Chapter 82. Reactions and Attractions.
Okay so first of all, I am sorry for how long it has taken me to post this chapter but I am so happy that I finally found the time to write this chapter. I have been looking forward to posting this particular one ever since I announced Cassy's pregnancy. I am also really excited to read your opinions on Kili's reaction. I am also planning to add a little Fielle cuteness in the next chapter as their potential romance has been neglected a bit ever since the whole Donovan thing. But this chapter is purely Cassili as I have missed writing their cute little scenes and I'm sure you've missed them too!
Anyway, without further ado! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please leave your comments below with any questions you may have. Also don't forget to vote!
Also I would love it if you could follow my second account where I'll be posting my original stories and books @Official_Courtney - I will follow everyone back!
*Kili's POV*
She was here, she was actually here in my arms again - My Cassy was safe in my arms at last. I should've known that she would have found a way to escape and come back to me, she was my Archer Queen after all. The relief that had flooded over me when I had seen her sitting on that horse; breathing, smiling and looking as beautiful as ever, was overwhelming. I didn't register anything around me when her familiar purple gaze had connected with mine. It was like her gaze captivated my whole being; nothing mattered apart from her.
I saw her expression mirror mine when she realized that I was here. The relief and love evident on both of our faces. A part of me had been worried I was imagining her sitting on that horse with the young, bloodied boy perched on the saddle in front of her who I assumed was her nephew - Alan.
Without warning, a grin formed on her gorgeous face and being careful not to knock Alan, she leapt from the saddle, landing on the ground with a soft thud. Her gaze found mine again and neither of us wasted a breath before we were hurrying towards each other, ignoring the crowd. As soon as she was close enough I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her tightly against me leaving no room for even air to fit between our bodies.
I felt her warm body press against mine as she tightened her hold around my torso. Her delicate fingers grasping the back of my shirt as she held onto me tightly. I found my own hand tangling in her hair as my other hand trailed up her side. The feeling of her skin beneath my fingers made all the tension leave my body - I hadn't imagined her, she really was here... alive, safe and never leaving my side again. Ever.
I was still holding her in my arms when I finally found my voice, even though it was only a whisper, "I was so scared that I had lost you." My face pressed against her neck, her soft skin was warm against mine.
She reluctantly pulled back but only enough so that she was looking into my eyes, her face inches away from mine. It took all of my willpower not to close the distance between us and kiss her there and then. I didn't care that she was covered in dirt and mud. I didn't spare a thought to the tangles and knots in her raven black hair, nor that she had been wearing the same clothes for days - I did however frown at the blood and cuts that littered her tan skin. At this moment, however, I was too happy to have her back to worry too much about them.
She smiled at me then, her hands finding their way to the side of my face, her fingers grazing the skin of my jaw with her familiar touch. No one but Cassy could send these tingles down my spine from a mere stare or single touch - I had missed her so much. My One, my Wife, my Cassy.
"You'll never lose me," she said, the sound of her voice making me smile. Damn, I had missed her sweet voice too.
By this point I had thrown my restraint to the wind, not caring about the crowd of our friends that were stood a few feet away watching our reunion. I gently cradled her face in my hands, worried that if I applied too much pressure she would break beneath my touch. I allowed my gaze to flicker from her mesmerizing purple eyes to her plump pink lips before I finally closed the distance between us. My lips finally pressing against her's in a searing kiss.
I briefly registered the laughs, cheers and whistles of our friends and soldiers from where they were standing a short distance away watching us but I ignored them and just focused on the feeling of Cassy's lips against mine. When the need for air finally became to much to handle, we pulled apart - our faces remaining inches apart before she leant forwards and rested her forehead against mine. Our breathing laboured and mingling together as I held her in my arms.
"Are you hurt at all?" I asked her, having been too preoccupied at actually seeing her again to ask before now. I stepped back slightly so I could allow my gaze to sweep over her whole body, trying to spot any sign of serious injury.
"Just a few cuts and bruises," she assured me, her fingers continuing to stroke my jaw soothingly.
I smiled at her and just before I could kiss her again, a familiar voice called out to us.
"I'm really pleased that the two of you are reunited and everything but we missed her too," I rolled my eyes at my brother as Fili grinned at us, "At least grant me a hug, Cassy."
A small laugh escaped Cassy's mouth and I swore it was my new favourite sound - I forgot how much I missed hearing her laugh. She gently kissed me on the lips once more before moving out of my reach and hurrying over to Fili who was quick to wrap her up in a tight hug.
"Damn, you look like Hell," Fili told her as he released her and I glared half-heartedly at him.
"Well I have just been in Hell," She said jokingly but I could tell she held some truth behind her words.
Fili smiled at her sadly before he pulled her into another hug, "We're just glad you're all okay."
As soon as he released her she sent him a smile before someone else pulled her into a bone-crushing hug - It was Devlin.
"Thank Durin you're okay!" He said as he picked her up and spun her around making her release a second round of laughter.
"Damn it, Devlin," she said in between laughs, "Put me down."
He did as she asked but as soon as she was on her feet, Devlin was looking at her with a serious expression and asked her the question that was swimming in his mind, "What about Donovan?"
Cassy placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly, "He's gone, for good," she told him firmly,, "I made sure of it this time." He nodded looking relieved.
Before anything else could be said on the matter Bofur had moved forwards and pulled Cassy into a hug. I smiled at how happy everyone was at being reunited - maybe things could go back to being peaceful again. The next few minutes were occupied by everyone hugging Cassy, Dax and Mikaelson, and Cassy had taken it upon herself to introduce Alan to everyone.
I grinned as she walked up to me, Alan's small hand clasped in her's. "Alan, this is my husband, Kili," she told him with a bright smile. Alan's purple eyes - the Mandaria eyes - looked up at me curiously.
"Hi," he said tentatively.
I smiled and crouched down to his level, "Nice to meet you, Alan. I want to thank you for taking care of my wife here - she means everything to me," I glanced up at Cassy to see the devotion in her eyes as she looked down at me.
"I - I didn't do anything, she protected me," He tried to argue but I smiled wider.
"Well whatever the case, thank you for making sure she didn't get herself killed." I told him and he smiled.
"She's my auntie, I love her," he said and I saw the smile on Cassy's face as she looked down at he nephew. I knew he reminded her of Caspian - hell, he looked almost exactly like the late warrior but with a few differences, no doubt due to his mother's looks.
"And I love you, too," she told him.
"You want to know who else loves you?" I asked him. "Your mother, she's been worried sick about you."
His eyes lit up at the mention of his mother, "Is she okay? Where is she?"
"We're taking you to her now," I told him, "she's fine, she's just missing you very much."
I stood beside Cassy as Alan ran through the corridor of the Lonely Mountain, his face alight with happiness as he jumped into his mother's awaiting arms. I smiled along with Cassy as we watched their heartfelt reunion. We had just arrived back in Erebor and Fili had ordered Dax and Mikaelson to get some rest. He also told Cassy to go to bed as well but she wanted to make sure Alan was reunited with his mother first.
I glanced at her as a yawn escaped her mouth, an amused smile appeared on my face as she looked at me sheepishly. I knew she must be exhausted; I knew I was. I hadn't had a good night sleep at all without Cassy beside me and I couldn't imagine how horrible her nights locked up must have been.
Now that she knew Alan was in safe hands, I took her hand in mine and gently led her down the opposite corridor.
Once we made it to our room I allowed her to go inside first. Her gaze slowly scanned the familiar room when she entered, obviously taking in everything about the room that she had been away from. I followed after her and gently closed the door behind me as I allowed her to wander around the room.
After a moment, I slowly approached her and pulled her towards me, allowing my lips to brush against her jaw. "I'm going to run you a bath and then you're not moving from the bed until you're as good as new," I told her with a crooked grin.
She giggled in my hold and turned to look at me, "That sounds lovely, as long as you stay with me."
"I'm never leaving you again," I told her firmly, before I placed another kiss to her cheek.
With that I walked towards the door of the bathroom and set around to running a hot bath for Cassy. When I was done I walked back in the room to see that Cassy had stripped off her weapons, boots, socks, her leather corset and the light chain-mail that she had worn beneath her clothing. She now stood in her trousers and navy blue shirt. She smiled at me when she saw me and walked over to where I stood.
"Shout me if you need anything, okay?" I said to her. "I'll be just in here getting changed."
She nodded and gently kissed me. "What did I ever do to deserve someone as wonderful as you?" She whispered making me smile.
"You didn't have to do anything, you captured my heart from the moment we met," I told her as I pressed my lips to her's. When we broke apart, I gently pushed her in the direction of the bathroom, "Now get cleaned up."
She laughed and walked into the bathroom, leaving me smiling after her like the love-struck idiot I was. I turned my attention to the night clothes that were folded on the bed. Slowly, I stripped out of my clothes from the day and pulled on the clean trousers and blue shirt, before making my way over to the wash basin in the room and quickly washed my face, neck and arms.
Ten minutes had passed when Cassy finally emerged from the bathroom. She was dressed in a pair of black shorts and one of my button up shirts that I had left in the bathroom - I loved seeing her in my clothes, even if they were far too big on her small form. Her hair was clean and free of tangles, and fell into its natural damp curls over her shoulders and down her back. Her skin was clean and free of dried blood and dirt. The only things that showed that something had happened to her were the light grazes and cuts on her legs, arms and face.
I looked at her face and saw her smiling at me, "What is it?" I asked her.
"Nothing," she assured me. She slowly walked over to me and kissed my jaw, "I just missed you."
I watched as she turned away to head over to the bed that we shared when I suddenly wrapped my arms around her from behind and pulled her backwards so that her back collided with my chest. "I missed you too," I whispered into her ear, my lips brushing against her ear lobe. I felt her relax against me, her head falling backwards to rest against my shoulder. I smiled against her neck as my hands came to rest on her stomach. I felt her tense before her hands suddenly rested on top of mine as I rubbed my thumbs against the material of the shirt that covered her stomach.
"Kili?" She mumbled quietly as I placed a feather light kiss to the skin of her neck.
"I need to tell you something," I raised my head from her neck and gave her my full attention. She looked nervous or worried and I felt my curiosity spike.
"I'm pregnant."
I felt my eyes snap up to meet her's. My grip on her becoming slack as I processed her words. Did she really just say what I thought she just said?
"You're what?" I found myself asking. I needed to know I heard her right.
She rolled her eyes at me, "I said, I'm Pregnant!"
This time I wasn't in a state of shock and I wasn't worried about whether I had misheard her. Happiness, pure happiness swelled up inside of me at her words. "We're having a baby?" I found myself asking dumbly as she turned in my arms to face me.
"That is what being pregnant means, Kili," she told me with a wide smile. "You're going to be a dad."
I grinned. I grinned wider than I ever have before. I saw her mimic my expression and I couldn't stop myself from sweeping her up into my arms in a tight hug, spinning her around. Her laugh of glee filled the group and I soon joined in. As soon as I set her back down on her feet, I held her face in my hands and pressed my lips firmly against her's. She grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. Our lips parted and soon our tongues were battling for dominance - I won and after she pulled back for air, I wasted no time in covering her face with light kisses.
"Oh God, Cassy, I love you so much," I told her as I placed a quick kiss to her nose, making her giggle.
"I love you too, Kili," she said happily before I caught her lips in another searing kiss. My hands trailing from her face, down her arms until they came to rest upon the hardly noticeable bump of her stomach.
I loved this woman... and our unborn baby.
AHHHHHH I hope you liked it! Please comment, vote and follow! I will update again as soon as I can! Thanks!!
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