Chapter 78. Going Insane.
I am so sorry for not updating for two months! I am about to go into my exam weeks so as you can imagine my life is kinda being taken over by revision and completing projects right now. But the good news is I've managed to write snippets for this chapter while I've been at school during my free lessons so I've finally put them all together to write this chapter.
I know you all want me to update as regularly as I can but I'm afraid my updates will start to become pretty rare so I hope you're willing to wait for the updates.
So anyway, recently a lot of you have been inboxing me and asking me questions about a possible sequel and I have already planned a sequel. It will be called 'the Archer Prince' and I have planned it out already. I will begin working on that after I have finished 'the Archer Queen' and 'the Archer Princess.'
So I am proposing another competition! I would really love someone to make me a book cover for 'the Archer Prince' and also I am thinking about getting a new cover made for 'the Archer Princess' and 'the Archer Queen' :D Please inbox me with questions and I look forward to choosing my favourites!
Hope you're all as excited as I am. :D
So anyway, please enjoy this chapter! Sorry its a little short. I would love to hear your opinions and also if you have any comments or questions regarding the sequel then please inbox me. :) Thank you.
*Kili's POV*
She's crazy. I married a crazy person. I can't believe she went after Alan without coming back to the mountain to tell us first. I know Cassy is fully capable of looking after herself but she should have thought to come back for extra soldiers at least.
"When did she leave?" Fili asked Carter who had stayed behind to tell us what had happened to Cassy and the others.
"The other night, your majesty." Carter replied. "Devlin, Dastan, Dax and Mikaelson went with her."
Fili nodded but still shared a worried look with me. I knew he was worried too, just not as worried as I was.
"Gather some men. We will follow them." Fili ordered Carter.
"But your Majesty," Carter said, "we have no idea where Alan is being kept so how do we follow them?"
I looked at Fili as he sighed slightly in defeat. "Gather some men and tell them to be ready by first light."
Carter nodded and after bending into a quick bow he hurried from the room.
"How will we find them?" Balin asked from his chair.
"I don't know, Balin. I really don't know." Fili sighed.
"Is there anyone in the mountain who is an experienced tracker? We might be able to track Cassy and the boys down that way." Balin suggested and I looked to my brother.
"That could work, Fee." I told him. "We need to try something and this is the only idea we have so far."
My brother nodded and motioned to Bofur. "Ask around and find us a tracker that can find them."
"I'm on it." Bofur replied, jumping up and leaving the room with a determined expression.
"We'll find her, brother. Don't worry." Fili tried to reassure me but it didn't ease my worry.
"What if they have walked into a trap?" I asked. "What if she is injured? What if -"
"Oh shut up, Kee." Fili muttered as he held me by my shoulders. "She's Cassy. She's the Archer Queen. She will be fine." He said.
"Yeah, I hope you're right." I muttered.
"Kili, my boy," my mother said as she stood from her chair and walked over to me, "lets take a walk."
I nodded and went to follow her from the room after Fili sent me one last reassuring smile.
Once I was out of the Council Chamber I offered my mother my arm which she took without hesitation and I led her outside.
"I haven't known Cassandra as long as the rest of you but during the time I have known her I can promise you that she is capable of defending herself." Dis told me as she rubbed my arm comfortingly.
"I love her. I don't want anything bad to happen to her." I said just above a whisper.
"Kili, look at me." She demanded.
I looked up and met her chocolate brown eyes that were identical to my own.
"You have to have hope. You have to have faith that she will come riding up that path to the Mountain any day now." She told me. "Yes she may get injured, but after the Battle I'm sure nothing can faze her very much anymore."
I sighed. She was right. My mother is always right.
"She will come back to you, Kili. I swear she will."
I nodded. "I know."
"Who is that?" My mother suddenly asked as she looked at something behind me.
I turned and followed her gaze to see two figures on horseback riding swiftly towards us where we stood outside the entrance to the mountain.
As they came closer I recognised the two dark haired dwarfs.
"Its Devlin and Dastan." I said and my heart dropped. "Where are the others though?"
I felt my mother squeeze my arm and I saw the worry in her eyes. She had realised the same thing as I did.
I hurried down the steps as they came to a stop.
"What happened?" I demanded as they dismounted. "Where are the others?"
"It was a trap," Dastan said. "Alan, Cassy, Dax and Mikealson were captured."
"Captured by who?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat at the thought of them being captured by the orcs.
"The orcs?" My mother asked as she stood beside me.
"The orcs were being led by someone else." Dastan said.
"My father." Devlin said. "Donovan has captured them. It turns out he didn't die all those years ago."
I swear I stopped breathing. I remembered when Cassy and Caspian told us the story of Donovan in Lake Town.
He captured them.
He captured my Cassy.
"We need to go after them. We need to get them back!" I yelled but my mother grabbed my arm.
"Calm down." She said sternly. "We need a plan. You can't go running there without knowing exactly what you are doing."
"But I need to save them now." I said.
"No, you need to wait!"
"But I can't wait! I want her back!" I yelled, my voice getting caught in my throat. My mother's face softened as she pulled me into a hug. "I need Cassy back..." I whispered as tears finally spilled from my eyes.
"And we will get her back. I promise you we will get her back but we need a plan first." She told me.
I nodded against her shoulder and hugged her tighter.
If Donovan harms her I will give him a fate worse than death. I swear it.
I really hope you liked it! Sorry it was so short but my updates will be much better after my exams :D
Please comment, vote and follow! And don't forget the book cover competition! :D Thank you! :) x
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