Chapter 88. Caspian.
I know this is only a short chapter but I've decided to write shorter chapters and just post every few days when I get a day off work so I'll be updating more frequently but the chapters will be shorter. I still really hope you like it and I CAN'T WAIT for you all to meet little baby Caspian in this chapter! PLEASE like, comment and follow! THANK YOU!!
"He's so small..."
Kili's voice was nothing more than a quiet murmur, being careful as to not wake up the sleeping baby in his arms. Caspian was only a few days old, a small mop of jet black hair on his little head. His eyes were closed now but when they were open, they were a deep chocolate brown colour, like his father's. Kili remembered how excited he had been when he had first laid eyes on his son, how proud he had been and how scared he had been of squishing or dropping the little thing with his big clumsy hands when he had first held him.
"Well he is a baby... they're not known to be very big," Cassy answered in a quiet voice from where she lay beside her husband on her side as she watched her two boys fondly as Kili sat up against the headboard with their baby boy in his arms. The dwarf prince merely smiled, running one finger gently over Caspian's little cheek. The boy smiled a little in his sleep, making his father's expression soften.
"He's perfect," he muttered softly in reply, turning his gaze to Cassy and gazing down at her with a proud smile.
"Yes he is," she smirked, emphasising the word 'he' which made Kili roll his eyes with an amused smile.
"Okay so you won the bet," Kili said as he grinned down at her, "Are you going to bring it up every moment you get?"
She shrugged, "Maybe," she grinned.
Kili chuckled, "Well I have to admit that you were right, so what do you want as your reward for winning the bet?" he asked her.
"I'll have to think about it," she told him.
Kili looked down at his wife with a fond smile. She returned it warmly, blinking up at him tiredly. She hadn't been able to move very much from the bed since the baby had been born. Oin said that her old battle wound had caused some trouble during the birth and that she needed to rest to gain back her strength properly. Kili had remained beside her for most of the past days, partly because he was worried for Cassy and wanted to be with her and partly because he found it rather difficult to tear himself away from his son.
Kili was ripped from his thoughts when Caspian began to squirm slightly in his arms. He glanced down at the little boy as he scrunched up his little face in a small yawn before his eyes opened slowly, his warm chocolate brown orbs blinking sleepily up at his father. The baby made a small noise as Kili smiled at him.
"Hello there," he muttered softly, though all he got in reply was a little dissatisfied noise. It was only a moment before Caspian began to voice his discontent with a loud cry and Kili quickly shot a look towards Cassy as she slowly brought herself into an upright position, mirroring her husband as she leaned back against the headboard. Kili looked on in silent concern as he saw Cassy wince as she adjusted her position. He decided not to comment as he knew she would just brush it off anyway and change the subject so he decided to tease her a little instead. "He has your voice."
"Oh, shut up," Cassy chuckled quietly as she leaned over and gently took the little boy from Kili's arms, smiling softly over his cries as she brought him closer to her chest. "He just gets grumpy in the morning if he doesn't get his breakfast. Much like yourself," she teased him back, making him grin broadly.
"Speaking of, I'll go and grab us something to eat from the kitchens," Kili said.
Cassy smiled in thanks and she couldn't help how her heart swelled as Kili leaned down to press a soft kiss to Caspian's forehead who had ceased his crying by now. Kili then lifted himself up and captured Cassy's lips with his for a short but sweet kiss.
"I'll be back," he whispered against her lips as he gently kissed her once more before climbing out of their bed and leaving his wife and son for some quiet time alone.
After two more weeks of being confined to her bed, Cassy was finally deemed fit enough to walk around the mountain without worry of irritating her stitches any further. Kili had been dragged away by his brother to deal with some important council matters now that Dale had finally been restored to its former glory, so Cassy took the opportunity to go for a walk through the mountain, taking Caspian with her.
She was dressed casually in a pair of black breeches and a blue shirt, a knife strapped to the sheath on her thigh as she walked through the familiar halls. Caspian was wrapped up warmly in the blue blanket that Dis had made for her grandson as Cassy cradled her sleeping bundle to her chest, a fond smile gracing her lips as she looked down at the peaceful face of her son.
This was the first time Caspian had been taken outside of their bed chambers since his birth and Cassy couldn't help but tighten her arms around him every so often when she would run into someone, her protective nature taking over before she forced herself to relax. Brielle had come by to see her and her son earlier and when Cassy told Brielle that she wanted to go for a walk with her son, Brielle jumped at the chance to help Cassy get dressed and ready to venture out into the mountain for the first time in weeks.
"Well look who's finally up and about!"
Cassy looked up from staring down at her son to see Dwalin striding towards her from the other end of the hall. A bright smile lit up her face when she saw the tattooed dwarf. None of her friends besides Kili, Fili, Oin and Balin had been able to see her while she had been recovering so at the sight of her dear friend, she couldn't help but grin happily.
"Its so good to see you Dwalin!" she smiled brightly as the tall dwarf came to a stop in front of her, his gaze automatically being drawn to the bundle wrapped up in her arms. Cassy watched in interest as a small, genuine smile tugged at the warrior's lips as he looked down at the sleeping baby.
"So this is the little guy who is the talk of the mountain, aye?" he said as he reached out to touch Caspian's soft cheek gently.
At the unfamiliar touch, Caspian's brow furrowed slightly as his eyes flickered open tiredly. His curious gaze first met that of his mother's, a happy gurgle escaping his lips as he looked up at his mother, before he looked over to Dwalin who's finger had not yet left his cheek. The baby made a small noise of surprise before he giggled happily and reached up to touch the hand that was touching his cheek. Dwalin's eyes softened as he let the little one grab onto his finger with his tiny little hand.
"I think he likes you," Cassy smiled up at the dwarf who grinned at her.
"I like him too," Dwalin said as he smiled down at him. He looked up and smiled at the way Cassy was looking at her son, nothing but love in her gaze. "It suits you - being a mother, I mean," he told her.
She met his gaze with a small smile, "Thank you," she said, "I'm still getting used to it all but I've never felt this happy before. I just wish my brother was here to see his nephew."
A large warm hand rested on her shoulder and squeezed gently, "Caspian would be so proud of you," he told her.
She looked up at him with a grateful smile, "Thank you."
They stood like that for a moment before she seemed to remember something. "I'm actually really happy that I ran into you. Kili and I have been discussing who we want Caspian's godparents to be and we both agreed Fili would be one and if my brother was here then he would be one too but because he isn't we needed to choose someone else," she explained. "And seeing as though I've always considered you to be like a brother to me, I would love it if you would agree to be Caspian's godfather with Fili?"
Dwalin looked at her in surprise, Caspian still grasping his finger in his tiny hand. "Really?" he asked her. "Me? But what about Balin or Bofur? They would be much better suited."
"Kili picked his brother and I'm picking you," she told him with a smile. "Besides," she nodded her head to where Caspian was grasping Dwalin's finger in his hand, "He obviously approves of you."
Dwalin chuckled as he looked down at the baby with a bright smile before he looked back up at Cassy, "I would be honoured to be this little man's godfather."
Cassy smiled brightly, turning slightly to wrap one of her arms around Dwalin in a hug. "Thank you," she said as she pulled back, grinning down at her baby. "Would you like to hold your godson?" she asked him.
His face brightened even more and he nodded. Cassy could see how tense he suddenly became as she began instructing him how to position his arms so she could gently place Caspian in the tattooed dwarf's arms. As soon as Caspian was safely placed in Dwalin's arms, Cassy could see the tension leave his body as he looked down at the bundle in his arms. She couldn't resist the grin that spread onto her face as Dwalin spoke.
"Hello little man, I'm your uncle Dwalin."
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