Chapter 1 - The King of The Arctic (Pengua's Story)
The Great Tomb of Nazarick harbored some of the most powerful creatures known to the world. From powerful spellcasters to deadly melee combatants, but there was also a group that called the tomb their home. A group that could not only pull off dangerous heists across realms from the shadows but also defeat even the strongest of armies on the battlefield if need be. This group was known as The Arctic Kings, a brutal gang of penguins. That's right; mere penguins were responsible for the collapse and ruin of several civilizations throughout history.
Their leader was a vicious bird who valued nothing but profit and results. A penguin who would've gladly forced the world to its knees if ordered to by his forty-one masters. While his methods were monstrous, none could argue with the results he produced. The fifth floor served as the main headquarters for this gang. It's where they planned out their raids, heists, assassinations, and even war plans, but it was also the capital of their very own nation, the Arctic Empire.
3rd pov:
On the fifth floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, a large mountain made of ice was overlooking a frozen river. The frozen waters held numerous wooden warships in place, with large clusters of structures peppering the surrounding snowy ground. Spheniscidae served as the capital of the Arctic Empire and a haven for all penguin kind. Penguins were going about their day, hauling goods to market, tending the surrounding snowy land, and constructing new buildings. It was adorable to see these penguins have somehow managed to develop a society.
And like any other society, they held more than a few dark secrets. The most noteworthy one was their nation was ruled over by a crime syndicate. It isn't a mystery to them, but it was to outsiders. What's rather interesting is that there wasn't an official currency for the empire, nor was anyone taxed for property or services. Instead, they had a barter system with an annual tribute of goods to The Arctic Kings.
The tribute could be in the form of food, prisoners, weapons, offspring, or materials. In return for the bountiful offerings, the gang would act as a police force, educators, doctors, and an army. A fair transaction for both parties, no? If only it were so. While the inhabitants of the nation could do as they pleased, The Arctic Kings were the ones who had to deal with any situation that came up, such as now.
The mountain of ice that overlooked the city of birds was The Arctic Kings' base of operations. A place filled with some of the smartest and deadliest birds from across the empire. And they were currently dealing with a situation that could spell doom for their beloved realm.
Penguin radioman: We've lost contact with all our farms!
Penguin radioman 2: None of our FOBs are reporting in!
Penguin radioman 3: Are we under attack?!
As of now, the entire headquarters of The Arctic Kings was in complete chaos. They had just lost contact with everything outside the tomb. Merely losing one holding outside the Great Tomb was problematic as it meant either a rival gang or government had uncovered their existence. But to lose everything meant they were dealing with something that threatened the safety of Nazarick itself. No one was ready for this situation, and who would be?
One minute you're raking in profit from all across the continent, and the next, it all suddenly disappears. No reason and no warning.
The headquarters of The Arctic Kings has seven levels, each specializing in a different field. These penguins worked on the sixth level of the mountain, which is the Intel Team. Their role was to gather information on enemy movement, scout, and keep tabs on all activity in and outside the tomb. Currently, they were attempting to contact any penguins outside their home, but with no response, they began to fear the worse.
Penguins wearing headsets and carrying old SCR-300 radio backpacks were racing around in a panic. Upturned desks, broken chairs, and various report papers littered the floor. A few were still sitting at their desks, yelling into radio systems, trying to figure out what was happening.
Penguin radioman: What do we do?! There is no procedure to follow when this happens!
Penguin radioman 2: We need to tell the boss.
At that, everything became still. No noise could be heard, making the room fall into an eerie silence.
Penguin radioman: Tell the boss?! Were you dropped when you were an egg?
Every penguin that worked for The Artic Kings knew about their boss's brutal reputation, so they were all trembling at the thought of his fury directed at them. Another penguin soon stepped forward and spoke up.
Penguin radioman 2: Do you want us to keep this a secret and have him find out? He'll be even more pissed since we're obligated to report all information to him. We took an oath!
The opposing bird immediately refuted his colleague's statement.
Penguin radioman: We took an oath to report the entire truth. And as far as I know, we don't know jack shit about what's happening. We'll all be roasted over a fire if we announce this! It's better if we find out if we indeed lost everything. There could merely be something blocking our communications. We would worry the boss over nothing.
Yelling erupted once more, making many fail to notice another penguin approaching the gathered flock. But the ones that did notice immediately stopped talking and shakily saluted the bird. The others quickly took note of the growing silence and their comrades' trembling postures. They, too, soon felt the cold presence of the newly arrived penguin.
This bird was different than the rest of his kind. He was much larger, standing at 2.5 ft, a whole .5 feet taller than the others. A leather belt was around his waist, which held an ornate revolver to his right side and a beautifully crafted machete to his left. But what truly set him apart from the rest were his two blood-red eyes. At this point, the entire room of penguins had stopped their bickering and saluted their boss. The avian moved to stand in front of two penguins, making them tremble with pure fear.
They refused to meet his gaze, opting to stare at their feet. Their boss's cold stare moved to the penguin on the right.
Pengua: So you were planning on keeping this a secret from me?
Immediately the penguin raised his head and attempted to explain his reasoning.
Penguin radioman: No--
When the penguin raised his head, a loud bang echoed throughout the room as a bullet embedded itself in between his eyes. The power behind the hand cannon launched the penguin's body, causing it to crash through several pieces of furniture before being embedded into a wall. A bit of blood landed on Pengua's face, but he made no move to wipe it off. The crime lord then turned his gaze to a group of penguins standing nearby.
Pengua: Get him out of my sight before you lot join him.
The penguins swiftly nodded before running over to the now-dead bird. It took them a while to remove the body from the wall. Regardless they were soon dragging the penguin away, leaving a trail of blood behind. The boss soon turned to the remaining penguin in front of him, who was now shaking furiously. Tears threatened to burst from his eyes as he took a deep breath in preparation for his imminent death. But instead of receiving a bullet to the brain, he felt something tap his beak. He looked up, allowing him to see the blank stare his boss was giving him.
The crime lord merely motioned for the smaller penguin to leave, causing him to let out a sigh of relief. As Pengua watched his subordinate waddle off into the gathered crowd, he holstered his revolver and spoke.
Pengua: Now that I have your attention remember this; anyone caught withholding information from me will get a lot worse than just a bullet in the skull. I trust this is the only example I'll have to make. Now which one of you has the guts to share what is happening.
None of the penguins moved or even breathed in their boss's direction. But one brave bird eventually did. He pushed his way toward the front of the gathered flock holding a stack of papers close to his chest. He gave a quick bow before speaking.
Penguin radioman: Boss, we've lost contact with all forces outside of Nazarick. Not even the sentries posted near the tomb are responding.
The crime lord waved his flipper dismissively at the penguin.
Pengua: I already know that. What I want to know is why everything suddenly went dark.
Penguin radioman: We don't know, boss. Our most recent reports suggest an anomaly was detected just before we lost contact.
The bird stroked his feathery chin contemplating what he had just heard.
Pengua: How many penguins were outside the tomb?
The penguin quickly skimmed through one of the many papers in his arms before looking up at his boss.
Penguin radioman: Approximately 1.28 million known penguins were outside the tomb. It's a mix of both operatives and civilians.
At that, Pengua took a few steps closer to the much smaller penguin. He leaned forward and stared into his eyes.
Pengua: Let me make sure I'm getting the situation right; you're telling me that we lost all our holdings and half of our population?
The penguin shakily responded as he stared into the blood-red eyes of his boss. It made him wonder if his eyes held the damned souls of everyone and everything he killed.
Penguin radioman: Y-Yes, boss.
The red eyes of the crime lord seemed to burn brightly with pure rage as a ghostly chill ran down his spine. The penguin quickly tried to calm his boss to ensure he didn't meet the same fate as his now deceased colleague.
Penguin radioman: We've already dispatched several scouting parties to investigate what happened! They should report back shortly--
???: --Boss!
A penguin covered from head to toe in a cloak made of plants and leaves pushed past the penguins toward the crime lord. A small bow was slung over his shoulder, bouncing from his movements. He's one of the scouts in service of the Intel team, a hardy little guy meant to sneak deep into enemy lines undetected. The penguin stopped in front of the crime lord and saluted.
Scout penguin: Boss, I've got some urgent news for you!
The penguin nodded before turning to address the still present huddle of birds.
Pengua: Summon the underbosses to the war room immediately. They'll need to know the situation as well.
All the penguins present saluted before yelling out loud.
Penguins: Yes, boss!
Immediately the penguins dispersed to relay their boss's orders. The crime lord then gestured to the scout to follow him as he headed toward an enormous icy corridor that led further into the base. Unlike buildings with staircases allowing travel between various floors, these birds used a different way to travel. They've built a network of tunnels varying in size all over their empire that allowed them to travel with remarkable speed. There were even some tunnels that spanned into the Great Tomb of Nazarick.
These tunnels could stretch for miles with numerous twists and turns, and cursed ice coating their interior deterred any unwanted visitors. Cursed ice was a material that can resist high temperatures while quickly sapping the heat in the surrounding area, including the body heat of creatures. Although, penguins seemed to be the only creatures able to resist the effect of the ice as it coated the majority of their empire.
As the two walked, the crime lord pondered on the situation at hand.
Pengua: '1.28 million losses in one day? That's the highest number of casualties we've ever had in history. Not even our casualties during The Great Raid came close to these numbers.'
He could hear the quick pitter-patter of his subordinate's feet rushing to catch up with him. The lackey quickly fell into step just behind him, making sure to keep a respectable distance between them. They passed several heavily guarded doors as they walked down the icy corridor. These rooms contained some of the gang's most sensitive intel, so they were continuously under around-the-clock surveillance with guards patrolling the area constantly. The things held behind these doors had the possibility of destroying the world.
After passing a few more doors, they finally reached the end of the corridor. They stopped in front of a wall made of ice. To any remotely intelligent creature, they would see this as a dead-end. But to a penguin, it was a gateway. The scout quickly waddled toward the wall and slapped his flipper on the wall three times.
At first, nothing happened, but soon the ice began to melt away, gradually revealing several small tunnels made of ice. One by one, lanterns embedded into spaces of the tunnel walls began to ignite.
An emblem was carved into the space above each of the five tunnels to distinguish them. From left to right, the first image was two swords clashing together, a wrench, a ball and chain, a pile of coins, and the last a beaker. The scout took a step back, allowing the crime lord to access the tunnels first. Said bird stepped forward and dropped down on his stomach in front of the tunnel with the clashing swords. He placed his flippers at his sides before quickly propelling himself forward into the tunnel, the scout not far behind.
The cursed ice nipped at their bellies, slowly forming a thin layer of ice on their feathers. However, they didn't seem bothered by it as they continued using their feet and flippers to pick up more speed. They soon stopped moving and let the slippery ice carry them the rest of the way. The lanterns that had once shown the birds their way started to gradually snuff out, enveloping the area behind them in darkness.
The only light that remained was that of an unknown source straight ahead of them. Having noticed the light, Pengua started preparing himself to halt. He slammed his flippers on the ground, breaking some ice off the floor as he slowly brought himself to a halt just as he entered the light. He slowly got up and looked around. The light source turned out to be coming from a beautifully decorated room.
The room was spacious and made entirely out of stone, a sharp contrast to the icy interior of the intel department. Shelves lined the walls holding neatly organized books and scrolls. The texts taught about warfare, tactics, and fighting techniques written by the most experienced combat veterans. Many of the scrolls were merely spells meant to reinforce their army or obliterate their enemies. But what truly brought the room its beauty was the chandelier hanging above them.
It gave off a welcoming glow as the lights it held shined down on a table beneath it. The table was circular and decorated with lustrous gemstones. Along with a handwoven table cloth with the emblem of The Arctic Kings draped on top. All in all, it was a beautiful room. Four masterfully crafted wooden seats were also placed around the table with soft cushions to make them comfortable.
A scream caused Pengua to stop his inspection and quickly jump away from the tunnel entrance. The scout soon came flying in, going too fast to slow down in time, causing him to crash into the table. The crime lord facepalmed as his subordinate groaned in pain. Pengua said something to the penguin, although his massive headache prevented him from hearing it.
Pengua: Eres un pinche idiota.
The creaking of a door caught the penguin's attention as he turned toward an ornate wooden door tucked away in the corner of the room.
???: Pardon the intrusion.
A penguin entered the room, being closely followed by a penguin chick. The two newcomers were uniquely dressed, with the youngling sporting a large brass diving helmet while the eldest wore a pair of goggles and a coat. The penguin gently closed the door before taking notice of the crime lord's presence and wasted no time bowing to him.
???: Oh, salutations, boss. Apologies for not arriving sooner.
Horace is the head of the Research and Development departments and one of the underbosses of The Arctic Kings. He is to oversee the research and development of new weapons and uses of magic. He also managed the gang's finances and domestic affairs of the kingdom. With him was his assistant Pip, who was carrying a bag vastly bigger than himself in his tiny flippers.
Pengua: It's alright, Horace.
The crime lord waved his flipper to the penguin allowing him to rise.
Horace: Come along now, Pip.
He took his bag from the chick before making his way over to an empty seat. His assistant broke away from him and quickly shuffled up to the crime lord. A muffled high pitched squeak erupted from the small penguin.
Pip: Oh my glob! It's you! It's an honor to meet you, sir!
Pengua fixed his gaze on the youngling, watching as he bowed multiple times before producing a quill in his tiny flippers.
Pip: Can you sign my helmet Mr. Boss, please?
A loud bang echoed throughout the room as Horace slammed his flipper on the tabletop making the small chick jump in fright.
Horace: Pip, that is quite enough! Stop bothering the boss with your idiotic request! When you're working, you must act professionally!
The underboss turned to the crime lord, taking a much softer tone than just moments ago.
Horace: Apologies, boss. I'll be sure to teach the lad his manners.
As Horace was about to get up, Pengua lifted his flipper, causing him to stop. The crime lord gently rubbed the top of Pip's helmet, causing the wee one to bring his flippers up to the spot. The chick soon began shaking before suddenly letting out a loud peep.
Pip: Mr. Boss praised me!
The chick quickly shuffled back to Horace, content with the praise he had just received. Horace's goggles hid his opinion on the scene, but the sound of the door slamming open redirected everyone's attention. A penguin larger than Pengua came running in. The penguin donned pieces of armor decorated with gold embossings making him glimmer in the light. A uniquely made golden sword also dangled from his hip.
The hilt appeared to be a hawk letting out a call with the blade taking the form of a sharp claw. The enormous bird looked around the room and noticed the crime lord, causing him to stand up straight and salute. He was a foot taller than Pengua, with muscle visible beneath his tough feathers.
Asvieorn: Boss, we've got a problem. I can't contact any of our outside operators.
This mighty penguin was the general of The Arctic Kings' armies, Asvieorn. He was responsible for anything that involved their combat personnel, whether it be training, arranging security, or launching raids on their rivals. And, if necessary, command the army during wartime. Unbeknownst to the present birds, another penguin slinked into the room. They only realized the new addition when they heard a soft voice come from the shadows.
Raven: I'm sure the boss already knows the situation, Asvieorn. Why else would we be summoned on such short notice?
A cloaked penguin stepped out from Asveiron's shadow, making said bird jump back from the sudden appearance. Raven, the gang's best infiltrator, as well as the leader of the Intel team. What was unique about this bird was that she was the only female on the council of underbosses. She slinked past the general as she moved to sit in an open seat. Asveiron just sighed before he did the same.
With the crime lord's underbosses now all here, Pengua walked over to his seat, causing everyone to rise and wait for him to sit. Once he sat down, the underbosses returned to their seats. The scout finally recovered from slamming his head against the table. He slowly rose off the ground, using the table to support himself. But the moment he looked up and realized all his superiors were present before him, he shot up straight and saluted.
A small trickle of blood stained his feathers and leaf cloak. Yet nobody even glanced at him, with their focus mainly on their leader.
Pengua: Approximately ten minutes ago, we received reports suggesting the collapse of our empire. We've suffered 1.28 million casualties, and all personnel outside the tomb have ceased communications prompting me to assume we've also lost our factories, farms, drug fields, and FOBs.
The underbosses all visibly showed some form of shock apart from Raven, who fixed her gaze on the table. Asvieorn, on the other hand, had the most expressive reaction as he leaped out of his chair and slammed his flippers on the table, making it violently shake.
Asvieorn: Impossible!
The scout and Pip flinched at the booming voice of the general, making them back away a bit.
Horace: How can this be? The odds of our empire collapsing were a thousand to one!
As the crime lord watched as his subordinates tried to comprehend their loss, he sighed, not out of sadness but annoyance.
Pengua: You lot should know more than anyone; nothing lasts forever.
The penguins had an aura of despair around them as they nodded. All except, Pengua, that is. The crime lord leaned back in his chair and pulled two things out of the pouch on his belt. It was a cigar with the emblem of The Arctic Kings prominently stamped on the end and a golden lighter. Everyone watched as the crime lord placed the cigar in his mouth before igniting the end of it.
Pengua: But that doesn't mean we're just going to bend over and take it up the ass from fate. Don't forget we weren't always the apex predators. We started as prey for all forms of beasts, but my grandfather guided us out of that fate. My father waged a war that would cement our dominance over the creatures of the land, sea, and air forever. Don't you see? We spat in the face of fate all our lives. Who's to say we can't do it again?
The underbosses seemed to be swayed by his words. Pengua took a deep drag of the cigar before exhaling the smoke.
Pengua: As sad as it is to see everything my forefathers fought for now in ruins, I've always dreamed of making a nation that surpassed theirs. So maybe this incident was a blessing in disguise from the Great One himself.
Horace leaned back in his chair and adjusted his goggles with his flipper.
Horace: Without any resources coming in, I'm afraid your vision will stay a dream, boss.
It wasn't just their businesses that they lost, but also the vital resource areas that sustained their nation. The fish that dwelled in the frozen river was unfit to feed the large population of penguins alone. Even with the loss of half their people, there were still over 1.28 million penguins living in the capital alone.
Pengua: Horace, with the marine life in the Great River and the food we have in storage, how long could we sustain our population?
Said penguin went into deep thought before quickly concluding their time frame.
Horace: If we start rationing immediately, there would be widespread famine in just two months. Alternatively, we could try eating the monsters that naturally manifest here on the 5th floor, but that may have some ill effects, so I suggest that as a last resort.
The crime lord leaned back in his chair, taking another drag of the cigar as he tried to come up with a plan. Eventually, he just sighed before looking at the scout.
Pengua: Well, tell us what you have to report.
All eyes turned to the scout causing him to shrink back underneath the powerful gazes of his superiors. The penguin took a deep breath in before briefing them on his report.
Scout: The 10th Scout Regiment surveyed the area around the Great Tomb, but not even our best trackers could find any traces of the sentries. We did manage to find a human village not too far from the tomb.
At the mention of a nearby village, the crime lord leaned forward, listening attentively to the scout.
Pengua: Do they have any well-armed forces?
Scout: None, it's a small village of mainly farmers. No blacksmiths or guards.
A sinister gleam shined in the bird's eyes. No guards, no warriors, merely feeble farmers? It wouldn't be much of a battle, but this will give The Arctic Kings' their first foothold in the outside world and supplies for their population.
Pengua: Then it looks like we have a target to plunder. Excellent work; what else did you manage to find?
Although no one could see it, they could tell the scout was happy at having been praised as he spoke with more confidence.
Scout: The swamps that once surrounded the tomb are also gone. Now there's just grassland everywhere.
The general scoffed as he crossed his arms.
Asvieorn: That's not good. The swamps provided some cover, but now the tomb is no doubt sticking out like a peacock in heat.
Horace: Interesting analogy. But he's right; the safety of our masters must take priority over ours. If we don't conceal the tomb soon, we risk the chance of an enemy force coming over to investigate.
A silence fell over the birds as they thought up a plan. However, the silence didn't last long as the general let out a brief call.
Asvieorn: I could task the mage companies to terraform the area around Nazarick into hills. I'll also establish a defensive perimeter of scouts while I'm at it.
Pengua: That'll work. I want the tomb concealed by tonight and a report on the defenses soon after.
Asvieorn: Aye.
Pengua: Raven, scout out some land to establish a few farms and drug fields. Preferably somewhere secluded and defendable, but I'll leave that up to your judgment. Also, be on the lookout for any potential threats.
Draven: Of course, boss.
Pengua: Horace, I'll let you handle matters here in the capital. Come up with a plan to ensure our people are fed and, above all, maintain order. The last thing we need is civil unrest at a time like this.
Horace: Naturally.
Pengua: And finally, I'm abolishing the decree of seclusion. The Arctic Kings will no longer be in hiding.
The birds present were all shocked by their boss's declaration. The reason for their seclusion was unknown; it was just one of the terms in their contract when Nazarick hired them.
Asvieorn: Boss, are you sure? That would violate the blood contract your father signed.
The crime lord took one final drag of his cigar before putting it out on his flipper.
Pengua: That contract expired the day my father passed. I'm in charge now, Asvieron.
The crime lord knew Asvieorn wasn't trying to insult him, but still, he couldn't help the glare he gave the general. This time it was the spymaster who spoke up.
Raven: The boss is right. The contract was between his father and the forty-one. With his passing, it's over.
Horace: I expected matters regarding the blood contract to be brought up eventually. It's why I took the time to have this created.
The penguin reached into his bag and pulled out a rolled-up parchment. He unfurled the document out on the table, allowing Pengua to lean forward and take the paper into his flippers. Upon examination of the piece, he took notice of its horrible condition. Cracks and tears littered the paper's delicate borders making it look damn near hundreds of years old.
Asvieorn: Does this mean you're going to--
The penguin looked up at his underbosses seeing they all had the same question.
Pengua: Yes, I'm going to speak with our masters. Hopefully, they'll show mercy on us.
Raven: Lord Ainz is currently in the Amphitheater with the twins. You may want to hurry; he called for all the Floor Guardians to assemble there. I may have lost my eyes on the outside, but the spy network within the tomb remains strong.
The crime lord rolled up the parchment before putting his cigar and lighter back in his pouch.
Pengua: You have your assignments, don't fail me.
Every bird present saluted as their leader stood up and walked past them out of the room. The underbosses didn't bother saying goodbye to each other before they left. The scout was the only one left in the room, still shaking from the encounter with his superiors.
Meanwhile, the gang lord was silently making his way through the desolate halls of his base. The inside of their headquarters resembled the interior of a castle. Beautifully crafted stone blocks kept the cold winds of the 5th floor at bay, with torches lining the walls to light the way. It was a perfect place to organize one's thoughts.
Pengua's father and grandfather ruled over The Arctic Kings before him, and during their reigns, they had achieved countless feats that no other penguin in history could. Yet here he was, not even a full year into his own rule, and already the syndicate was dealt a tremendous blow. To say this didn't look good on his image was an understatement. Not only does he need to rectify this incident, but he must also find a way to shine through his ancestors' shadow. Sure he had achieved a few notable feats himself, but they paled in comparison to the achievements of his predecessors.
Paintings lined the walls, each portraying a different point in the penguins' history. One was of a penguin wielding a war hammer, leading a flock of penguins with spears and shields against much larger creatures. But the one that caught his attention the most was of a penguin bowing before forty-one different figures with the shadow of the Great One observing from above. The crime lord sneered as he approached the painting and tapped its golden frame rhythmically. The portrait slowly swung outward as several loud clicks originated from the image itself.
The crime lord looked up, seeing that the picture concealed a blood-red portal that slowly swirled around. Pengua took a deep breath in before clambering up into the portal, causing him to disappear from view as the portrait clicked back into place. Although the tunnel network was their primary way of traveling, the gates provided a more precise jump to a specific location. Pengua emerged from the gate in a dark corridor. He had arrived in one of the many entryways of the Amphitheater, a grand arena on the sixth floor.
As the crime lord stepped out of the portal, he felt a powerful presence coming from up ahead. The penguin caught himself subconsciously reaching for the gun at his hip. He scoffed at himself for acting fearful before walking down the entryway, and all along the way, the bird's instincts told him to turn tail and run. This aura he felt was full of dread and power; it might've even rivaled his own. Regardless he continued to walk forward until he finally entered the arena.
The crime lord immediately took notice of the two dark elves standing in the center of the arena, but he was mainly drawn to the Supreme Being standing before them. And it wasn't just another of the forty-one either, rather the Overlord himself, Momonga. Even though he was standing a long way away, the crime lord could feel a sense of dread creep up his body. It impressed him. Pengua had long since lost his fear, but by just being in the presence of Momonga, he remembered what it felt to fear something greater than himself.
The penguin began walking toward the group watching as the Overlord held up the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown to the twin dark elves. The dark elves watched in pure wonder as Momonga began explaining its creation to them, and the crime lord would've been impressed too if he didn't already know of it. Even though The Arctic Kings weren't allowed to interact with the tomb, they did manage to collect ample information on its inhabitants. That included the maids, guardians, and even the forty-one. There were even reports on items and locations of interest within Nazarick.
And the crime lord and his underbosses spent countless months memorizing all those reports. Aura felt the presence of something approaching, causing her to turn in the penguin's direction. A wide smile spread across her face as she called out to the bird.
Aura: Eclair, is that you?
The other two turned in the direction Aura was looking, allowing them to see the penguin moving toward them. Momonga and Mare observed the approaching bird, quickly taking notice of the revolver and machete holstered at its hip. The Overlord also noted that the bird looked more like an Emperor penguin than the Rockhopper they knew. But what truly stood out to them were the two blood-red eyes of the crime lord. Mare stared into the blood pools before feeling an ethereal chill run up his spine when he noticed something move within them.
The dark elf stepped closer to his sister to seek a bit of comfort.
Mare: S-Sis, I don't think that's--
Before he could finish, Aura had already taken off running toward the penguin to greet him. The crime lord stopped and hovered his hand over his revolver as he clutched the parchment in his hand tightly. Pengua debated on just shooting the rapidly approaching child before deciding against it. Aura stopped just in front of the penguin, kicking up a small cloud of dust.
Aura: Oh, Eclair, did you get bigger? What are you doing here?
The crime lord glared up at the dark elf, carefully examining her face as his hand shifted from his revolver to rest on his machete.
Pengua: Who the fuck are you calling Eclair?
The dark elf recoiled at the fierce tone and language of the penguin, making her realize this wasn't the bird she knew. Aura quickly jumped away from the bird back to her brother and Momonga. The crime lord watched as she readied her whip while standing in front of the Overlord with the intent of protecting him. Mare moved to stand behind his sister, still quivering but prepared to help if something happened.
Aura: Who are you?
The bird carefully watched the two before approaching, keeping his hand on his machete as he did so.
Pengua: Neither friend nor foe to you, girl.
The crime lord shifted his eyes to Momonga, compelling Aura to strike the ground in front of the penguin. A loud crack rang out as Pengua stopped walking and looked at the scarred floor at his feet.
Aura: Stay back, or the next one won't miss.
Pengua glared at Aura, causing her to falter as he continued to walk forward while slowly unsheathing his machete. Just as things looked like they would get ugly, Momonga's booming voice rang out.
Momonga: Stop this insolence at once!
Immediately the dark elves stopped and kneeled before Momonga as expected, but he was surprised to see the penguin do the same. The Supreme Being stepped away from the twins and walked toward the crime lord, causing them to rise and follow after him. Pengua continued to kneel even when he saw Momonga's cloak enter his vision.
Momonga: Who are you?
The penguin raised his head, craning his head up at an uncomfortable angle to look up at the Supreme Being.
Pengua: Pengua, my lord. I lead The Arctic Kings. We've been in service to the forty-one for years.
That statement caused the overlord to stare at the penguin with bright eyes.
Momonga: Strange, I don't seem to recall knowing of this. You wouldn't happen to be lying, would you?
Pengua: Of course not, my lord. Although I don't know the specifics, I know we came under Nazarick's rule after the forty-one conquered our empire in combat.
Momonga brought a hand up to his chin as he contemplated what the bird meant.
Momonga: I don't remember ever fighting an empire of penguins. Was it an event I missed? Did the others know about this and forget to tell me?
Before Momonga could come up with a plausible explanation, the voice of the crime lord broke him out of his thoughts.
Pengua: But in the end, words are just words. It's why I've brought you proof of our loyalty.
The bird raised the contract in his hand, promoting Momonga to take it. He unfurled the parchment only to see a blank sheet.
Momonga: What is this?
Pengua: A blood contract. My father signed one with the Supreme Beings long ago, but after his death, the contract ended. I've come to renew it.
Momonga: 'A blood contract? That wasn't in YGGDRASIL, and I don't even know if this penguin is telling the truth. Still, my「Enemy Scan」 hasn't revealed anything.'
The overlord stared at the penguin before gesturing for him to rise. The dark elf twins stepped a little closer, ready to attack.
Momonga: What's involved in signing this contract?
The crime lord cracked his neck as he tried to ease the stiffness he felt there.
Pengua: It just requires some of your magic and--
The penguin unsheathed his machete, displaying the heavily serrated blade. Aura was uncertain of his intentions with the weapon, so she cracked her whip, reminding the penguin of their presence if he was going to attack.
Pengua: My blood. It will allow you to give me any orders you see fit, and I wouldn't disobey.
He reached out for the contract that he gave to Momonga. The Supreme Being handed it over, allowing the bird to lay it out on the ground between them.
Pengua: The strength or type doesn't matter; you only need to strike the parchment with any magical attack. After that, I will handle the rest.
The Supreme Being nodded before pointing to the paper.
Momonga: 「Dragon Lightning」
A dragon-shaped bolt of white electricity crackled around Momonga's arms and shoulders. The bolt flared brightly as it instantly surged out at the parchment. But the parchment wasn't disintegrated or damaged, surprising Momonga and the dark elves. Next, the penguin raised his left flipper before staring Momonga in the eyes as he slowly dragged the machete across his arm. The teeth of the blade tore away his flesh, causing blood to gush out and land on the parchment while also unnerving the dark elves by the bird's lack of care for the wound.
Pengua: I vow to serve you with all my mind, body, and soul in this life and the next. Whether it be as your sword or shield, I will deliver the heads of your enemies to your feet and guard you. Now and forever.
The penguin swiped the machete through the air a few times, ridding the blade of some of his blood. A few droplets landed near the feet of the elves, making them step back in disgust, but he made sure none went near Momonga.
Pengua: I would also like to be named your Chief Enforcer. There will be those who won't submit to your will, both friend and foe alike. As an enforcer, I'll make sure they submit and obey. And if they decide to rebel, I'll put them down like a rabid dog.
The dark elves watched on in silence while Momonga pondered the request. He doesn't know much about Pengua, but if he can truly control the penguin's actions, then Momonga has an ally if the others one day don't see him fit to rule them. It was a gamble, and he was betting everything on this bird's loyalty.
Momonga: Very well, I will name you my Chief Enforcer. Serve me well with your life.
The twins didn't know how to feel about the proclamation, but their uncertainty soon turned to wonder as they saw the blood being greedily lapped up by the paper. When all the blood was gone, it showed the piece to be in splendid condition. The cracks and rips that had earlier covered it were now repaired, with no proof of it ever being in a poor state. But they were then confused when strangely formed words began to appear on the parchment, words that they couldn't read.
Pengua: With the contract renewed, The Arctic Kings are now yours to command once more.
The penguin rolled up the contract and stored it away in the pouch on his belt. Blood continued to trickle from the crime lord's wound, but he didn't seem to care, or he did a great job of hiding his discomfort.
Pengua: You'll find my lads to be capable builders, mages, and warriors. Anything you request, we'll get done.
The overlord had a lot of questions mainly revolving around what was, The Arctic Kings? But with the other Floor Guardians on their way, he wouldn't have time to get any answers in detail. Perhaps, afterward, he'll have the opportunity, as for now, he could test the bird's capabilities.
Momonga: Warriors, you say? Does that mean you can fight as well, Pengua?
Pengua: Definitely. From experience, there is always someone or something trying to kill me, and my guards can't always follow me.
The Supreme Being raised the staff in his hand, drawing the penguin's gaze to the beautifully crafted item.
Momonga: I was going to have the twins help me with an experiment before you came, but you may help me as well. You wouldn't mind me testing your abilities, would you?
Pengua: Of course not, my lord. It's only wise to ensure your soldiers are up to your expectations.
The penguin began to walk a distance from Momonga before being followed by the dark elf twins. He could tell the two still didn't trust him by their defensive mannerisms and uneasy glances they sent his way. No doubt the other Floor Guardians wouldn't be quick to trust him, but he wasn't going to trust them either. In his line of work, trusting someone other than yourself usually got you killed. Pengua finally came to a halt along with the twins.
They were some ways away from Momonga, and in front of them were straw dummies being firmly planted in the ground by two dragonkin. The dragonkin soon walked over to stand with the short trio. Pengua unholstered his revolver, catching the attention of Aura and Mare. It reminded them of the weapon CZ used, although his was much more miniature. Perfect for the hands of a penguin.
The crime lord pushed open the cylinder inspecting the bullets within. The objects had a strange aura to them. There was something off about those bullets, and whatever it was made the penguin very happy. He gave the barrel a quick spin before gently closing it and holstering it back on his belt. Momonga raised the staff before casting a spell.
Momonga: 「Summon Primal Fire Elemental」
Fire enveloped the straw dummies growing stronger and brighter with each passing moment. The dragonkin used their bodies to protect the dark elves from the intense inferno while using their tails to cover the penguin. The crime lord looked between the gap in the dragonkins' tails, seeing the fire take the shape of a massive monster. He couldn't help the excitement he felt swelling in him at the prospect of a battle. It seemed Aura couldn't either as a smile morphed on her face when she saw the creature but her brother, on the other hand, seemed terrified of the beast.
The crime lord saw the dark elf's hesitance and decided to try to earn the trust of the two through this test. Pengua had experience motivating his soldiers either with a good slap or the threat of torture and execution, but Mare seemed too timid to respond well to his usual methods. So he chose a more delicate approach.
Pengua: Hey, kid.
Mare looked down at the penguin after hearing his voice. The bird's eyes were much softer than before as his face no longer had a permanent scowl. If anything, the crime lord appeared much more vulnerable and adorable. Pengua could see the dark elf relax a little in his presence now.
Pengua: You're scared, aren't you?
The dark elf stammered, failing miserably to come up with an excuse.
Mare: N-No! I'm just--
Pengua: --It's ok if you are. No shame in that. It only turns into a problem if you allow yourself to become dictated by it. Our master is watching, so show him that you are worthy of serving him by helping us defeat this big bastard.
The dark elf still seemed unsure, prompting the crime lord to continue. He cringed on the inside from every sweet word that came out of his mouth; it was unnatural to him.
Pengua: If you do a good job here, maybe Lord Momonga will praise you the most out of all of us.
That seemed to get Mare motivated as he began to shine with resolve.
Mare: R-Right!
The dark elf was still trembling with fear, but now his eyes seemed to show some determination to prove himself to Momonga. Having won over the timid dark elf, the crime lord turned his gaze to the female. She would be much easier to win over than her brother. After all, they both seemed to share an interest in combat.
Momonga: Primal Fire Elemental. Attack the trio!
As the Fire Elemental turned to the smaller creatures, Pengua unholstered his revolver with a flourish and aimed at the monster. The light from the elemental made the end of the barrel gleam. As the creature let out a roar, the crime lord came up with the perfect way to get on the young fighter's good side.
Pengua: Hey, you two up for a friendly bet?
That seemed to get Aura's full attention as she looked down at the bird.
Aura: What do you have in mind?
Pengua: If you two can slay this thing before I do, I'll owe you one favor each, but if I finish it, you'll owe me.
It seemed he successfully appealed to Aura's competitive side as she held her whip in front of her with a smile while staring at the Primal Fire Elemental.
Aura: You're on!
Aura wasted no time in charging at the creature. The beast roared as it unleashed a fiery torrent from its maw, but the dark elf was agile enough to dodge the attack. Pengua watched on, aiming at the creature as he observed its every move trying to pinpoint a weak spot. The crime lord witnessed Aura leap high in the air before striking the beast with her whip, successfully slicing it in two. However, the Primal Fire Elemental regenerated and went to counterattack with a fiery punch.
Aura seemed surprised by its quick recovery as she left herself wide open to the attack. Yet before the elemental could strike the dark elf, its arm was abruptly blown off. Mare had to cover his ears from the noise, and Momonga stopped his train of thought to see what had happened. The end of Pengua's hand cannon was smoking as he glared at the Primal Fire Elemental.
The crime lord quickly shifted his aim to the creature's eyes before firing twice. A pain-filled howl escaped the elemental as it started to attack blindly with its arms. Pengua blew those limbs off at the base of the elbows, giving Aura a clear shot. The penguin then noticed the dark elf wasn't pressing the opportunity but rather staring in amazement at his handiwork.
Pengua: Now is not the time to daydream! Focus on the fight before you get roasted!
Aura: Yeah!
Aura finally snapped out of her trance as she struck the elemental with her whip again. The penguin watched as the Primal Fire Elemental restored its damaged limbs, but he saw that the process was much slower than before. Pengua opened the cylinder of his gun, seeing he had exhausted all six of his shots. He pointed the barrel upwards, causing the empty bullet casings to slide out onto the ground. Mare watched the penguin reach into the pouch on his belt before his gaze suddenly snapped to the dark elf.
Pengua: Hey, think you can keep your sister covered for me?
Mare: O-Of course!
The dark elf ran towards the fight and began providing support for his sister in the form of defensive spells. Pengua began to dig through his pouch before he pulled out a speedloader containing six bullets that radiated a cold aura. He quickly reloaded his revolver with the new ammo before seeing how the battle was going. The bird had to admit he was impressed by the synergy between the siblings; they had the elemental on the defensive, unable to properly counterattack the quick strikes from Aura. And even when it had the chance to, his attacks would be rendered useless due to Mare's spells.
The crime lord raised his revolver to the elemental once more as he shouted a warning to the twins.
Pengua: You two might want to get out of there before you get frozen! I'll shoot whether you two are in the way or not!
The twins began to quickly flee from the elemental unaware of the bird's plan. The fire elemental saw this as an opportunity to be able to attack, so the elemental roared as it raised its arms to strike the fleeing twins. But that was when the crime lord pulled the trigger on his gun six times in a mere second, launching each bullet toward the beast. A faint blue trail followed each of the projectiles as they collided with the elemental's fiery body. The elemental roared as ice exploded out of its body, violently tearing through the areas the bullets hit.
Not even the heat of its body could thaw the vicious ice, and soon it was entirely encased in ice. Yet it was still alive, being slowly frozen to death. Before the penguin could finish it off, Aura ran forward and swung her whip at the frozen creature, causing it to shatter into thousands of pieces. The crime lord merely sighed as he reloaded his revolver with regular bullets, realizing this now means he owed the dark elves a favor. His moping didn't last long as the twins began to bombard him with praise and questions.
Mare: T-That was amazing!
Aura: What was that spell!? You completely immobilized the Primal Fire Elemental in one attack!
The cheery attitude of the twins made the crime lord stare at them before he holstered his revolver.
Pengua: It wasn't a spell, just cursed Ice. It eats away at any heat source in the area, whether it be a creature's body heat or the environment. It's a painful way to go.
A large shadow was cast over the small trio causing them to look up at the source. It was Momonga who was examining the shattered icy remains of the elemental.
Momonga: The three of you did well.
Aura: Thank you very much. I haven't exercised this much in a while!
The two dark elves tried to wipe off their sweat, but right after they did, more of it beaded on their skin, rolling down their dark skin. As for the crime lord, Momonga could only see his feathers were a little messy.
Momonga: Yes, you three must be thirsty.
Momonga silently opened his inventory and withdrew an item, a Pitcher of Endless Water. The glass pitcher had droplets forming on its surface. Momonga then took out a couple of beautiful glasses, filled them with water from the Pitcher, and gave them to the trio. The dark elf twins looked at each other before drinking the water. As for Pengua, he stared at his cup before slowly bringing it up to his beak and sniffing.
No poison. It wasn't uncommon for somebody to try and kill the crime lord; he's made a lot of enemies over the years, so this was just a precaution. Pengua drank the water in one go before his master collected the cups and put them back in his inventory.
Aura: I thought you would be a scarier person Lord Momonga.
Momonga: Hm? You think so? I can be scarier if you'd like me to.
Aura: How you are now is better! It's definitely the best!
A blood-red portal like the one Pengua used to arrive at the arena appeared some ways away. Out stepped a short pale vampire dressed in a black ball gown carrying an umbrella of similar taste.
Shalltear: My am I the first?
As the crime lord watched the Floor Guardian approach them, he questioned himself on how he will possibly earn the trust of everyone. The others definitely won't be as easy to convince as the twins, but he had to try for the future of his people.
Pengua: 'This is going to be a pain.'
Penguin History Fact #1: In 900 B.C., a fleet of 10,000 penguins landed in present-day Antarctica, led by Pengua's great grandfather King Ragnar. He promptly named the continent Terra Glacialis. Before their arrival, there weren't any penguins in all of Antarctica.
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