Taehyung stretched out in the hotel's tub, the steaming hot water relaxing his muscles. A content smile decorated his face as he leaned his head back to rest against the wall. Tonight was a perfect farewell to his career.
Singing onstage with Jungkook was an experience he never knew he wanted or needed. It was like the two boys came full circle: playing pretend rockstars as kids to performing in front of thousands as adults. It was a perfect moment that Taehyung would always keep in his heart.
It made the goodbye to his life as a recording artist all that easier.
"You look happy," a soft spoken Jungkook murmured as he leaned against the doorframe.
The elder opened his eyes and took in the younger. "I am happy. God, I am so fucking happy."
"It's a good look on you."
"I'd be even happier if you joined me in here," Taehyung smirked, splashing the water in front of him. "Come take a bath with me, Kookie."
Jungkook chuckled, eyeing the elder for a moment before pulling off his clothes. "Unlike someone I know, I'll actually remove my clothing before joining you."
The elder stuck out his tongue. "It was one time."
A naked Jungkook slowly eased himself into the tub, turning backwards so Taehyung could wrap his arms around his waist. He tilted his head back against the elder's shoulder and grinned.
"I think I like you singing Euphoria more than me," Jungkook confided, propping his elbows up on Taehyung's knees.
Taehyung pressed a kiss onto the side of his head. "Thank you for sharing that moment with me, Kook. It meant the world to me."
"I'm so happy everyone came around, Tae. Hearing them chant your name, your real name, was such a gift for me," the younger revealed openly. "I spent years thinking I'd never hear your name again. So to have thousands call it out for me . . . I can't get over it."
Taehyung gripped the boy's waist tighter. "It's all because of you. You've done so much for me and I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank you enough. I'm who I am today because of you, Kook."
"I maybe helped, but you had it in you all along, Tae. You're this kind, creative, loving man because you put in the effort to get there. I'm so honored you've let me witness this growth. I'm honored you chose me to stand by your side." Jungkook placed his hands over Taehyung's and squeezed.
After a few moments of silence, Taehyung spoke up once more. "Jungkook?"
The boy hummed in question.
"Have you ever thought about getting married when you were growing up?"
Jungkook stilled for a second at the question. He rose out of the elder's arms and faced him.
"No," the younger stated, but rushed to finish as he noticed the slight flash of shock in Taehyung's eyes. "But only because I could never imagine settling down. Not when you were gone. I just . . . I just couldn't bear to think of it."
"Baby . . ."
"But if you were to ask me now - in the last few months - if I ever thought about it . . ." Jungkook's eyes twinkled as he nodded his head.
Taehyung placed a hand over the younger's cheek. "I'm going to make you mine one day, Jeon Jungkook. Because when I envision the future, I don't see a fancy apartment or awards or expensive belongings. I just see you. I'd be the richest man in the world with you always at my side. And even though I don't have much of anything to offer right now, I promise I'd give you all my love."
"I'm already yours." Jungkook kissed him hard, knotting his fingers in the elder's hair. He briefly broke away with a breathy laugh. "You've just spoiled the surprise. Now I know a proposal is coming."
Taehyung gathered him into his lap. "Yeah, but the when will be the surprise part. But I don't want to rush anything. There's a lot to figure out when we get home and we're still really young. I just wanted to let you know that it's coming. So don't accept any other marriage proposals until I make mine, okay?"
Jungkook shifted his position and kissed Taehyung's neck repeatedly. "Really wish you would've given me this heads up sooner, Tae. A few fans might've asked already and I maybe, kinda, sorta said yes."
Taehyung tipped his head back as the younger continued peppering kisses all over him. "Well too bad, baby. I'm not going to share."
Jungkook smiled as he moved his mouth back up to meet Taehyung's. He kissed him with all the love he had, knowing full well they were going to uphold these promises. He knew deep down in his heart that he'd meet Taehyung at the end of an aisle one day, committing their eternities to each other.
And he couldn't wait.
Taehyung deepened their kiss, his hands roaming down Jungkook's back with intent. The younger pressed up against his chest while his legs locked around the elder's torso. A sigh escaped from both of them at the contact.
Just then, a series of knocks started banging on the door.
"No . . . !" Jungkook groaned loudly, refusing to let this special moment come to an end.
A phone started ringing on the edge of the tub, the caller ID revealing Namjoon's name.
"Seriously, he disappears all day and he has to choose now to show up?" Jungkook mumbled, handing the phone over to Taehyung.
The elder answered the call. "What?"
Jungkook could hear Namjoon's voice through both the phone and the door as he loudly ordered for them to let him in.
Taehyung reluctantly got up and out of the tub, wrapping a towel around his waist. "Put some clothes on, baby," he said to Jungkook.
Jungkook dramatically dunked his head under the water as the elder went to greet their guest.
Two minutes later and all three boys were gathered, Namjoon standing as the two youngest sat on the bed.
"This couldn't have waited until the morning, Joon?" Taehyung asked, now fully dressed in sweatpants and a loose shirt.
The producer didn't answer. Instead, he simply handed over a thick packet of papers.
Jungkook peered over Taehyung's shoulder as the boy flipped through the pages. "What is it?"
Taehyung looked up at Namjoon, his expression wary. "It's a contract. But I don't understand. It's from Big Hit."
Namjoon nodded in affirmation. "Bang Si-hyuk just fired half of Big Hit's leadership. Everyone who stood against you two . . . they're all gone. Si-hyuk is going to rebuild the company and wants to represent you, Tae. And he's going to give you all the creative freedom you want."
Taehyung stared blankly at the contract. "Why?"
The producer approached him, squatting down so they were at each other's level. "Because he believes in you. Because so many people out there believe in you."
Jungkook was grinning ear to ear, pure elation washing over him. He wanted to tackle his boyfriend and hug him and cheer out loud for him, but he remained composed for the moment. He needed Taehyung to make up his mind unswayed by anyone else's opinion but his own.
"I . . . I don't know what to say. I don't know what to even think right now. I thought my career was over," Taehyung said softly, hands smoothing over the thick document. "This can't be real."
"Read over the contract, Tae. I can answer any questions you have in the morning," Namjoon said as he righted himself. "As for me, I'm going to bed. Night guys."
Once Namjoon left them, Jungkook pulled Taehyung into his body and laid them down on the bed. He studied the elder's face, watching as a myriad of expressions danced across his features. Long, quiet moments passed by, but Jungkook was okay with that. He was shocked himself; he couldn't begin to imagine how Taehyung was feeling.
"Hey, Kook?" Taehyung spoke at last.
The younger turned onto his side, placing his hand over the elder's heart. "Yeah?"
"How would you feel about dating your coworker?"
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
I'm beginning to realize just how much I love tender tub moments (or not so tender, see I'm Here 😜).
I was so overwhelmed by everyone's positive messages yesterday regarding this story! Your words were so touching and made me so, so happy. So thank you all for that.
I will be releasing a new story in the future - I have a few ideas, so I've been starting to plan them out a bit more! I will most likely take a short break after this story is complete to recharge my brain. Don't get me wrong, writing is 1000% my creative outlet. I just need a teeny tiny break to make sure I have all my creative mojo for Book #3.
I'll keep all my followers updated on Book #3 info, so if you'd like to stay in the loop (and become a valentine ❤) follow me to receive my updates!
I purple you! 💜
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