i. two
The calming sound of birds chirping and calm waves hitting the shore of Cair Paravel was interrupted by the sound of horses galloping through the sand. Peter's gaze shifted to the balcony, his paperwork being quickly abandoned as he heard his friend's laughter.
"Keep up Whickett!" Peter heard the brunette call, the stable boy only a few yards behind her.
"I'm trying Lady Mallory, Charles is getting older and he likes to take his time." At that Mallory slowed her horse down to a trot, moving beside Whickett.
"Charles, I believe Whickett just called you old!" Mallory faked a gasp.
"I believe he did so too madam. How insulting!" Charles mocked too.
"I apologize, Charlie. I didn't know you would take offense." Whickett apologized, absolutely serious and sincere.
Mallory laughed and Charles let out a chuckle, which sounded more like a whinny. "We were joking Whickett!"
"Oh," Whickett perked up. He genuinely felt bad for calling Charles old, but he loosened up after he realized they were joking. "You got me, my lady, you too Charlie!"
Mallory groaned, "Whick, I've told you this a thousand times, just call me Mallory."
When Peter realized they were returning from their ride, he fled his room, scaring one of the maids from his door flying open. He apologized before racing down the stairs, passing by his sister Susan who was reading a book.
"Slow down, Peter!" She called after him. "You're going to be eighteen, act like it." She scoffed before rolling her eyes with a smile.
"Sorry, Susan!" He called back, chuckling.
He rushed through the corridors, heading for entrance closest to the stables. He reached the door just in time for Mallory to open it, causing her to let out a shout in shock. "Peter!" She gasped, slapping the chuckling man's chest, "You do this every time!"
"My apologies, Lady Mallory," Peter said formally, bowing to her.
Mallory rolled her eyes playfully before pulling him up, "Why do I put up with you?"
"Because you have to." Peter smiled before turning serious, "We need to talk about something."
"Now?" Mallory asked, gesturing to her dress, "I was going to change out of my riding clothes."
"It's important," Peter's eyes flitted from Mallory to Whickett, who now stood behind her. "We should talk someplace private."
Peter took Mallory's hand and led her to one of the many rooms that littered the castle. It was the lounge where he and Edmund would play chess. The gold and silver board lay on one of the tables.
Peter turned to Mallory, who already had her hands on her hips, "What was so important that you had to drag me-" Peter cut her off by crashing his lips to hers. Mallory's eyes were wide when he pulled away, "Peter you know someone could have caught us in here!" She whisper-yelled. "Edmund is in here all the time and Lucy-" She stopped when she felt his fingers brush a hair back behind her ear. A somber smile was on his face, "What is it, Peter?" She asked softly.
"You know Archenland and Calormen, the neighboring kingdoms?" Peter asked her.
Mallory nodded, "Yes, they're currently at war, aren't they?"
"Yes," Peter began to walk towards one of the loveseats, grabbing Mallory's arm lightly and leading her to it. Mallory followed Peter's lead and sat down, "Well, Archenland has agreed to stop their attacks."
Mallory smiled, grabbing Peter's arm, "That's wonderful Peter," The somber look was still on Peter's face, confusing Mallory, "What, haven't we been trying to stop them?"
"Yes," Peter sighed, "but they had conditions."
"What kind of conditions?" Mallory's brow furrowed, "Now I'm worried, Peter, what's going on?"
"I've been asked to marry their princess, three days after I turn eighteen," Peter explained slowly.
Mallory dropped his arm and stood from the loveseat, "There has to be another way." She began to pace, "This can't be happening." The tension in the room was so thick, Mallory could feel it rising to her throat.
"She's coming to look around the kingdom in a few days," Peter sighed, placing his elbow on the arm of the loveseat and his forehead on his palm. "I wish this wasn't happening, but it has to."
Mallory let out a deep breath before leaving the room, heading right back to the stables. "My lady, are you alright?" Whickett asked as she rushed past him, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. She didn't respond, and stomped her way out to the garden.
She couldn't help it any longer, the dam in her tear ducts broke and even more tears started to spill. Silent sobs filled her chest and throat. She prayed that no one was out there with her, but she felt her face flush when someone quietly called her name.
"Mallory?" Lucy stepped from around a rose bush and gasped when she saw Mallory crying on a stone bench, "Oh my, are you alright?" Lucy quickly moved to Mallory's side, grabbing her face and wiping away her tears. "What's wrong Mal?"
Mallory grabbed one of Lucy's hands, trying to compose herself. "Peter's getting married, a few days after his birthday." The sobs had stopped as Mallory tried to keep herself together.
It was silent for a moment and Lucy moved her other hand down to Mallory's arm, "And you love him, don't you?" Mallory didn't say anything, but they both knew the answer. "I'm sure it wasn't his idea, I can't see him being married, let alone now."
"Archenland has agreed to stop the attacks on Calormen only if Peter marries their princess." Mallory explained what Peter had told her to Lucy.
"At least he's doing it for a reason," Lucy said in a somber tone, but a small smile came to her face afterwards, "I've always suspected that there was something going on between you two."
"You can't tell anyone about us," Mallory shouted pulling both of Lucy's hands in hers, "Especially now!"
Lucy nodded fervently and squeezed Mallory's hands for reassurance, "Don't worry Mal, my lips are sealed."
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