I aren't anything. I promise, he's a jerk and I'm nothing close to him."He says
That stung my soul.
"I never thought you'd lie to me, Goth...Or try to about that. I saw you kiss him. You...You have something with him. I get that...That's his place. Not mine. But don't pull me into this mess."I say
"I don't love him! He forced it! I love nicer people!"He says
"Oh yeah?"I say, readjusting the targets.
"Yeah! I'm into another guy!"He says
"Like who?"I ask, not really caring
"You! I love you, Palette!"He tells me
I glance down.
He has a funny way of showing it...Or he may not realize what he is saying...
"Right, of course you do. We're best friends. Of course we love each other...platonically."I say with a sigh
"No! Palette, I love you! You're my Luz! I'd never mess with your soul!"He insists
"And yet, you did.."I sigh
I keep moving on the trail.
"I didn't mean to! I didn't want to! I was waiting for you!"He says
He picks up some flowers from the ground, roots and all, shoving it in my face. Yellow roses again.
"This is how I feel about you!"He says
"You're not thinking straight-"I begin
"Cause I'm gay, Palette!"He snaps
"I know. But that doesn't excuse you from clear thought. I should've never been dumb enough to ask you to meet out there..."I say, leaving the training or archery grounds behind me
"I found and fixed your locket, Palette...And something else..."He says
"Hope you liked it, bestie."I say without much of a reaction
"Palette, please-"He begins
"Pal Pal! I'm coming! I heard shouts! There you are!"Tina cheers
I see Tina lifting her dress up so she could run over, her shoes clicking against the cobblestones of the path.
"Pal Pal?"Goth says, looking at me confusedly
"Hey, Tina! The training grounds are clear!"I say
"Tina?"He says
She runs over, hugging me. I smile at her.
"Who is she, Palette?"He asks
She glances at him and smiles.
"You know Captain here too?"She says
Oh dear....
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