Chapter 84. Letters.
So sorry for how long it has taken me to update and for how short this chapter is - probably the shortest one yet! I have been applying for University and so I have been going to Open Days and preparing my portfolio for my interviews so I've been very very busy. I will try to update as often as I can so don't worry! And the next chapter will be longer!
Now without further ado, here is chapter 84! (Can you believe that I have written 84 chapters for this book?! I didn't think I would have gone this far with this book but I seemed to have surprised myself!)
Anyway thank you for all your votes and comments! Keep them coming and enjoy this chapter! This is all about Bilbo and Gandalf finding out so I hope you enjoy it!
Oh and Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a lovely time!! :*
The Shire. The place in which the quest to reclaim a homeland had started. The place in which Cassy and Kili had first laid eyes on each other. It hadn't changed one bit since the beginning of the quest.
Bilbo Baggins sat at his desk. He had only been back in the comfort of his home for a few days now. He was already missing his friends and the beauty of Erebor. The quest had truly been a life-changing experience for the hobbit and a part of him longed to go back to the mountain and deep down he knew that one day he would.
He sat at his desk staring down at the crisp letter that he was holding in his hands. A large smile was gracing his lips as he stared down at King Fili's handwriting. At first he had thought that the letter would just be something akin to a letter making sure he made it home okay but in fact this letter held a lot more news than he had first thought.
Within the letter, King Fili had wrote to him so he could be one of the first to hear of some special news. That special news being Cassy's pregnancy. Truth be told, Bilbo had teared up a bit at the news. He was truly happy for his friends. Each and every one of them deserved to be happy and Kili and Cassy were finally having that. They belonged together and he had to admit that ever since the start of the quest he had suspected something was developing between the two of them. If only he had placed a bet on it - he would probably have won a fair amount of money in truth.
Bilbo was thrilled at the thought of going back to Erebor when the baby was due to be born but he was even happier at the prospect of seeing the baby.
Many thoughts swirled around his mind as he began questioning what the baby would be like. Would it be a boy or girl? Perhaps twins? Would the baby have purple eyes like its mother or hazel like its father? He also wondered whether the child would take up archery like its parents. Bilbo found the thought of the child hating archery quite amusing - the child of the Archer Queen hating archery. That thought had made him laugh.
Then his happy thoughts became sad when he thought of Caspian, Thorin, Nori and Bifur... they would never meet the little one and it pained the hobbit the think about it at all. Another part of the hobbit felt happy at the thought of his friends smiling down on them, finally seeing the kingdom they had fought so hard to reclaim go back to its former glory.
Bilbo sighed in content as he gently folded the letter up in his hands. Maybe they could all get there happily ever after after all...
It wasn't just Bilbo that had received the news that Kili and Cassy would soon be parents. The news had even reached Gandalf from where he was staying in Rivendell, in Lord Elrond's home. Gandalf had been enjoying a quiet meal with Lord Elrond when a messenger had interrupted them to share the news that King Fili had instructed to be given to Gandalf.
"Well I can't say that I am surprised by the news," Lord Elrond mused with a smile, "It was obvious even back at the beginning of your quest that there was something akin to romance developing between those two archers."
"Indeed," Gandalf smiled, "I am just happy that the company are finally getting their happily ending."
Elrond nodded, "After everything that they have endured and all that they have lost, I believe that they have earned it. And what shouts a happy ending better than a baby?"
"It is safe to say that the child will be spoiled rotten, not only by its parents but by its many uncles too. The whole company will treat the child like a King."
"Well the baby will be royalty," Elrond teased.
"But will still be just as humble as its parents."
"Will you journey back their for the birth?"
"I think I will," the wizard smiled, "After all, I wouldn't want to miss seeing the child's first moments in this world."
"If it is no trouble for you, then I was hoping that you would allow me to travel their with you. I wish to pay my congratulations to the happy couple?" Elrond asked.
"It would be no trouble at all, mellon nin."
"Lets just hope that the child will get to live out its life happily in the peaceful kingdom that their parents have fought so hard for."
Gandalf smiled in agreement as he looked at the letter in his hands. Maybe the dark world that they lived in would finally get to see some light at last...
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