Chapter 81. Downfall.
I am so, so, so sorry for how long it has taken me to finally write this chapter. I have just begun my second year of Sixth Form/College and I am just feeling under so much pressure especially because I'm going to be applying for University this year.
So I just wanted to apologize for my crappy updating but THANK YOU so much for all of you that have continued to read, comment and vote. If I didn't get to read your lovely comments then I doubt I would be updating at all.
Anyway, please enjoy this chapter. I have made it longer than the previous ones so that I could fit all this drama into one chapter.
Thanks again and enjoy! Please leave your comments and votes! ♡♥♡
*Kili's POV*
The forest was dark and eerie. I couldn't see very far in front of me as I followed after Fili who was riding in front of me.
Seeing as though we needed the element of surprise for our plan to rescue our friends to work, we could only bring a select group of people rather than an army so we could keep ourselves hidden.
The rescue party consisted of Fili and I, Dwalin, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, Devlin, Dastan, Carter, Dain and a few men that I didn't recognise. But the others were certain it would be enough to save our friends. I made sure Balin remained in the mountain so that he could watch over everything while we were gone.
"We need to stop here and rest, we will start the attack in a few hours when it is darker. We can use the darkness to conceal our presence. Tie up the horses and get some rest." Fili instructed as he dismounted his horse.
We all followed suit.
I glanced in the direction that I knew Cassy was being held captive in and I sighed worriedly.
I just want her back.
*Cassy's POV*
"Mmmm." I groaned tiredly as someone shook me awake.
"What's going on?" I mumbled as I slowly allowed my eyes to flutter open only to see Sanjí knelt beside me holding my weapons in his arms.
"Its time." Was all he said in his gruff voice as he unlocked the chains that bound me to the wall and he quickly handed me my weapons.
I sighed in relief as I rubbed the sore flesh of my wrists to relieve the dull ache that the chains had caused.
I directed my attention back to Sanjì and I nodded firmly and strapped on my weapons, but left my bow so that I had it in my hand at the ready with an arrow already loaded.
"We need to get your friends first." He told me as he held his own sword at the ready. He led me over to the door. "My friend, Cadì is meeting us at their cell."
I nodded again and quickly followed him. I kept looking around for any threats but I couldn't help feeling better already at being free from that cell.
My bow was held in my hands, ready to fire at any who crossed paths with Sanjì and I.
The corridors were mostly empty. Sanjì had told me that Donovan had only managed to recruit less than 40 Orcs, so there shouldn't be too many to deal with.
Even with that being said we still came across two Orcs on our way. After seeing Sanjì they didn't react but as soon as their gazes landed on me, they launched into fight mode. Sanjì and the largest of the two Orcs began to fight each other, both weilding a sword. I was left to deal with the one with the axe. I raised my bow and shot him in the thigh before he could swing his axe at me. As soon as the arrow pierced his pale and grimy skin he cried out in pain and I was quick to silence him by stepping forwards and knocking him out with my metal bow.
I looked to Sanjì as he sliced the other Orc's stomach open and we both watched as he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.
"Let's go."
I nodded and hurried after Sanjì. I couldn't imagine what he must be feeling at killing one of his own kind but he seemed to mask what ever guilt he was feeling.
When we rounded the next corner I raised my bow instinctively at the sight of an Orc stood outside of the cell.
Sanjì was quick to step in front of me. "He's with us." Was all he said before he turned and moved to open the cell door. My gaze remained locked on Sanjì's friend, Cadì, but once the metal door was opened my attention became focused on the three figures inside.
Alan, Dax and Mikaelson.
"Aunt Cassy?" Alan's fragile voice called out when he saw me. I glanced at the other two and realised they were unconscious.
"Sanjì? Can you wake them up and unchain them please?" I asked him. He nodded once and did as I asked as I ran over to Alan.
"Hey bud." I smiled, "I'm getting you out of here."
"I knew you'd figure a way out." He grinned although I could see how tired he was.
"I always do." I assured him.
I felt my eyes water as I stared into his eyes...Caspian's eyes. I shook those thoughts from my head and untied Alan's wrists before lifting him to his feet.
"Can you walk?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay."
"Good, just stay close to me or the boys, okay?"
He nodded and I bent down to kiss his cheek before turning to see Dax struggling against Sanjì who was trying to help him to stand up.
"Dax, calm down. He's helping us." I told him as I walked over to him.
His eyes snapped to me and I saw relief wash over his face.
"Cassandra?" He breathed out a sigh of relief as he finally stood up. "Thank Durin, you're all right." He pulled me into a tight hug and then pulled back to check to see if I was injured.
"I'm fine Dax." I assured him as I handed him a sword. "Just wake Mikaelson up so we can get out of here."
He nodded and hurried to his friend who had been untied now.
After a few moments Mikaelson was awake and he reacted just like Dax had and pulled me into a hug. Although he began apologizing for how he felt he had failed to protect me. I had rolled my eyes at that and told him to pull himself together so we could escape.
He had laughed and then took the axe Sanjì gave him before Cadì began to lead us away from the cell. I began to wonder whether Cadì could actually talk at all.
Dax followed behind Cadì, Alan and I followed after them while Mikaelson and Sanjì stayed at the back.
We only encountered a few orcs by the time we made it to the door that led to the outdoor courtyard - our way out.
I looked up at the sky when we stepped outside, I guessed it was just after sunset.
Suddenly, a cry escaped Cadì as an axe came out of nowhere and embedded itself into his side. I cursed as he fell to the ground. I grabbed Alan and pulled him behind an old food cart that was carelessly left in the courtyard while Dax and Mikaelson darted behind some barrels a few feet away. Sanjì was with Alan and I but I could see his gaze was resting on his dead friend. I felt so bad for him so I reached up and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. That seemed to snap him back to reality as he looked around the courtyard.
"There's four guards on the gate and maybe ten or so up high on the walls with arrows and spears." Sanjì said so we could all hear him.
I nodded and looked to Dax and Mikaelson, "You two will go and take on the four at the gate. I'll cover you with my bow by taking out the guards on the wall." I then looked at Sanjì. "Sanjì I'm trusting you protect Alan."
He looked at Alan and nodded. "I'll protect him with my life."
I smiled knowing what he said was the truth. After inhaling a deep breath I looked at Dax and Mikaelson.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Ready." They said.
"Now!" I ordered as the two of them jumped from behind the barrels and charged towards the gate to take on the guards as the ones on watch on top of the wall began firing arrows at them.
I ran behind some barrels and began shooting the one's on the wall. The first arrow found the neck of an Orc while the next one hit an orc in the shoulder causing him to fall from the wall with a cry of pain. I turned to the other wall and aimed at the orc who was shooting at my friends at the gate. The arrow found the orcs chest making him tumble to the floor. I managed to kill two more orcs before a grunt of pain was heard from behind me where Alan and Sanjì were.
I turned my head in their direction and my eyes widened when I saw Donovan standing in front of Sanjì who was shielding Alan from Donovan.
I growled angrily and notched another arrow before aiming it at Donovan. This time I would make sure he was dead.
Before I could release the arrow I heard something from behind me. I turned just in time to fire the arrow at an orc that had been trying to sneak up on me but when I turned back to look at where Donovan was, I was frozen in shock at what I saw.
Donovan was grinning sadistically as he held a bloodied axe in his hand, the crimson droplets of blood slowly fell from the steel and added to the growing puddle of red on the floor.
My gaze then followed his line of sight and I felt my heart clench at the sight of Sanjì's unmoving and bloodied body on the floor.
Donovan had killed him.
My face hardened as I grabbed another arrow and stood up so that Donovan looked over at me instead of at Alan who was crying at what he had witnessed.
"You're sick and twisted." I hissed through clenched teeth as I aimed the arrow at him.
He did nothing but laugh.
"I won't let you hurt anyone else." I added with a scowl, ignoring the grin that appeared on his face.
"Too bad you can't protect yourself or your unborn child." He grinned as he took a step closer causing my grip on my bow to tighten and my knuckles to turn white.
"I'm warning you Donovan." I hissed but he ignored me.
I released the arrow and while he was busy deflecting it with his magic I was already firing the next one.
I watched his purple eyes widen when the arrow pierced his throat so that the arrow tip had come out the back of his neck while the feathered end was still visible for me to see. The blood began flowing mercilessly from his torn throat as all the colour drained from his face. He opened his mouth to say something only to start coughing and for blood to trickle down his chin.
"Goodbye Donovan." I said as he slowly fell to the floor. His hands clawing at his neck to try to stop the bleeding. I watched with a heavy heart as he slowly choked on his own blood, his eyes becoming bloodshot and watery. "I'm sorry."
After I spoke those words, his body slowly ceased its shaking and instead grew still. I caught sight of a lit torch attached to the wall and quickly grabbed it. The only way to make sure he wouldn't come back again was to burn his body. I lowered the torch and watched as it made his clothes catch fire. Once his body was fully engulfed in bright orange flames I threw the torch to the side and pulled Alan to his feet.
I heard Mikaelson call my name and I pulled Alan along as we ran to the gate where they were waiting for us.
"We're gonna have to run!" Dax said as he led all of us out of the gate and towards the forest.
"No we don't." I grinned when I caught sight of two horses trotting towards us from the forest. "Shaidra?" I gasped when I recognized my black stallion. He neighed in response and hurried over to me so I could stoke his neck.
"You know that horse?" Dax asked.
"He's mine." I told them. I hadn't seen Shaidra since the incident with the Trolls back near Rivendell.
"Well let's get out of here." Mikaelson said as he and Dax moved towards the other horse that I didn't recognize and climbed onto the saddle. I grabbed Alan by the waist and lifted him onto the front of Shaidra's saddle before I pulled myself up onto the saddle behind him, wrapping my arms around him to keep him on the saddle safely.
I was quick to get Shaidra moving and soon we were galloping after the other horse that carried Dax and Mikaelson.
I couldn't believe we had gotten away...but at what cost? The lives of two unique orcs that had died helping us escape.
A sad frown marred my features as I thought about Sanjì and Cadì. I sighed and tried to push the sad thoughts from my mind and focused on the forest around me.
"Is that a campfire?" Dax spoke up ten minutes later.
I looked ahead and through the darkness of the forest I could see a campfire in the distance along with a lot of figures sitting around it.
"Who goes there?" A loud voice called out as a figure stepped out in front of us with his bow raised.
"Carter?!" Dax shouted in relief at seeing the dwarf.
Carter lowered his bow and laughed in relief, his gaze falling on the rest of us.
"You escaped? You're all okay!" He yelled before turning and shouting out to the figures around the fire.
A mere moment later a swarm of familiar faces were grinning up at us in relief. I grinned widely and scanned the group until I found who I was looking for.
"Cassy?" Kili breathed out a relieved sigh upon seeing me.
I grinned wider and felt my eyes watering as I jumped from the saddle and ran into my husband's arms. He engulfed me in a tight embrace and pressed his face into my neck with a sigh. "I was so scared that I had lost you." I heard him whisper.
"You'll never lose me." I promised with a smile as I pulled back. I grinned up at him and allowed my gaze to look over his handsome face. I missed him so much.
He didn't waste any time in pulling me closer to him and capturing my lips in a loving kiss.
Hope you liked it! In the next chapter, Kili will find out about Cassy being pregnant so you can all look forward to his reaction ;')
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