Rare Finds
(This one is going to be centered around Blue, he's affected by Dream too)
(Blue's POV)
It was now 6:00 AM, I never woke up Ink because of the little sleep he always got. I went out for my jog and saw Dust in the distance.
"Oh hey Pal! Funny seeing you here" I smiled. Dust looked confused, looked around and pointed at himself. I giggled and nodded.
Dust tilted his head adorably-wait what-as I explained, "Just because we see each other doesn't mean we have to fight, so how have you been?".
Dust exhaled, "I'm fine, what about you? Is anything troubling you?". He smiled, I've never seen him do that! Granted, I only see him in fights.
"I'm fine, nothing's troubling me lately. I've been taking training lessons with Ink so I can dodge like he does!" I exclaim, though something was troubling me. But it's not my secret to tell.
"Oh, I've gotta ask ya. How's Dream and Ink? Yesterday Ink looked tired as hell" Dust asked. I was kind of shocked at his observation.
"He stays up late, for reasons I won't tell and he draws, Dream's happy as usual" I add, "Also where's Reaper? Isn't he normally with you guys?".
"He had a shit ton of work to do, so he couldn't catch a break and be with us" Dust explained.
"Language!" I scold but end laughing.
"Blue! Breakfast is almost ready! Who's that your talking to?" Dream yells from the house.
"Nobody! I'll be there in a second" I yell back.
Dust looks offended, "So I'm just nobody?" He falls backwards dramatically.
I laugh, "No it's just, Dream would probably kill yoi if he found out I was talking to you". Dust nods understandingly, says goodbye and teleports away.
I jog back to the house and see Dream eating pancakes and eggs on the couch. I smile with a hint of awkwardness and see Ink drinking some apple juice.
I quickly eat some pancakes and grab some blueberries as Ink whispers, "Cannibalism" as a joke.
I walk out the door, saying I'll be watching over some AUs in case the Moon Sanses attack them. Ink followed me out, saying he was going to do the same.
I teleport to a random AU, ended up in OuterTale. But considering they never destroy this AU, I moved on though I probably will come back later.
(Time Skip)
I found Horror in UnderLust. Why? I don't know but he was just scaring people, probably threatening them, so I didn't interfere. Other than that, I didn't see any other Moon Sanses.
I had went to at least 10 AUs, spending one hour in each. Just to cool off, I went to OuterTale after and sat in a floating rock.
It was close to the one Ink liked to sit on. We chose them together and there's even one Dream likes to sit on near both of ours but he doesn't visit it much.
I normally calmed down by singing, it let out all my emotions, towards Dream, the War, Dust, and fights with the Moon Sanses. I'm pretty sure Ink does too!
Wait, did I just put Dust in that list? Oh god! Dream's going to be so mad at me if he knows I've fallen for a "Bad Guy". And so quick too!
Anyways, I start singing the first thing that comes to mind. "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" sounds nice to sing, I hear Ink in the distance singing "Touch" by Sleeping At Last.
Anyways, I start singing but can't help but feel I'm being watched.
(PS, I got like part way through a song before realizing I was writing the lyrics to Sarcasm by Get Scared ;-;)
"Beware, Beware, be skeptical. Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold. Deceit so natural, but a Wolf in Sheep's clothing is more than a warning" Blue projected an image of Dream, that would shift its expression with the song.
"Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any soul?" Blue asked.
"No sir by the way, What the hell are Morals?" The fake Dream responded.
"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick. Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks. So could you," I took a deep breath.
"Tell me how your sleeping easy! How your only thinking of yourself! Show me, how you justify telling all your lies like second nature" I burst in anger, though Ink didn't hear from his rock.
"Listen mark my words one day! One day! You will pay, You will pay~ Karma's gonna come collect your debt!" I smirked.
(Small time Skip)
"Maybe You'll change! Abandon all your wicked ways! And started all over, Start all over!" I smiled, but is quickly wore off.
"Now who am I kidding? Now let's not get overzealous here! You've always been a huge peice of shit! If I could kill you, I would but it's frowned upon all fifty states" I chuckled.
"Having said that? Burn in Hell!"I ended it there, most of my anger for the day had vanished, so had the Dream copy, but I heard light thumps behind me.
"Now I don't mean to intrude but your singing is magnificent Blue" It's just Dust, wait why was he here?
"Were you, watching me?" I asked, only semi creeped out.
"I normally hang out on this rock, J heard your singing but didn't see in for at least a bit of privacy" Dust said calmly.
I looked at him in the eyes, "Really? Or are you lying?".
He raised his hands, "Honest. I can tell how much secrets mean to you". I blush slightly at that, how can he tell? Was it obvious?
"Well, I got to check on Ink. Make sure he's not passed out" I look over, "Which he is, so I got to get him home, Bye Dust!" I smile and wave goodbye.
I grab Ink and teleport home, and put him in his bed. I put a snack on his dresser, since it's pass dinner and he might be hungry.
I go to bed and lay awake, staring at the ceiling when I see Dust at my window. I wave and he smiles and leaves. That was weird, but helpful and I quickly fall asleep.
But, it's not as cheery as I hoped. It was of when Ink and Dream would argue, it often got violent and Dream almost lashed out at me but Ink kept him focused on himself so I wouldn't get hurt.
But seeing Ink, my friend, hurt my SOUL to see and I started crying. I treated his injuries and would give him a snack, but I kept crying throughout it.
Then, I felt someone lift me up, and hug me. It was the first time someone comforted me in the dream. I woke up briefly, but quickly fell back asleep.
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