i. one
The statue was found after Aslan had left. An early teenage, human, girl turned to stone. She was clearly a victim of Jadis's rule, however, something was different about her. Instead of fear, there was a look of defiance in her eyes.
For the first year of their ruling, the statue remained there. Lucy would often come out to see the statue when she woke up. She'd always place flowers in the girl's slightly open fists, or between the frozen, yet flowing, locks of the girl's hair.
Susan admired it, the amount of poise and dignity shown in the girl's posture. She'd often read beside it in the late afternoon, stopping when the sun began to set. Sometimes she read aloud, it was quiet, but she still did. She wondered sometimes if the girl could hear them.
When Susan and Lucy would have tea in the courtyard, they'd leave a biscuit for her, sometimes even a bit of cake if it was a special occasion. The birds would probably eat it, but still, it was the thought that counted.
Edmund would visit it in the late hours of the night, or early hours of the morning when he couldn't sleep. He'd talk to the statue, explaining his dreams or new ideas he'd had that kept him awake. He admired the girl's strength, wishing he could've been that strong.
Peter gazed at the girl features, thinking about what she'd be like. He imagined that she was unfrozen from her permanent state of bravery, that she had fought in the battle with them. He believed that she would make a great warrior.
Now the castle was bustling, Peter had no time to go outside and gawk lovingly at the statue. Servants were prepping the palace for a ball, a ball to celebrate High King Peter's fourteenth birthday. Lucy was in the main hall, helping the maids decorate. She gasped when Peter walking into the room.
"Peter!" She gasped, almost falling off the stool she was standing on, causing all the maids to rush forward to help her stabilize herself. "Get out! You're not supposed to see!"
Peter chuckled, "Lucy it's not a surprise party, we've all been planning it."
Lucy blinked at him like she thought he was stupid. "It doesn't matter!" She huffed when Peter laughed at her again, shaking his head. "Just go gawk at Mary."
Peter looked at her strangely, before realizing what she was saying. "Stop naming the statue! We have no idea what her name is."
Lucy gave him a look. "It's Mary, I can feel it." She has disregarded the floral decoration in her hand and walked towards her older brother. "Go." She demanded. When Peter stood his ground, Lucy began to push him toward the door.
"Okay, okay I'm going!" Peter laughed, making the servants smile. The Pevensies were certainly the kindest rulers they've had in a while since Jadis was their last 'Queen'.
Lucy turned to see a maid begin to get on the stool. She gasped, "Oh no! Let me get that!"
The maid's eyes widened, she got down from the stool, but still held the flowers in her hand. "Your majesty, it's my duties as a maid to he-"
"Oh, pish posh." Lucy grinned grabbing the flowers with a smile. "And how many times have I told you all, just call me Lucy."
Peter smiled as he heard his youngest sibling interact with the servants. She truly didn't have an unkind bone in her body.
He pushed through the door to the courtyard his eyes falling on the back of the statue immediately. She faced away from the palace, greeting its visitors with vigor.
He studied the details of her face, wondering if that's how she really looked. The way she was dressed, she had a nightgown on and bare feet. "You must have been freezing." Peter thought aloud.
He grabbed the wilted flowers from her hands and hair and tossed them back in the flowerbeds. He plucked a white carnation from its bundle and placed it behind the girl's ear. "That's better." He muttered.
"You know, people are going to think you're crazy if they see you talking to a statue by yourself." Edmund grinned, hopping out from behind the stone girl.
"You're one to talk." Peter shoved his brother playfully as Edmund went to stand beside him.
Edmund's eyes flitted around before focusing on Peter. "How did you know about that?"
Peter slapped a hand on his brother's shoulder, feeling empathetic. "Sometimes I can't sleep either."
The ball was in full swing, people from the surrounding kingdoms were dancing on the ballroom floor. Lucy giggled as she playfully danced with Mr. Tumnus. Edmund lingered near the snack table, sneaking food every now and then. Susan greeted the guests, making sure they were having a good time. Everyone was having fun, everyone except Peter.
Peter sat on his throne, his head rested on his hand. He was having an alright time, but something was missing. Ladies and Lords greeted him, looking lavish and proper. He just wasn't used to it yet. Peter heard a woman shriek and the ballroom doors bursting open. He stood to see a barefoot girl in a nightgown with flowers intermixed in her hair burst into the room. A look of extreme confusion was present on her face. "Mary!" Lucy gasped.
She looked at Lucy, still confused, and dropped to the floor. She had passed out.
Mallory awoke in a fancy room, the bed felt extremely comfortable and she just wanted to go back to sleep. She then remembered where she was, and shot up. Three people sat in chairs around the room, their heads jerked toward the sudden movement.
"She's awake!" A young brunette girl gasped, springing off the chair and rushing to her bedside. "Please tell me your name is Mary, we have a bet."
Mallory stared, slightly confused, but she felt like she could trust the girl. "You're close... kind of. It's Mallory."
"You're Irish!" A darker haired boy, who looked a bit closer Mallory's age, exclaimed.
"And you're British," Mallory replied and looked at him as if he had insulted her. "Is there anything wrong with being Irish?"
"No! It's just not what I expected." The same boy explained, trying not to offend her.
"That means there's more than one way to get to Narnia." Another brunette girl, who looked to be the same age as Mallory, said.
"Lucy," the same girl spoke, "get Peter, he'll want to know she's awake." The girl Mallory assumed was Lucy ran out of the room, calling for Peter.
"I'm Susan and this is Edmund. Welcome to Narnia, Mallory."
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