Chapter 25: Halloween Warning
Goth's POV nearly a week later
"So...Any Halloween ideas?"Our friend Shadei asks
"Not sure, still gathering candy to give out."Palette replies
"Isn't Radier going trick or treating?"Niko asks
"Making him the costume as well as helping Gradient with his. Blueprint and Bluescreen are going with Gradient so that's their plans."He replies
"Who takes more work?"Linka asks
"Radier has an idea already and is using his extra arms for the costume so not much to worry about there. He's planning to match with Shino as a Lilo and Stitch duo. I think you can guess which one he is gonna be. Gradient's more picky and an over-thinker so he takes more time to help."He says with a smile
Our friends nod.
"Speaking of pairs, we have been thinking of ideas for each of us."Niko says
"Really?"I ask curiously
Our friends giggle.
"Yessss! We have an idea ssspecifically good for the two of you! You open for sssssuggestionss?"Meelo asks
"Sure..."I say
Palette nods.
"You could be Luz and Amity from the Owl House show! Genderswapped of course unless you're okay wearing skirts!"Niko says
"Huh?"Palette says
My face burns at their suggestion, knowing from Shino exactly who they are.
"A pair of best friends on a fantasy show!"Shadei says
"Ooh!"Palette says
"We could go check out possible outfits after school! I know a good place."Linka says
"Okay, I'm up for that! What about you, Gothy?"Palette asks with a bright smile
"Umm...Sure..."I say
I glance away, feeling my soul speed up at the nickname and his smile.
A few hours later our friends lead us away from school. They lead us to a temple-like building mixed with shopping malls. I see a statue of Mettaton at the top of the pediment, looking down at us.
"Uuh, are we sure about this?"I ask
"Definitely!"Our friends say
"Something wrong, Gothy?"Palette asks
"This is Mettaton's temple...He doesn't get along with my father and his job...And last time my family came in here, my dad got lost and trouble unfolded..."I reply
"Oh come on! It's probably just world views and stuff they disagree on! Your father is focused on life and death while Mettaton has a more....stylized view of things."Niko says
Palette grabs my hand gently.
"If you're afraid of getting lost, I'll stick with you so you don't have to worry."He says
I smile at him and he smiles brightly at me. I feel my face burn.
"Goth is definitely going to be Amity. Just look at his face."Shadei says
We go inside and Palette grips my hand tightly, squeezing it. First they find basic clothes for the costume, giving me multiple layers of formal clothes. Then they give Palette a few layers of costume clothes, including a cape to clip on. We couldn't hold hands anymore and split up as our friends took us to get accessories. They snatch some wings and clip on ears for me.
"Hmmm, this place is huge. Where could we find the changing rooms?"Niko asks
"Ooh! Over there!"Shadei says
I get shoved into a changing room seconds later. I lay the clothes on hooks and look at what I'm dealing with. I quickly realize that they gave me an outfit similar to the Grom aka Prom episode in the show. That only sends my mind into a rabbit hole, picturing what Palette may look like in his given outfit.
He's going to look so....STOP! We're best friends!
I get changed, trying on the clothes and slipping the wig onto my head. I clip the ears with pre-pierced triangle earrings onto my head and then take a few deep breaths before opening the door.
"Gothy? Our friends went to browse but they told me to stick close for you. Are you doing alright?"Palette asks
Oh my stars...I'm done for..
"Y-yeah! I'm coming out now!"I say
After a little mental countdown, I open the door, stepping out of the dressing room. I see Palette sitting in his arranged costume on a stool and he glances over, quickly getting to his feet. My face burns under his gaze.
He is so handsome....Keep it in, Goth, he's your best friend. It's just a costume. It's just a costume. It's just a costume....That he is Totally pulling off WTH!?
"You look great Palette! Or should I say Luz, hehe!"I say with a laugh
"Tu precioso y adorable ángel... Te protegere con mi vida..."He mutters, his eyes turning to hearts
He takes Spanish while I take French in school so his switch in language didn't surprise me. But I could only make out pieces. life...Palette what trance are you in?
I smile at him, seeing his cheeks turn green and yellow as he continues to stare in awe.
"Palette I don't know much Spanish, what did you say?"I ask
"N-Nothing...You look nice, Gothy."He says
He steps closer, holding my hand.
"Now do we....?"He begins, his voice trailing off
He gazes deep into my eyes, well eye. He steps closer, holding my hand with both of his. His cheeks get a deeper glow the longer he stares. He reaches a hand up, gently feeling along my cheek. My face burns even more.
W-What is he...?
"Oh! There you are! Thank goodness I found you! I——Oh..."A voice says from behind him
He turns around to see a tall boy in a tux and has two blue horns rising from his head peeking in. He has three eyes gazing at us.
"My apologies, I didn't want to interrupt a moment with your boyfriend. Halloween costume plans?"He says
My face burns more as Palette backs away from me.
"Huh? Who are you?"Palette asks
He completely dismissed the reference as a boyfriend....
"The name's Clyde. I'm here to apologize and warn you. My friend Aleena found a special deal event and dragged me along to it. I knew she wouldn't be up to anything good. And well, the deal was an auction focused on you for some collection by some Collection Master or something. She offered up 400G for you so she could have her fun and imagine what she could with you as she put it. I upped the price out of concern for you. The payment would be more of a liberation cost. Another classmate I know, Madeline, paid the most for you and this master sold you to them to do as they wish. Both of them are trouble and they don't get along. They don't take no for an answer....I just wanted to find you and warn you before something happens. I am so sorry for their....ignorant chaos."He explains to us, bowing apologetically
Palette's expression goes blank.
"O-Oh...Well, thank you...Clyde."Palette says
"I'd try to check your stuff out and leave ASAP. Both of them came in here. So go before they find you or your boyfriend."He says before leaving
I look at him and he smiles for a moment, then shakes his head. He glances at me and reaches past my cheek, readjusting the ear for the costume.
"It was slipping and going to bend in enough to hit your face. I wanted to fix that for you."He says sweetly, then goes into a changing room.
I stand there for a few moments, letting things sink in. My face becomes a fire and I shake my head, hiding in my hands.
I'm such a fool....I need to ask my parents about this...Maybe Father? Dad would lose his mind....
I go into the changing room, changing back into my usual clothes. I step out, finding Palette changed back to his clothes as well. His necklace glimmers brightly and his eyes twinkle like the gems it is made of. Our friends gather together and we walk out, buying our things and finding the exit.
I smile as a few days later we went out to trick-or-treating. Shino and Radier run ahead in their Lilo&Stitch costumes. Gradient and Bluescreen were dressed as a wizard and mage like characters in a game they play. By the end of the night we gathered plenty of candy. We went to his home to split up the candy, trading and sharing it.
"So? Did you like being the Lumity couple? You both looked great as my favorite show ship!"Shino asks
Palette nods with a smile as he takes off the wig. I glance at him in surprise.
He knew that these characters are more than best friends? Why would he agree to-?
"Yes, it was nice. Plenty of fun with Gothy."Palette says
He glances at me with a small smile.
"But I ignored that part for the best friend side of them. I noticed any mention of romance or these characters together made you uncomfortable and wanted to avoid that. I don't want my best friend to feel uncomfortable on Halloween! I wanted you to have fun as well!"He says
Oh Palette...The sweetest best friend I could have...
"T-Thanks for that. Now who wants the packs of Monskers?"I say, offering some candy
Radier eagerly takes some and we happily talk or trade candy. Then we sit down to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas by Shino's request. Palette sits beside me and puts his hand on me. I smile at him happily.
This is wonderful...
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