Chapter 79. Pacing and Revealations.
Hey my lovlies!! Here's chapter 79! Hope you enjoy it!! And I'm sure many of you will love the last part!!
*Cassy's POV*
Pain. It overwhelmed my senses as my eyes fluttered open, freeing me from the dark abyss that I had found myself in for what felt like days but in reality was merely a few hours.
I turned my head to the side, my purple eyes scanning the room intently. Where was I?
I realised that I was in a large squared room. It looked like a prison cell but seemed too big for just one person. There was no beds or furniture, the only thing in the room was chains that seemed to have been left haphazardly on the concrete floor.
I groaned as I tried to move but my movements seemed restricted. My gaze flickered upwards and my eyes met the thick chains that were wrapped securely around my bruising wrists.
Teriffic...I thought.
When I looked down I groaned in annoyance, Donovan knew me too well and had removed all of my weapons including my hidden daggers. This was a mess I knew I couldn't get out of, even if I tried.
My eyes widened when I felt the sudden urge to be sick. I turned my body and began dry heaving but after not eating anything in a while nothing was coming up.
I gelt my eyes water as I couldn't stop coughing.
Suddenly, the large metal door on the opposite wall was pushed open and an orc carrying an axe scurried in to my prison cell.
"Eat." He commanded as he dumped a plate off bread on the ground with a cup of water.
I raised an eyebrow at the brute and shook my hands showing that they were still chained.
"And how do you propose that I eat when my hands are tied up?" I asked him. My own voice shocked me at how sore and raspy I sounded but I guess I was just dehydrated.
The orc muttered to himself as he moved forwards and pulled out a key from his belt. I sighed in relief as the orc removed the chains with gentleness that I never would have guessed he would have.
"Thank you." I said as I rubbed my sore wrists.
"Eat." He said as he dropped the chains on the ground.
I reached forwards and picked up the bread, taking a large bite from it. It was stale and dry but I was so hungry that I didn't care.
As soon as I finished my food, I grabbed the cup and downed the cold water and immediately felt it sooth my dry throat.
I smiled slightly as I felt myself regaining a small ounce of my strength.
I watched as the orc picked up my empty dishes.
"What's your name?" I asked him without thinking. Did all orcs even have name's?
"Sanjí." He muttered and I nodded.
"Thank you, Sanjí, for the food." I said. I didn't smile. I was still thankful for the food though.
He nodded and left me in the room without so much as a grunt.
I leant back and rested my head against the stone wall, my eyes slowly began to close when I realised something...
Where are the others?
Where are Alan, Dax, Mikaelson, Dastan and Devlin?
Did any of them make it out? Were they locked up in a different room like me? Or...or did Donovan kill them?
I felt a lump rise in my throat at the thought of any of them being dead.
I used the wall and pulled myself to my feet. My legs shook and I had to keep a hold of the wall to stop myself from falling back down. After a moment I was able to take a steady step forwards and soon enough I was walking around the cell; stretching my legs and arms.
I growled in annoyance and walked over to the cell door. Just as I reached for the handle, I heard the door being unlocked and I stepped back to stand on the far side of the cell as the door opened.
"Good evening, Cassandra." Donovan greeted as he stepped into the room. "Feeling well?"
I glared at him.
"Where are they?" I hissed, ignoring the crap he said.
"Who, my dear?" He asked with a sly smile.
"Alan! Dax! Mikaelson! Dastan!" I yelled. "And Devlin!"
His face hardened at the mention of his son.
"So Devlin was here?"
"Was?" I felt a weight on my shoulders lift. He must have escaped.
"Apparently." He muttered. "Alan and the two leather clad men are in their own cell. As for Dastan and my son, they are not here."
I felt a small sense of triumph at the knowledge of two of my friends escaping and the other three were thankfully still alive.
"If you dare hurt as much as a single hair on any of their heads I will tear your heart out and burn it." I hissed with as much hate as I could muster.
Donovan merely smiled.
"I would rethink threatening me if I was you, my niece." He said.
"And why is that?" I folded my arms looking determined.
"Because it would be a shame if you got badly injured and risked the life of your unborn child."
I swear my heart stopped.
"W-What?" I asked.
"Oh! You didn't know?" He smirked. "My magic allows me to detect things and I can already hear your child's heartbeat. It would be a shame if someting were to happen to stop that tiny heart from beating."
I knew my eyes were wide.
"I hope you enjoy your time here, Cassandra. You should probably get comfy, you'll be here a while." He grinned and allowed the metallic door to slam shut behind him once he had left the room.
I was pregnant?
My hands instinctively came to rest upon my stomach and I noticed how my belly did look bigger. It was no longer the perfectly flat stomach I had always had, instead there was a noticable bump when I lifted my shirt.
Now I understood why I hadn't been feeling well, why I had been feeling the need to constantly throw up.
Kili and I were going to be parents. I felt myself smile in happiness at the thought but then my heart plumetted when I asked myself something...
What is Donovan going to do to me now?
CASSY'S PREGNANT!!!! ;) :D WHOOOP! Now I think you can guess what the sequel will be about?
I really hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry its so short again :)
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