Chapter 83. Bed Bound.
Thank you all so so much for your wonderful comments, messages and sweet words! I am so happy with how everyone is enjoying my work and I feel so grateful that I have wonderful readers like you. To say thank you I made sure that I got straight to work on this chapter and I really hope you like it!
I want to do another competition because I've missed doing them! I've had so many people sending me cute little Cassili and Fielle scenes through inbox and I really want to include some of them in my story so here's your chance. These are the instructions for the competition:
- All you have to do is write a scene for the Archer Queen - it can be absolutely anything from a cute Cassy and Kili scene, a Fili and Brielle scene, a scene that focuses on one of the other characters, or if you're really wanting to you can write a scene about the future Cassili baby!
- It has to be 300 words at the least.
- Before you send it you must inbox me with your name/username and what character your scene will focus on, along with any questions you might have. When I have those details you can send me your entry whenever you want but you must send it either through inbox or by email.
- I will be choosing the winner on Saturday 14th November so you have a few weeks to enter and submit your work.
-If you have any questions you can message me at any time.
Thank you!
Now please enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote and follow! Thanks! :3
*Cassy's POV*
For the first time in days I found myself waking up from a peaceful sleep. No nightmares plaguing my sleep, no worries about what Donovan was planning and no thoughts about my friends being harmed had consumed my thoughts - I merely woke up happy and content.
I released a breath and tried to roll onto my side only to be held in place by the two strong arms that were wrapped protectively around me. My eyes opened of their own accord and I found myself staring at the sleeping face of my husband. My head rested on his shoulder as he laid on his back, his arms keeping me as close to him as possible. A smile formed on my lips as I looked at his peaceful expression. I could tell that he had also suffered from a lack of sleep over the past few days. I knew it was because of how worried he had been - I saw how relieved he had looked when I had hurried into his arms.
My smile only seemed to widen when I remembered Kili's reaction to the news of us having a baby together. He had been so happy at the news. And now that I had told him I felt so much better as well.
I had been so consumed with my own thoughts that I hadn't realised that I had moved my hand so that my fingertips were trailing along the light stubble that covered his jaw. He must have felt the movement as his hazel coloured eyes fluttered open and I was taken aback when he suddenly shot up in the bed causing me to sit up quickly to see if he was okay.
"Kili?" I said urgently as I took his face in my hands to make him look at me as he sat in the bed, heavy breathing, muscles tense and his eyes wide. "Are you alright? What's wrong?"
He merely looked at me, his eyes trailing over my face as if he was taking my whole appearance in. He suddenly surprised me by pulling me against him in a tight hug, his muscles slowly relaxing and his breathing evening out. "I'm sorry, Cassy," I heard him mumble into my hair which was slightly messy from sleep, "For a moment I thought Donovan still had you."
I sighed as I hugged him tighter, my hands rubbing the skin of his muscled back as I tried to console him. I now understood why he had looked so frightened. "It's okay," I assured him, "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
I felt him place a gentle kiss to the side of my head before he slowly laid back down on his side. He pulled me down with him so that my back was to his chest, his arms were wrapped tightly around me as I ran my fingers up and down his forearms until he laced his fingers with mine.
"I love you," he whispered into my ear before he placed an open-mouthed kiss to the juncture of my neck.
"I love you too," I whispered back as I snuggled further against his chest - craving his warmth and security.
"Did I dream what happened last night?" He asked me. I turned my head so I could smile at him as he grinned down at me.
"No, you didn't dream it," I told him as he released one of my hands so that he could use his free hand to rub gentle circles on the slight bump of my stomach.
"Does anyone else know yet?" He asked me.
"Only Donovan knew, he could sense it or something," I told him and I felt him tense at the man's name. "But I wanted you to be the first to know."
He smiled at me, "I'm glad I was the first."
"Me too," I told him, "I'm assuming we will tell Fili first, along with Dis and Devlin seeing as though they are family."
He nodded in agreement, "Then the rest of the company. We can write to Gandalf and Bilbo too so they can know the great news."
I agreed with him immediately, "That sounds good to me."
"Me too," he said, "But for now, all I want to do is lay here with you. The others can wait a few more hours before we tell them. But until then, you're all mine."
I giggled as he pulled me impossibly closer, his biceps tensing as he held me in a protective embrace. I couldn't imagine being like this with anyone else - Kili was the only one for me and I knew it. Our baby was going to be so lucky to have him as a father.
It was almost three hours later when Kili and I had reluctantly crawled out of the bed. Not that either of us wanted to go anywhere when we could just stay cuddled up in our bed together. But I guess being a Prince and a Princess meant that we had to do something other than confine ourselves to our bedroom - not that Kili and I would complain if that were to be the case.
Kili and I were standing in the empty council room together, his arm wrapped around my waist to keep me close to him. Fili was supposed to be meeting us here with Dis and Devlin so we could tell them our news.
We had only been waiting a few minutes when the three of them came through the large oak doors. I shared a smile with Kili as they came to stand a few feet in front of us.
"Are you guys okay?" Fili asked us as he looked between his brother and I with a curious frown, "We were told that you both had something urgent to tell us?"
"We do have something to tell you and we both thought that it was only right that our family heard this news first," I told them with a smile. I could see that Fili and Devlin were really trying to figure out what our news was while Dis merely gave me a knowing smile - I wondered if she could tell? After all she had been pregnant before with her two sons so maybe she had a sense for these things - or maybe it was just the fact that Kili was grinning at them with his ecstatic grin that could make anyone break out into a smile.
"What is it?" Devlin asked after he had obviously given up trying to figure it out for himself.
"Cassy's pregnant," Kili told him, his grin only widening as the three of them took in the news.
Fili was the first one to speak up, "I'm going to be an uncle?"
I nodded as my own smile broke out onto my face. He grinned at Kili and I while letting out a happy laugh. Kili was the first to receive a hug from Fili as he gave him his congratulations. As soon as the two brothers pulled away from each other, Fili was quick to pull me in a hug while Dis and Devlin went to congratulate Kili. I hugged Fili back tightly.
"I'm so happy for you both," Fili told me as he pulled away and placed a quick kiss to my cheek, "You're going to make a wonderful mother."
My smile brightened at his words and I quickly pulled him in for another hug as I said, "Thank you."
As soon as I released Fili, Devlin had wrapped me up in his arms. "Congratulations, Cass." He told me as he held me tighter, "I just wish your mother, father and Caspian were here right now."
I nodded against his shoulder, "I wish they were here too. I'm just glad I still have you at least."
"They would be so proud of you Cass."
I smiled at him when we pulled back before my gaze landed on Dis who was looking at me with a bright smile.
"I'm so happy for you dear," she told me as she pulled me into a motherly embrace, "I'm certain you and my son will be great parents to my grandchild. Just remember that if you need anything at all, come to me. I know that I might not be your mother but I'll always be here to give you any advice that your own mother would have given you."
I smiled at her when she released me, "Thank you. That means a lot me."
"You're very welcome, my dear." She told me before she squeezed my hand as kissed Kili's cheek.
"I think a celebration is in order," Fili said loudly as he rubbed his hands together excitedly.
"How about we tell the others first before you start planning parties?" I laughed at Kili when he said that.
We spent the next hour tracking down the surviving members of our company down; Balin, Dwalin, Ori, Dori, Bofur, Bombur, Gloin and Oin. And once we had them all gathered Kili was quick to tell them the news.
"Cassy's pregnant," he grinned widely at our friends and I was slightly taken aback when Bofur made some sort of noise between a laugh and a shriek before he was running over to me and was pulling me into his embrace.
"A baby! Ha!" He laughed happily as he continued to hug me causing Kili to laugh from beside me. "I'm going to spoil this kid so much!"
When he finally released me I laughed along with the others. "You seem happier than I do!" I told him teasingly.
"It's just been a while since we've had a little one running around," he told me with a bright smile, "I'm so happy for you lass."
"Thank you, Bofur."
Balin was next to hug me and I couldn't help but notice the tears in his eyes, "Balin?" I asked him tentatively.
"I'm sorry lass, it's just," he smiled sadly, "I just wish that the others could have been here for this."
I felt my own tears prick at my eyes as I pulled him in for another hug. I really wished that Thorin, Caspian and the others could have been here too. "Me too, Balin, me too."
He pulled back and grinned at me, "But congratulations lass, I can't wait to meet the little one when he arrives."
I smiled widely at Balin. "If they are anything like their father then I think the mountain will be in for some trouble."
Balin laughed, "Oh, Durin help us."
I was suddenly engulfed by Dwalin's muscular form as he hugged me, "Congratulations Cassy, I know you and Kili will be wonderful parents," he smiled, "can't wait to see the little one."
I recieved hugs from Ori, Dori, Gloin and Oin next until Bombur was the final one left to hug me. "You are going to be a wonderful mother Cassy," he told me as he pulled me into a warm hug. "The little one will be one lucky kid, it already has a huge family who will love and protect them."
I smiled at the large dwarf. He was right. Kili and I's baby already had a group of wonderful people to love, cherish and protect them and they haven't even been born yet.
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