Chapter 29: Love at its Worst
Palette's POV a few weeks later, lunchtime
"Hey Palette! Great to see your recovery is going smoothly!"Niko says
"Nice new ssssstyle! Lookssss good on you!"Meelo says with a rare purr with the hiss
"Thanks!"I say as I sit between them at the lunch table.
The rest of my friends fill in the seats and start chatting away. I casually eat my food as they giggle and gossip. Then I hear a gasp.
"Wooaaah! Where did you get the purple rose, Goth? Those are super rare, especially in the winter!"Niko says
"It was taped to my locker..I dunno from who but they left it there..."He says, sitting with us
"Definitely a new way to treat the month."Niko says
"Way too sweet for Calludo's tastes or intelligence. Too much planning and exploring that would need to get his dainty hands dirty."Shadei says
"I am so glad that December is over! And I bet you are as well Goth!"Niko says
"Yeah, with that assshole creeping on you and trying to force you into uncomfortable places! So many mistletoes!"Meelo says
"But that means that we didn't get the chance to put you and Palette under the mistletoe! Opportunity wasted and missed!"Mika sighs
"Oh as if we'd get a chance with Aleena and Madeline chasing after him like two clingy pets begging for attention or stubborn bulls."Niko says, elbowing me jokingly
I chuckle, watching Gothy hold the purple rose delicately, gazing at it with a small smile. Then he glances up in surprise and smiles widely.
"Palette! You're back!"He cheers
"In his rightful place."Niko says proudly
Gothy gets up from his seat, dropping the flower on the table. His wings unfold, slapping Calludo in the face and knocking him down as he attempted to walk past us and eye Gothy. Gothy paid him no mind, quickly coming around the table to hug me.
"I'm so glad that you're back! I..."He cheers, then hears Calludo groan
He glances over for a moment, then shrugs it off and leans closer to me.
"I missed you, Palette."He whispers
I smile at him and he gazes at me carefully, seeming to notice my change in clothes. His cheeks turn a shade of lavender and our friends giggle. I grab the rose and hand it to him.
"Don't lose it too quickly now. Whoever gave it to you took a lot of care to get it."I say
Niko chuckles, knowing the meaning behind my words.
Gothy nods, going back to his seat with it held carefully. He smiles at me nervously.
"So, Goth...We hear that your parents are letting you into the tradition this year."Niko says
"It's more of testing the waters."Gothy says with a shrug
"Interesting. Maybe you'll get boxed with Palette again."Niko says
"And actually reach the destination."Mika says
Goth's face burns and I smile a bit.
"I'm not sure about that guys."I say with a chuckle
"So, what's with the new look?"Gothy asks
"I was doing yard work and my clothes got dirty. Gave me a chance to try on these new clothes though."I say
He smiles at me. I check the clock and then excuse myself from the lunchroom. I slip by his locker and drop an envelope in the slit of the locker. Then I continue on my way. I spend the next few days of school leaving little gifts or notes to brighten Goth's day and seeing his reactions only builds my confidence up to tell him. Then, when I was sure I could do it, went to get my phone.
Me: Hey, Gothy! Are you free?
Gothy:Yea, why?
Me:Can you meet me at the park bridge alone? I've got something to tell you...
Me: See ya there soon, Gothy!~ :)
I smile, going to my room to grab the carefully written letter for Gothy. I slip it into an envelope with a purple seal. My soul is pounding, never feeling so excited before. Then the little voice in the back of my head pipes up with worry. Calludo has been hanging around Gothy lately, getting closer and touchier than before. Goth doesn't seem to be pushing him away that much anymore. What if he shows up too? Catches us before I could even confess? Or if Gothy rejects me? Am I really going to do this? I may get my soul broken, lose my best friend and see what bite is behind Calludo's threatening barks.
I shake these thoughts away before it ruins my mood.
Both Raven and his father said not to worry about Calludo...He won't be there...Everything will go well...It's just Gothy. I'm sure this confession won't be a friendship ender.....I just want to share my feelings and make him happy!
I sigh with a smile, feeling my face burn already at the thought of giving this to Gothy. I put my necklace on and head out the door after telling Pakeekee the plan. Radier is over at Shino's home and Gradient has left the AU to see PJ so I don't have to worry about them.
Mr. Reaper's plan has worked out perfectly so far! Gothy is going to be surprised! I can't wait to give him this and explain! It's going to be the best!
I walk through the park to get closer to the bridge, smiling with the envelope in hand. It was so empty here....So quiet....peaceful...Which only allowed noises to carry further like children's laughter at the distant playground. Or...other voices.
"Hmm...What could Palette want to talk about? Why here..?"I hear Gothy wonder
"Oh, hey Gothy! Funny finding you here!"Calludo says
Gothy...? That's what I call him...
"I told you not to call me that."Gothy says
"Why? Is it because we're in public? You never complain when we're alone before."He says
"Then you have selective hearing."Gothy says
"But I'm not blind. Why are you blushing if you don't like me calling you that?"He insists
No...Gothy can't possibly he?
"Shut up and go away. Palette is coming and we're going to be alone."Gothy says
"You know that you can't keep leading him on. Why do you have the flower still?"He says
"It's sweet."Gothy says
"You seem to have a way of holding the sweet and stupid close."He says
I walk up the trail, the bridge coming into sight with only two figures on the bridge. I didn't have to guess that it was them. Especially since one had wings and the other was green. I pick up the pace to get over there.
"Don't call him that! You can't threaten him anymore! I know and so does my father or brother! If you knows what is good for you, you will back off and stay quiet!"Gothy snaps
"Oh, so you want us to stay secret?"He asks
"Shut it!"Gothy snaps
"Tch, look at you Gothy. You're so hopeful to have something that simply isn't there. He isn't going to return your feelings. Any smart mortal will know their place and stay in it, stay away from you...If they know what's good for them. Especially when it comes to the Death family."He says, glancing over
I see him glance to me and smirk. I tense up, stopping in my tracks. He saw me as he gave another threat. He glances back to Gothy, stepping closer and slipping his hands out of sight. It's a cobblestone bridge so I can't see anything below the railing.
"I, on the other hand, have come to the perfect place for myself. I can give you so much more than he ever could. You can be happy, Gothy. You know I love you, don't yo-Mph? Mmm..."
I feel my soul break, seeing them kiss. The envelope slips from my hand.
I watch for a few moments as the situation sinks in. Goth...cut him off and pulled him into a kiss....I thought he hated Calludo! Then something Mr. Reaper told me came back to mind.
"Everyone has their different love styles. Like my husband started off with a more tsundere-like love style where he hides his affections through anger but later warmed up. He still has hints of it but it's adorable. Goth is surely different from my husband so enjoy not getting punched by him to show his love." Yeah...I'm not too sure about that...Why did I even think that this would work? We're only best friends! That's where I am supposed to be! Not like this! And what horrible timing do I have? I get threats on not just my life but my family's lives and all it takes is for the God of Death to say a few nice words for me to decide to challenge that? Risk everything as the "perfect chance" to confess to Gothy? I'm so stupid! I have to get out of here!
I turn on my heels and runas quick as I can away, tripping over my own feet and hitting the ground hard. I quickly get up and keep running until I reach the closest safe place I knew of:The library. I push past the front doors, going to the back corner of the library as quick as my legs could carry me. I get out my phone and call Gradient as quick as I could.
"Hey, Palette! What's up?"He asks
"Where are you right now?"I ask
"In another AU's cabin with PJ."He says
"Okay, keep the doors and windows locked!"I warn him
"Calludo?"He asks
"Are you safe?"He asks
"Okay, I'll tell PJ."He says, hanging up
I call Radier next.
"Hey Cuz! Shino was just wondering about you!"I hear him say
"Hi!~"Shino says
"Are you still at her home, Radier?"I ask, my voice starting to shake
"What did Calludo do now?"He asks, quickly picking up on the issue
"M-More threats...You're safe, right?"I ask
"Yep, don't worry about me."He says
"Calludo? Dad! I thought you said that you'll handle him! Same with Raven!"Shino shouts
"He's still causing Palette issues?"Raven asks
"Why the heck do you think I'm asking?"Shino snaps
"Is Palette okay?"Her dad asks
"Oh yeah he just got some more threats and is in a panic, perfectly okay! NOT!"She snaps
"Aaand she's off. Like a little ball of fire."Radier says
"O-okay, as long as you're safe. Maybe stay there for the night..."I say
"What about you? I don't want you home alone with that lunatic running wild!"He asks
"I'll f-figure something out."I tell him
"Be careful, Palette."He says
"Will do. Love you."I say, hanging up
I put my phone away and hold my hat. My vision goes blurry as tears fill my eyes. I throw my hat aside and hug my knees, hiding my face away as I cry.
"Hello? Nobody is meant to be on shift today...Who is there?"I hear Mr. Geno say
I hear footsteps coming closer and glance up, seeing him peek around a corner.
"Palette?"He says
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